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Yeti3D [awesome 3d engine, demo runs at ~20 fps on my mpx!]

Guest durk1482

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Guest midnight

i'm sorry but i do indeed feel that eclipse does beat sonic quality wise (just because YOU dont like Eclipse doesnt mean its nowhere near the quality)

but you are talking from a user point of view, i'm talking from a developer point of view, you think emulation is the best thing to happen, as a developer, its the worst thing to happen, i know first hand, i've seen sales of Eclipse slump badly since the launch of picodrive, this is bad news for us, we dont 'just' make these things for fun, they take a lot of time and effort. You may buy games aswell, but i know for a fact several people who where willing to pay for games now think they dont have to because they can download them free off the internet (no matter how illegal it may be)

oh, and i also know people who have bought Smartphones because of Eclipse (and Kumite)

and a final note, not to put those guys down, but porting something over takes nowhere near the amount of skill or time it does to create a game from scratch.

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Guest unclelimey

so basically your views are biased... based around how much money you can make.

yes.. im a user, as are most people here

as for eclipse... i bought it from you and i actually like it....its a good game, its just not quite up to the hype.... and it does not even come close to the quality of sonic, not by a mile

Maybe your sales have dipped simply because most people who want it have bought it already... just a thought

Posted from my SmartPhone!

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Guest Vector

IMO, the quality of eclipse is far better than emulator stuff, simply because it has been designed

to work well on Smartphones..I saw how hard Midnight and Muff worked on Eclipse because of the amount of

time they were away from IRC hehe :)

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Guest martin

Ha Ha

unclelimey, you are obviously a keen SEGA man so maybe your views are a wee bit biased too :wink:

Im sorry mid, but there are no games out there specifically for smartphone that come anywhere near the quality of a certain hedgehog game.. and all the classic sega games that work on the picodrive..

Emulation is all good and well but as it has been said a many times before, it will never replace games specifically written for smartphones and we still NEED those developers to get the best from our phones.

OK, everthing goes through a phase and as much as I enjoy a periodic blast on Doom or Wolfenstein or the odd SEGA game, it has not changed my views one bit about new game releases. I look forward to Kumite and others more then ever :)

I also look forward to 3D games but we are not going to see the phones true capabilities until an engine is optimised for the hardware.

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Guest midnight

what, so you think eclipse isnt any better than other smartphone games? yes, of course i'm biased, i worked long and hard on that game to make it much better than anything else on the market for the smartphone at the time, i like to think we acheived that goal. It was the first game to feature vibration, it has many more sprites and parallax etc than any other smartphone game, it has speech and real good sound effects for once, we put loads of thought into the menu animations to make it as polished as possible, yes, i think we had the highest quality game out by far, that was the goal and i think we succeded. You where the first to put the game down, but that hasnt changed other peoples views, many people think we lived up to the hype, read the users comments on handango if you dont believe me. anyways, all this is completely off-topic, if you want to continue arguing i suggest you email me instead :)

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Guest unclelimey
what, so you think eclipse isnt any better than other smartphone games? yes, of course i'm biased, i worked long and hard on that game to make it much better than anything else on the market for the smartphone at the time, i like to think we acheived that goal. It was the first game to feature vibration, it has many more sprites and parallax etc than any other smartphone game, it has speech and real good sound effects for once, we put loads of thought into the menu animations to make it as polished as possible, yes, i think we had the highest quality game out by far, that was the goal and i think we succeded. You where the first to put the game down, but that hasnt changed other peoples views, many people think we lived up to the hype, read the users comments on handango if you dont believe me. anyways, all this is completely off-topic, if you want to continue arguing i suggest you email me instead :)

i cant really be bothered to be honest.. i have already said i actually like your game, its well worth the money.... but you dont seem to hear that.

there is room in the smartphone world for both the picodrive and your games (eclipse and kumite) ..

i just thought that modaco was always an un-sponsered/ independant and unbiased forum, i guess times are changing

as for the best game on smartphone... try mini golf.. im sure a lot of people will back me up on that... as the sales figures would suggest.

i have always valued your opinion midnight..... you have always made sense and know what you are talking about.... dont let that change for the sake of business.

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Guest zeta101

[OT]unclelimey is right by saying there is room for both...people will always like the emulators that have the "free" (but illegal) roms to download especially if they let them relive days of sonic etc...people like nostalgia...but there is always going to be a market for games that are perfectly crafted for the smartphone and that use it to its full potential. You can't really compare emulators to proper smartphone games anyway [/OT]

anyway about yeti...i dont quite understand the situation with it...its an engine (although there is the demo available). Am i right in saying anyone can take this engine and make a game out of it, without having to pay anything to the yeti makers, aslong as any such game is released under the GPU thingy and not sold? it would be nice to see what other 3D ish games can be done with this engine...

