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http://m.?????????.?????.??????? WHY

Guest ViPaSoft

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Guest ViPaSoft

Our Hudl has a full HD display, (higher than a lot of windows computers/laptops) so why does chrome treat it as a mobile phone and add the 'm' to a lot of sites.


I use Facebook, )or rather my wife does), and it defaults to the mobile version.  When I go to settings and choose DESKTOP SITE it still shows the mobile site.  


Does anyone know why?  Is there a way to stop this?  I've tried Dolphin and it crashes a lot, and when I can get it to work, it won't play video where chrome does...


It's so annoying, I mean why have an option to use DESKTOP SITE if it's going to ignore you anyway.


Thanks in advance.

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Guest crusader58

I've never been a chrome fan anyway, but you might like to try Boat for Tablet Browser, it has a desktop mode that works and it plays video without problems

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Guest pudpoh

A lot of sites are now using something called responsive design which means they don't actually have a specific mobile site as such, the HTML that is served is the same for desktop and mobile devices. They use media queries in the CSS stylesheet which checks the devices screen width which then alters the way the page is displayed. Most devices don't present their screen width as the number of pixels the screen can display it's I believe presented in CSS pixels which is different, hence why the site may be displaying in the same way as it would for a mobile phone.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest maniac_mouse

I wouldnt trust boat browser, wernt they caught siphoning data to Chinese servers a while back?

I use naked browser pro, its designed to be secure and seems to cope with every site i have chucked at it, correctly displaying desktop versions on both my 10.1 tablet and note 2.

But yeah, chrome is a bit rubbish, and dolphin is too crashy/snoopy for my liking.

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Guest crusader58

it was Google who were siphoning data to the Chinese, I've no recollection of Boat doing so. I tried Naked browser but found it too minimalist and not very intuitive. I think I've tried pretty much every browser available for Android and found Boat to be my go to browser, I do use Firefox on occasion but find it's getting too bloated. Most browsers have things I like and dislike, I've yet to find one that has all I want from a browser.

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Guest Arbab Irfan



Here is a Web designer...  They wait for someone to be trapped into their web... that's how they hunt..... no matter what medium you use...  :ph34r: verity of people are trapped into grand web like FB, and Twitter hehehe. :P

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Guest maniac_mouse

it was Google who were siphoning data to the Chinese, I've no recollection of Boat doing so. I tried Naked browser but found it too minimalist and not very intuitive. I think I've tried pretty much every browser available for Android and found Boat to be my go to browser, I do use Firefox on occasion but find it's getting too bloated. Most browsers have things I like and dislike, I've yet to find one that has all I want from a browser.


Didn't know google did that, there not exactly bff`s with the Chinese.  Having said that, they almost certainly blab to the nsa and other security services.

Boat does have ads served from china though, il wager there's some snooping going on.

I really liked firefox but it kept messing up the formatting and loosing bits of the page when pinch zooming which got on my nerves pretty quickly.  This was a few months ago so maybe its improved.

The minimalist ui is one of the reasons i use naked browser, I cant stand browsers that shove useless functions like social media buttons or `recommended sites` all over the place, taking up space better used for displaying webpages.

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