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Bought / ordered a Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime TF201? Meet the new TF700T

Guest PaulOBrien

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I'm not the only one who's ordered a Transformer Prime and is waiting eagerly for the 12th, the official UK release right?

I know i'm not... there's a number of you on Twitter who've let me know that you too are eagerly awaiting your new gadget. In which case, i'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but over in Vegas at CES 2012, Asus have announced a new model. :(

Branded the TF700T, the new Transformer - which will admittedly be priced at a couple of hundred $ premium over the TF201 - adds...

  • a 1920 x 1200 Super IPS+ screen (vs 1280x800 on the TF201)

  • a 2MP front facing camera (vs 1.3MP on the TF201)

  • a different back panel design to facilitate better wireless reception (on Bluetooth, GPS and WiFi)

Arguably minor upgrades, but enough to make a TF201 purchase (as the current flagship) questionable? Hard to say, I must confess that I have seriously considered cancelling my order but have decided to go ahead for two reasons. The first is that the TF700T is apparently slightly bigger, and the svelteness of the TF201 is a big selling point for me. The second is that the TF700T is not expected to be available until Q2 2012 over the pond (likely slightly later here), which is a good few months away, and i'm impatient.

Regardless though, I think it's a bit of a harsh move on early adopters from Asus, especially those in the US who have their Primes already. I'm interested to hear your thoughts on this... bad timing by Asus or the nature of the business? Have your say! :)


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Guest BatfinkUK1

Although I broadly agree with Paul. I'm going to wait for the TF7002. (order cancelled). Inclusion of that screen may make a future upgrade that little bit further away.

I understand ASUS wanting to sort the GPS/ WI Fi issues out (at least they listen) and also shoe horning another screen in, but its going to pi55 off early adopters!

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I am one of the people who got one of these from Amazon US, although it is still sitting in a friends house in New York - but that's another story!

I'm all for companies throwing updated products out their doors as quick as they can, as an 'early adopter' of many many years, I am used to having the latest tech in the morning and by bedtime it being old news - this had obviously accelerated in recent years.

There is a lot of over-reaction over the various news sites/forums, and whilst most of it is hysteria, I have to say, ASUS have left a sour taste in my mouth with this product. I'm not going to spit-the-dummy like many of the kids threatening class-actions etc.. However, I am disappointed in ASUS in this instance.

I'm reluctant to comment on GPS/Wifi/Bluetooth issues as I don't have the tablet in my hands yet, however removing GPS as a product feature is a mind-boggling move in my opinion - though not a deal breaker for me.

My only hope in this is that a modified back plate is made available, providing the 7 series antennae layout is the same as the TF201 - otherwise I may take the dremmel out and attempt a few mods myself!

I'm very interested in how ASUS play this, it's certainly going to be very interesting.

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Guest masterpfa

I had been following developments on the Asus Transformer Prime, but something in the air smacked of "Hurrying to get this product out". I believe Asus and Google wanted this to be the first ICS Tablet released, but with Asus's self imposed deadlines wasn't possible. It now seems that although released work had continued in the background on improvements , which is not a bad thing and usually early adopters expect this with any modifications usually taking the format of an OTA software update.

I personally had held back due to nothing other than finance, but since my first interest in the Asus Transformer (from the original which a friend still swears by), my interests have been renewed with the introduction of the 7" tablets at bargain prices.

In summary congratulations (if the problems have been sorted out) to Asus for acting so quickly, but maybe some form of rebate or free content to your early adapters might be a PR success or give those who are still on pre-order the option to upgrade

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Guest unrandomsam

The TF201 is expensive enough that it should be perfect.

Paying a premium price to beta test a product is not acceptable.

Only way I would pay £500 is for a matte IPS screen. (Probably means Thinkpad will be the only option).

(Somehow the definition of "Premium" has been watered down over time.)

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