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how to port miui

Guest rdannar

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Guest rdannar


lots of people ask... how do you port roms... so here you go... I hope now the thread is started the people posting can help each other as I have other projects working on... Maybe someone learning will help me later with my other roms :)

lot of chatter of people saying that the structure of my rom is from other x10 so for you all to see I give you basic instructions (that I ported and posted first with almost everything working) so here is all the basics on getting a bootable miui rom for beginners.. first download the formels newest release.

then download a stable gingerbread 2.3.3 version that is compatible with the files. ( I always use the great z and j for sources).

the next step is to get the formels rom ready by deleting the boot image and the data folder. Next step is to go to the etc folder and delete firmware folder... also delete ap2sd init script from the init folder)

then go to lib folder and delete hw and modules.

now it is time to add files. I know the miui files pretty good now so the list has shortened greatly.

now use your stable gb rom source to replace the folders I had you delet above

you may have to change other files depending on the rom i.e. bluetooth/dhcpd and others.

to start in the etc folder you need to add

















now to the lib folder all files start with lib























there are other files but I think that is enough to get bootscreen... if not let me know and I will list the other misc ones.

now the bin files


























Edited by rdannar
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Guest rdannar

here is the update script you will need to use in meta folder

you use a kitchen to convert the updater script and change it to our rom.

I had to add recovery perm... I forget the other stuff but the beggining is usually edify so you have to change yaffs lines to compatible lines.

for those without a kitchen below is the script... make sure you delet updater and update binary from folder and replace with update-script

show_progress 0.500000 0

format CACHE:

format DATA:

format SYSTEM:

copy_dir PACKAGE:system SYSTEM:

