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c sharp string array

Guest xarzu

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In a main routine of a c sharp program, you have a string array like this:

public static int Main(string[] arguments)

Well, let's suppose I am mimicing this sort of function. Would this be the proper use of a string array?

string[] arguments;

arguments[0] = "C:\\Users\\All Users\\Apple\\Some File.msi";

arguments[1] = "C:\\Users\\All Users\\Apple\\Another FIle.msi";

I get a compile error

Compiler Error CS0165 right on the first line.

I guess this is not how to assign strings in C#. But I thought it was.

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Guest DaveShaw
In a main routine of a c sharp program, you have a string array like this:

public static int Main(string[] arguments)

Well, let's suppose I am mimicing this sort of function. Would this be the proper use of a string array?

string[] arguments;

arguments[0] = "C:\\Users\\All Users\\Apple\\Some File.msi";

arguments[1] = "C:\\Users\\All Users\\Apple\\Another FIle.msi";

I get a compile error

Compiler Error CS0165 right on the first line.

I guess this is not how to assign strings in C#. But I thought it was.

string[] arguments; //declares the array, you need to initialise it before you can use it.

string[] arguments= new string[2]; //declares the array and initialises it to 2 items.

Now you can do arguments[0] and arguments[1].

Also, check out: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa288453(VS.71).aspx



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