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Splash in HDPI

Guest D3abL3

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I don't know if you have already notice but if you try to make a rgb565 to flash as your splash the image will get weird, like this:


Here I used A688 Tools.

So I thought that those tools were mainly for MDPI, therefore I decided to develop for HDPI.

But the problem is that neither by makin' it for 480*800(or 800*480 whatever you prefer) fixed the situation.

Now the same picture looks like this:


Here I used the tool I developed.

Now, I don't know anymore if the problem in first place was the resolution to which it was designed but the fact is that neither by making it adjust to HDPI fixed the situation.

Is there any magical formula or what? :huh:

This is how the picture should look:


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Guest dibbles


I am just working on changing my boot animation to something other than the plain "ANDROID" and I skimmed your post and read into it what I wanted it to read :(


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Pfffff it worked -.-'

Thanks lol

So this means that ZTE devices can't be flashed through "fastboot flash splash <splash.img>" or what?

Here's the code I used:

Private Sub btt_open_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btt_open.Click

    	Dim open As OpenFileDialog = New OpenFileDialog()

    	open.Filter = "Image Files|*.png;*.bmp;*.jpg;*.gif"

    	If open.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then

        	Dim bitmap1 As New Bitmap(open.FileName)

        	Dim f1 As Single = 480.0F / bitmap1.Width

        	Dim f2 As Single = 800.0F / bitmap1.Height

        	Dim f3 As Single = Math.Min(f1, f2)

        	Dim i1 As Integer = CInt(bitmap1.Height * f3)

        	Dim j As Integer = CInt(bitmap1.Width * f3)

        	Dim bitmap2 As Bitmap = New Bitmap(bitmap1.GetThumbnailImage(i1, j, Nothing, IntPtr.Zero))

        	Dim bitmap3 As Bitmap = New Bitmap(480, 800, PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb565)

        	Dim k As Integer = (480 - i1) / 2

        	Dim i2 As Integer = (800 - j) / 2

        	Graphics.FromImage(bitmap3).DrawImage(bitmap2, New Point(k, i2))

        	ppb_preview.Image = bitmap3

    	End If

	End Sub

	Private Sub btt_convert_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btt_convert.Click

    	Dim bitmap4 As Bitmap = New Bitmap(ppb_preview.Image)

    	Dim flag As Boolean = bitmap4 Is Nothing = False

    	If flag Then

        	Dim bitmapData As BitmapData = bitmap4.LockBits(New Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap4.Width, bitmap4.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb565)

        	Dim fileStream As FileStream = New FileStream("mysplash.rgb565", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)


            	Dim bs As Byte() = New Byte(307199) {}

            	Marshal.Copy(bitmapData.Scan0, bs, 0, CInt(bs.Length))

            	fileStream.Write(bs, 0, CInt(bs.Length))


            	flag = fileStream Is Nothing

            	If Not flag Then

                	CType(fileStream, IDisposable).Dispose()

            	End If

        	End Try


        	MessageBox.Show("Successfully created rgb565.raw!" & vbCrLf & "Use the ""fastboot flash splash mysplash.rgb565"" command to flash the image!")

    	End If

	End Sub

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