symlink dumpstate SYSTEM:bin/dumpcrash

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/[

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/[[

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/arp

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/ash

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/awk

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/basename

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/bbconfig

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/brctl

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/bunzip2

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/bzcat

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/bzip2

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/cal

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/catv

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/chgrp

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/chmod

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/chown

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/cksum

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/clear

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/cmp

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/cp

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/cpio

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/cut

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/date

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/dc

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/dd

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/depmod

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/devmem

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/df

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/diff

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/dirname

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/dmesg

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/dnsd

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/dos2unix

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/du

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/echo

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/ed

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/egrep

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/env

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/expr

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/false

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/fdisk

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/fgrep

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/find

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/fold

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/free

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/freeramdisk

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/fuser

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/getopt

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/grep

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/gunzip

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/gzip

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/head

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/hexdump

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/id

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/ifconfig

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/insmod

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/install

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/ip

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/kill

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/killall

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/killall5

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/length

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/less

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/ln

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/losetup

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/ls

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/lsmod

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/lspci

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/lsusb

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/lzop

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/lzopcat

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/md5sum

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/mkdir

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/mke2fs

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/mkfifo

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/mkfs.ext2

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/mknod

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/mkswap

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/mktemp

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/modprobe

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/more

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/mount

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/mountpoint

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/mv

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/netstat

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/nice

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/nohup

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/nslookup

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/ntpd

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/od

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/patch

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/pgrep

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/pidof

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/ping

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/pkill

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/printenv

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/printf

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/ps

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/pwd

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/rdev

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/readlink

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/realpath

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/renice

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/reset

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/rm

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/rmdir

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/rmmod

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/route

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/run-parts

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/sed

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/seq

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/setsid

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/sh

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/sha1sum

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/sha256sum

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/sha512sum

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/sleep

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/sort

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/split

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/stat

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/strings

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/stty

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/swapoff

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/swapon

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/sync

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/sysctl

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/tac

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/tail

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/tar

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/tee

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/telnet

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/test

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/tftp

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/time

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/top

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/touch

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/tr

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/traceroute

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/true

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/tty

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/tune2fs

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/umount

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/uname

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/uniq

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/unix2dos

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/unlzop

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/unzip

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/uptime

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/usleep

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/uudecode

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/uuencode

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/vi

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/watch

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/wc

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/wget

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/which

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/whoami

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/xargs

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/yes

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/zcat

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/cmp

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/date

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/dd

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/dmesg

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/getevent

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/getprop

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/hd

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/id

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/ifconfig

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/iftop

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/insmod

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/ioctl

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/ionice

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/kill

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/log

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/lsmod

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/mkdir

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/nandread

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/netstat

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/newfs_msdos

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/notify

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/printenv

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/ps

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/reboot

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/renice

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/rmdir

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/rmmod

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/route

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/schedtop

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/sendevent

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/setconsole

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/setprop

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/sleep

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/smd

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/start

here is the update script you will need to use in meta folder

you use a kitchen to convert the updater script and change it to our rom.

I had to add recovery perm... I forget the other stuff but the beggining is usually edify so you have to change yaffs lines to compatible lines.

for those without a kitchen below is the script... make sure you delet updater and update binary from folder and replace with update-script

show_progress 0.500000 0

format CACHE:

format DATA:

format SYSTEM:

copy_dir PACKAGE:system SYSTEM:

symlink dumpstate SYSTEM:bin/dumpcrash

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/[

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/[[

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/arp

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/ash

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/awk

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/basename

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/bbconfig

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/brctl

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/bunzip2

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/bzcat

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/bzip2

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/cal

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/catv

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/chgrp

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/chmod

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/chown

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/cksum

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/clear

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/cmp

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/cp

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/cpio

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/cut

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/date

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/dc

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/dd

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/depmod

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/devmem

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/df

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/diff

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/dirname

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/dmesg

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/dnsd

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/dos2unix

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/du

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/echo

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/ed

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/egrep

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/env

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/expr

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/false

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/fdisk

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/fgrep

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/find

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/fold

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/free

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/freeramdisk

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/fuser

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/getopt

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/grep

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/gunzip

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/gzip

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/head

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/hexdump

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/id

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/ifconfig

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/insmod

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/install

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/ip

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/kill

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/killall

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/killall5

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/length

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/less

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/ln

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/losetup

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/ls

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/lsmod

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/lspci

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/lsusb

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/lzop

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/lzopcat

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/md5sum

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/mkdir

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/mke2fs

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/mkfifo

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/mkfs.ext2

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/mknod

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/mkswap

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/mktemp

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/modprobe

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/more

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/mount

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/mountpoint

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/mv

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/netstat

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/nice

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/nohup

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/nslookup

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/ntpd

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/od

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/patch

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/pgrep

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/pidof

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/ping

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/pkill

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/printenv

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/printf

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/ps

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/pwd

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/rdev

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/readlink

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/realpath

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/renice

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/reset

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/rm

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/rmdir

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/rmmod

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/route

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/run-parts

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/sed

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/seq

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/setsid

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/sh

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/sha1sum

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/sha256sum

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/sha512sum

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/sleep

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/sort

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/split

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/stat

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/strings

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/stty

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/swapoff

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/swapon

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/sync

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/sysctl

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/tac

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/tail

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/tar

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/tee

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/telnet

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/test

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/tftp

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/time

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/top

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/touch

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/tr

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/traceroute

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/true

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/tty

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/tune2fs

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/umount

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/uname

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/uniq

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/unix2dos

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/unlzop

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/unzip

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/uptime

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/usleep

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/uudecode

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/uuencode

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/vi

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/watch

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/wc

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/wget

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/which

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/whoami

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/xargs

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/yes

symlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin/zcat

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/cmp

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/date

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/dd

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/dmesg

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/getevent

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/getprop

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/hd

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/id

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/ifconfig

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/iftop

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/insmod

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/ioctl

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/ionice

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/kill

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/log

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/lsmod

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/mkdir

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/nandread

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/netstat

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/newfs_msdos

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/notify

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/printenv

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/ps

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/reboot

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/renice

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/rmdir

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/rmmod

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/route

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/schedtop

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/sendevent

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/setconsole

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/setprop

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/sleep

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/smd

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/start

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/stop

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/sync

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/top

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/uptime

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/vmstat

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/watchprops

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/wipe

symlink iwmulticall SYSTEM:xbin/iwconfig

symlink iwmulticall SYSTEM:xbin/iwgetid

symlink iwmulticall SYSTEM:xbin/iwlist

symlink iwmulticall SYSTEM:xbin/iwpriv

symlink iwmulticall SYSTEM:xbin/iwspy

set_perm_recursive 0 0 0755 0644 SYSTEM:

