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Delay on rings from calls

Guest pidsw

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I have always had ring delay issues, and I tried some adjustments which seems to have worked.

I am not sure if they will work 100% of the time or if all of these steps are necessary.

- Set ringscript to av0pr

- Set Ringtone to short (2.5 second) .wav file (ideally under 64kb)

- Under phone settings->call forwarding, set the delay to 30 seconds.

- Disable phone skin. (so that there is no delay when you press the green button)

- Store ringtone on the device, not sd card

I have managed to get a 1 second delay from my office phone (which uses some sort of voip like system). I am not sure if it is longer from cell phones or land lines.

Note that the V0 causes vibration, you can disable this with w0 instead. i.e. aw0pr.

apr on its own didn't seem to work as well for me, neither did apv0r.

I also have "wake up phone at full power" set from tweaks2k. I am not sure if this has an effect.

This was very helpful as I used to miss a lot of calls.

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