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Check IMEI before CAB installation (Is it possible?)

Guest iekhan

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We have a provisioning website where a user logs in, enters the device IMEI #, phone # and submits. Now, this site will generate a unique CAB file on the fly for this individual and push it to his/her device. This CAB will will have a _setup.xml file which modifies a registry entry on the device. However, this will be unique to this device only, and hence should run only if the IMEI # matches.

Question 1 - Is it possible for a CAB file to check phone's IMEI # before installing the CAB (Windows mobile 6)?

Answer: Looks like it is using SETUP.DLL file link (Thanks Paul)

Question 2 - How can I pass the IMEI # this individual submitted in the form as a parameter to SETUP.DLL so that SETUP.DLL can read the device IMEI and compare it to this one? Is it possible to add it to _setup.xml?

Answer: ??

The goal is to create a CAB file that can be installed on one device only (I believe IMEI will be the best thing to restrict it to one device)

Thanks in advanced..

Edited by iekhan
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  • 1 month later...
Guest DaveShaw
Thanks Paul. That answer's the first part of my query (please check the modified original post). Do you have any clue on the second question...

The problem with this is anyone can just edit the cab you create and rip out the IEMI # from the CAB or just remove your SETUP.dll.



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  • 2 months later...
The problem with this is anyone can just edit the cab you create and rip out the IEMI # from the CAB or just remove your SETUP.dll.



Properly encoding the IMEI and adding an IMEI check to the base application should work.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Junner2003

Now, I would absolutely not get software from a developer if he goes ahead and just rips of my IMEI# from my device in order to 'simply' create an unique installer! I unserstand the need of protecting your work, however, you should consider other options!

For once, a possibility is to use the OWNER INFORMATION. It surely is not a safe bet, however, I doubt that people will go ahead and change their OWNER name over and over again over a longer periode of time just to be able to use your software.

It is one thing if you request a user's IMEI number and the user gives it freely to you; however, it is a complete different matter if you just go ahead and read it out ... !

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Who-m3

Personally, I've used software that goes both ways. My Garmin Mobile uses my IMEI to generate it's unlock code (from Garmin, of course). My Profimail uses my Owner Information to access it's registration. While I agree that using the IMEI to generate a code (i.e. have the device generate a code that you need a key to unlock) would be more ideal, I also see the importance of having an easy-to-port software. Personally, I have 12 Windows Mobile phones. Three are broken, three are Standard/Smart Phones. The other 6 are all WM Professional devices. I switch between them at random, and when I find a software I like, I want it to work on them all.

I've seen one other developer using a IMEI check against their SQL database (requiring internet access, of course) before it would proceed. While this is an option as well, this too would require that you get the users' IMEI prior to them attempting the cab/exe install. Personally, I'm hesitant to give my full IMEI to anyone without just reasoning. It'd have to be a pretty good app for me to go all out and give that away...

Just my $.02. And probably all that it's worth...


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