set_perm_recursive 0 2000 0755 0755 SYSTEM:bin

set_perm 0 3003 02750 SYSTEM:bin/netcfg

set_perm 0 3004 02755 SYSTEM:bin/ping

set_perm 0 2000 06750 SYSTEM:bin/run-as

set_perm_recursive 1002 1002 0755 0440 SYSTEM:etc/bluetooth

set_perm 0 0 0755 SYSTEM:etc/bluetooth

set_perm 1000 1000 0640 SYSTEM:etc/bluetooth/auto_pairing.conf

set_perm 3002 3002 0444 SYSTEM:etc/bluetooth/blacklist.conf

set_perm 1002 1002 0440 SYSTEM:etc/dbus.conf

set_perm 1014 2000 0550 SYSTEM:etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks

set_perm_recursive 0 2000 0755 0750 SYSTEM:etc/init.d

set_perm 0 0 0755 SYSTEM:etc/init.d

set_perm 0 2000 0550 SYSTEM:etc/init.goldfish.sh

set_perm_recursive 0 0 0755 0555 SYSTEM:etc/ppp

set_perm_recursive 0 2000 0755 0755 SYSTEM:xbin

set_perm 0 0 06755 SYSTEM:xbin/apply_firewall

set_perm 0 0 06755 SYSTEM:xbin/apply_theme

set_perm 0 0 06755 SYSTEM:xbin/dumplog

set_perm 0 0 06755 SYSTEM:xbin/hcitool

set_perm 0 0 06755 SYSTEM:xbin/librank

set_perm 0 0 06755 SYSTEM:xbin/ota

set_perm 0 0 06755 SYSTEM:xbin/procmem

set_perm 0 0 06755 SYSTEM:xbin/procrank

set_perm 0 0 06755 SYSTEM:xbin/su

set_perm 0 0 04755 SYSTEM:recovery/sh

show_progress 0.200000 0

show_progress 0.200000 10

show_progress 0.100000 0

delete_recursive DATA:dalvik-cache

delete_recursi /sd-ext/dalvik-cache

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/stop

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/sync

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/top

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/uptime

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/vmstat

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/watchprops

symlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/wipe

symlink iwmulticall SYSTEM:xbin/iwconfig

symlink iwmulticall SYSTEM:xbin/iwgetid

symlink iwmulticall SYSTEM:xbin/iwlist

symlink iwmulticall SYSTEM:xbin/iwpriv

symlink iwmulticall SYSTEM:xbin/iwspy

set_perm_recursive 0 0 0755 0644 SYSTEM:

set_perm_recursive 0 2000 0755 0755 SYSTEM:bin

set_perm 0 3003 02750 SYSTEM:bin/netcfg

set_perm 0 3004 02755 SYSTEM:bin/ping

set_perm 0 2000 06750 SYSTEM:bin/run-as

set_perm_recursive 1002 1002 0755 0440 SYSTEM:etc/bluetooth

set_perm 0 0 0755 SYSTEM:etc/bluetooth

set_perm 1000 1000 0640 SYSTEM:etc/bluetooth/auto_pairing.conf

set_perm 3002 3002 0444 SYSTEM:etc/bluetooth/blacklist.conf

set_perm 1002 1002 0440 SYSTEM:etc/dbus.conf

set_perm 1014 2000 0550 SYSTEM:etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks

