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VB: Where to start?

Guest PaulHa

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Guest PaulHa

Can anyone recommend a low level/beginers guide to programming the smartphone 2003 using VB.NET?

I am using Visual Studio.NET Pro and have installed the SDK which works fine but the only guides I can find are amied at C users or assume prior knowledge of programming the pocket PC or smartphone so its all trial and error so far..

Source code examples might help and all suggestions appreciated!

- Paul

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Guest PaulHa

I've managed to display text/images and set up a simple menu structure but I don't know how to call a procedure from a menu event and cant work out how to close an application - the usual end command is apparently not supported.

Im looking for the sort of things that you'd expect to see in a typical learn to program VB.NET book but for the smartphone ie. an introduction to the device through source code and explaination, something to teach me the basics that I can then build upon myself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am looking for similar information, but mainly for C#. I actually worked on the Smartphone over the summer at MS, but they mainly had me doing web programming.

I am looking for a basic "How to smartphone for dummies" type of thing. I know C# well and am a good programmer.

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