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possible amstrad or spectrum port?

Guest kingdom master

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has been mentioned many times before, by yourself on a number of occasions if i remember properly. How exactly did you want to emulate one of these when the input required would need a full keyboard. Unless users had the keyboard accessory there would be no point.

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Guest midnight

erm, not if you only wanna emulate games you wouldnt need a full keyboard at all, only some way of mapping keys on a game per game basis (eg, q=up, a=down, o=left, p=right, 1=space etc.) then save the settings for each game. i dont think a speccy emu is out of the question if its just for game use. of course, one way to do it would be to maybe pick a few games (including manic miner of course) and then make an emulator for that specific game (so would include emulator+game in one exe, larger than what the game would need to be, but what the hell, that way the keys could be mapped properly at least. just a thought :wink:

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But even then, there needs to be a multiple keypress to initialise the loading of the game. For example run a game or basic program on a cpc 464 you had to press ctrl+del+enter (i think it was that anyway, cant remember now exactly) and then the game would load.

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Guest Coolboy1982
But even then, there needs to be a multiple keypress to initialise the loading of the game. For example run a game or basic program on a cpc 464 you had to press ctrl+del+enter (i think it was that anyway, cant remember now exactly) and then the game would load.

can't the special function keys of the fabric keyboard be programmed to

send a signal such as ctrl+alt/del/...+X ???

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Guest benjymous

Lots of spectrum games for emulators are distributed as memory dumps anyway, rather than a rip of the tape, so the user would never even have to see the spectrum basic screen

And yeah, if the GBA can do it, so can the smartphone

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Guest Croccy22

I agree with midnight on this one. Nearly all spectrum games run on q,a,o,p and space. Also nearly all spectum roms are snapshots of the game in a loaded state so there is no need to type load"" or plug in a tape player!

I have played on the spectrum emulator for the ps2 which uses the standard controller and that works perfect, Also one for the gameboy color which worked well.

I would love a speccy emulator for the spv and in theory it should copy well with 128k emulation and even sound as the speccy doesn't require a fast pc to emulate it. I used to run a 128k emualtor on my 286sx33.

If I had any clue of how to port something like this I would love to but I really wouldn't know where to start at the moment. I tried running up the source in it's current state and the graphcis where corrupted and the phone crashed. Thats all I know.

So come on someone out there must get this working. Chaos:Battle of the Wizards on the smartphone. That would be COOL!!


PS @Benjymous > When were you born?? I was born in royal leamington spa hospital on 22nd november 1979. Might have seen you there!!!!

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