set_perm_recursive 0 2000 0755 0750 SYSTEM:etc/init.d

set_perm 0 0 0755 SYSTEM:etc/init.d

set_perm 0 2000 0550 SYSTEM:etc/init.goldfish.sh

set_perm_recursive 0 0 0755 0555 SYSTEM:etc/ppp

set_perm_recursive 0 2000 0755 0755 SYSTEM:xbin

set_perm 0 0 06755 SYSTEM:xbin/apply_firewall

set_perm 0 0 06755 SYSTEM:xbin/apply_theme

set_perm 0 0 06755 SYSTEM:xbin/dumplog

set_perm 0 0 06755 SYSTEM:xbin/hcitool

set_perm 0 0 06755 SYSTEM:xbin/librank

set_perm 0 0 06755 SYSTEM:xbin/ota

set_perm 0 0 06755 SYSTEM:xbin/procmem

set_perm 0 0 06755 SYSTEM:xbin/procrank

set_perm 0 0 06755 SYSTEM:xbin/su

set_perm 0 0 04755 SYSTEM:recovery/sh

show_progress 0.200000 0

show_progress 0.200000 10

show_progress 0.100000 0

delete_recursive DATA:dalvik-cache

delete_recursive /sd-ext/dalvik-cache

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Guest rdannar

also change the lib egl folder change all of them except for gles android.so

next you have to change the build script. you can get by with using cm7 build script but should adapt the original to fit

ps don't forget to add ramdisk, kernel folder, recovery folder to system

and don't forget to use the correct chargemon file for the bin folder... I would recomend using the one with working kernel for beginners.

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Guest TripNRaVeR
now to the lib folder all files start with lib























there are other files but I think that is enough to get bootscreen... if not let me know and I will list the other misc ones.

now the bin files


























This is enough for booting; This method you use doesnt involve compiling but this is where everyone starts i guess.

This is what you need.












sh (not always NEEDED)


vold.fstab for sdcard..

Last time I used this method was with Froyo 1.0 half february... lol But this should be enough. I have zip files for almost every rom out there so in that time i ported a rom with a batch file in 10sec. :)

Edited by TripNRaVeR
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Guest rdannar
This is enough for booting; This method you use doesnt involve compiling but this is where everyone starts i guess.

This is what you need.












sh (not always NEEDED)


vold.fstab for sdcard..

Last time I used this method was with Froyo 1.0 half february... lol But this should be enough. I have zip files for almost every rom out there so in that time i ported a rom with a batch file in 10sec. :)

Thanks for the input trip. Froyo is easier in my opinion than gingerbread. You will.have to smali jar files and edit them to get more stability.

I also have huge library of roms. Have ported a lot of them also. I don't claim to be a big developer. But a majority of my ports are put together and edited by me. Not huge coding changes but enough to make things work. I wish some one helped me wit a post like this thread last year so I made this for others. Also shows u how I ported miui gingerbread. And should show you I know how to make a build prop. If I used a line of a file or mixed a file it shoes how many files you have to work with so my bad if I mess up a file or accidentally use a wrong build prop.

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Guest TripNRaVeR
Thanks for the input trip. Froyo is easier in my opinion than gingerbread. You will.have to smali jar files and edit them to get more stability.

I also have huge library of roms. Have ported a lot of them also. I don't claim to be a big developer. But a majority of my ports are put together and edited by me. Not huge coding changes but enough to make things work. I wish some one helped me wit a post like this thread last year so I made this for others. Also shows u how I ported miui gingerbread. And should show you I know how to make a build prop. If I used a line of a file or mixed a file it shoes how many files you have to work with so my bad if I mess up a file or accidentally use a wrong build prop.

