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miniMIXA, evolved.

Guest Alex (nedge2k)

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Guest Alex (nedge2k)

Mixtikl is the evolution of a niche, yet excellent, music mixing application called miniMIXA. miniMIXA was previously available for PocketPC and Smartphone for many years and even won a Bafta award! However, when owners Tao Group went bust just over a year ago, development of the third version of miniMIXA stopped. Luckily though, the real brains behind the software (Tim & Peter Cole - also the brains behind KOAN), managed to buy back the rights to the software they previously created and owned (before Tao took over) and went back into business.

Fast forward to the now and Intermorphic are gearing up to release Mixtikl to mobile music makers everywhere. Of course, Mixtikl will be coming to WM at launch but they also have plans for iPhone support and S60 support further down the line. The iPhone support may be a long time coming though as Apple impose certain restrictions on developers that Intermorphic were not willing to adhere to. That being said, Apple's loss is WinMo's gain as development is pressing on with a view to release October time.

Having reviewed the original miniMIXA app way back in 2004 (and loved it!), I can't wait to see what Mixtikl will have to offer! miniMIXA really was a truly unique piece of software. Being able to produce music that would change as you were producing it (using a generative music engine) was an amazing experience so I have high hopes for Mixtikl. Kudos to Tim & Pete for keeping their head in the game and not letting the demise of Tao Group take their awesome software out of the public domain.

Mixtikl product page
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