Lets consider it as not happened then. :)

The problem that occurs often is that files that are being used by (D)VM appear to;

A - incompatible with xperia

B - incompatible with port (JIT etc)

C - incompatible with each other

Also when you want a somewhat good running port the following is important, please know that;

- libskiagl.so needs to match phone

- libskia.so needs to match rom

- libsurfaceflinger.so needs to match rom

- libsurfaceflinger_client.so needs to match phone (fixes camera issues)

- libm.so needs to match rom

- libstagefright*.so needs to match phone

- libmedia / libmedia_jni.so needs to match rom

- libc.so needs to match rom

- libwebcore.so needs to match framework and sometimes libssl.so

- libdvm.so + relations needs to match each other and rom (most of time)

Well I basicly know all files in my head so I can type till morning but its to much. lol

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Guest wILDbIT

Fantastic information, thank you very much. For enthusiasts this is a gold mine.

Unfortunately this is also a pathetic display of immaturity, from both of you!

Your talent is overshadowed by this incredible "feud". I will absolutely not get into "rights" and "wrongs", I just love playing with my x10 and will not comment on merits.


Love not War

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Guest rdannar
Fantastic information, thank you very much. For enthusiasts this is a gold mine.

Unfortunately this is also a pathetic display of immaturity, from both of you!

Your talent is overshadowed by this incredible "feud". I will absolutely not get into "rights" and "wrongs", I just love playing with my x10 and will not comment on merits.


Love not War

If something good comes out of it

Such as a thread like this.

Then I am pleased...

This isn't new information from me... just reposting this thread from different forum

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Oh this is awesome. Good to see the devs working together to bring this to the masses.

Quick question:

So does this mean the basis for building a ROM is just moving around files and then going in and making tweaks here and there to the code?

I know this an over simplified explanation, but thats kinda what I was going for lol

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Guest rdannar
i hate you guys but I LOVE YOU guys .. *HUGZ* not gay :| sheesh

Only if you have stable files. I mainly use Js and z files

If you don't have files you have to do much more. Its a little different editing jar files.and with 2.3.4 not all files back smali right so you have to edit 2.3.3 files to work with 2.3.4 files

I'm slowly learning code as I keep working on roms

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Guest Anant Shrivastava

Thanks R for a good writeup.

and thanks for clarifying my doubt i was under the impression that all ROM DEv's are highly skilled in terms of JAVA and C.

however by the quick look at your method it looks like i can also give it a try.

Note : no disrespect to any developer. just a self confidence boster statement above.

any plans on writing a guide to mix match the two gaints CM and MIUI. also would love to see which file is what.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest rendeiro2005
Thanks R for a good writeup.

and thanks for clarifying my doubt i was under the impression that all ROM DEv's are highly skilled in terms of JAVA and C.

however by the quick look at your method it looks like i can also give it a try.

Note : no disrespect to any developer. just a self confidence boster statement above.

any plans on writing a guide to mix match the two gaints CM and MIUI. also would love to see which file is what.

That statement definately wasnt a disrespect to any dev (speak for myself of course).

About the question about mixing cm and miui that will be another question cause in that case youll need much more knowlage to do that;)

Cheers my old IMBER:) :)

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  • 1 month later...
Guest glim9981

That statement definately wasnt a disrespect to any dev (speak for myself of course).

About the question about mixing cm and miui that will be another question cause in that case youll need much more knowlage to do that;)

Cheers my old IMBER:) :)

Just want to ask how we gona edit the update script and use what kind of program to edit it??

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Just want to ask how we gona edit the update script and use what kind of program to edit it??

I use notepad ++ to create/edit update-script. But I only use cwm scripts since we have dualrec in doomkernel. In the future I think we should forget xrec (of course we don't forget what z has done with it for us) and use only cwm, cause it's much more powerful than xrec.



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Thank you very much for the tutorial.

I just saw this thread today and would love to give it a try but not sure if I can use this method for LG G2X rom or not. Your reply will greatly appreciate.

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Guest glim9981

I use notepad ++ to create/edit update-script. But I only use cwm scripts since we have dualrec in doomkernel. In the future I think we should forget xrec (of course we don't forget what z has done with it for us) and use only cwm, cause it's much more powerful than xrec.



Thanks for your info,will love to try another new thing with CWM...

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