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Guest midnight

thats correct, if you make the games and dont sell them then i think its free (dont know for certain the website is down,and by the looks of it could be indefinitely), but costs $6000 if you use it for commercial use.

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Guest djfuego

That's pretty damned impressive for an E100. With the next gen phones this will run very smooth.

I was averaging 12 fps and the light sourcing on the rockets was a bonus. Pretty cool.

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Guest roozbeh
and a final note, not to put those guys down, but porting something over takes nowhere near the amount of skill or time it does to create a game from scratch.

well i dont compltly agree with this words...

yes making a game from scratch really takes time...not only programmers are required but many many othe guys as well....

but saying that it take a lot more skill is not really good.....

porting is really another stuff....

dont you agree changin lots of assembly codes into their equilivents in c isnt easy?!!

or adding sound to something that the original ones dont even have it is also requires some skills?

a far btr thing to say is simply ,porting require that you can read others sources and can know what they have done....i am sure you know what it means....

i know this becouse i used to correct others sources for more than 3 years....not every one can do this.....

so saying "take nowhere near..."isnt really fair...


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Guest midnight

hmm, maybe that came across wrong, i dont mean technical skill, i mean the skill it takes to put a game together from concept to final, half the battle isnt the actual coding but the creation of a game from a rough idea, through concept designs, mockups, putting the game together from various sources (code, music, graphics), bug testing etc. constantly worrying through the whole development about keeping frame rates optimal by scrapping some ideas a coming up with others, admittedly i've never ported anything. Different skills may have been more appropriate, but i dont think you can compare the making of Quake to the porting of Quake.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Razor29

weird i get 20 - 25 fps on my orginal spv with purfect music game looks great just goes to show nokia can shuve their phones up their (:

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Guest midnight

razor29, be carefull what you say there, nokia have tomb raider and many other 3d games for series 60, much as i hate nokia aswell, at least nokia have got big name software houses behind them and plenty of money.

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Guest durk1482

M$ wont put money into big smartphone games unless their's a reasonable market to sell it to. Our phones are mainly sold as business phones, so there might not be 'gamers' yet that are willing to pay the money for a big game. At least until MS-Smartphones will become priced in the mid-range, and i'm sure that will happen seeing how advanced phones are getting more cheaper and more common every year.

Our time will come :D

And there are 3d engines out there that can do the trick, and as i'm a informatics student myself with some experience and interest in game development, i might try to make a simple 3d game on the phone.

If this can be made on a calc:


Then a similar game with better graphics can be made for our phone!

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Guest midnight

phonesmarts, i think durk1482 kind of got the point. The fact is MS aint aiming the MS Smartphone at the gamer, so the large game development houses simply arent interesting in MS Smartphone yet. Nokia are putting bundles of cash into the development of a gaming device, do you see MS doing that?

(by the way you misinterpreted, or rather i mis-worded what i was saying, i meant big name software houses have the money to pump into 3d game development, small game development houses (like ourselves) dont have lots of time and money to develop a kick ass software 3d engine, and definitely wont put money into buying someone elses 3d engine)

Of course, hardware 3d accel is another matter, as will be windows mobile 2k5 with Mobile Direct3D, then its worth taking some time making a 3d engine on devices that can fully utilise powerfull 3d for gaming.

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Guest phonesmarts

oh, heh, i see. well, i think durk is right that our time will come :D. soon, people will see that developing for MSSP would be a sound investment.

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Guest Razor29

let me tell you something midnight i may not know smartphones but i know gaming its my work games is what i do for a living and i sort of an expert on the subject no machine with 50 at the end of its life span is good the n-gage has nothing behind it , its the most pathetic attept for a machine im ever seen and any one could see that it wont last

and smartphones are now starting to get alot of attention and comapnies like squer are making games for smart phones and microsoft does care about mobile gaming their starting to develop games for smart phones their is gnna be a smartphone 3d addition of midtown madness so i belive that smartphone is the future and nokia is the past

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Guest midnight

i agree that the ms smartphone does have a future as a mobile gaming device, but the fact is, no big name software houses are behind it yet, i've seen no evidence Square are making games for MS Smartphone yet, and its Jamdat making the Microsoft games, not microsoft themselves (and whats the betting midtown madness ends up as a 2d game). I agree that the Ngage is a screw up, but it has the likes of Eidos, Sega, EA, Ubisoft, Activision etc. all making games for it, none of these are making games for the MS Smartphone, and all the best games so far are made by relatively unknown companies (like us :D)

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Guest Razor29

first of all squer is making a final fantasy for smartphone second of all the big companies arent stupid they will see that smartphone is the future give it 6 month and yall see big companies making games for smartphones i keep reading in the last month articles about how much nokia sales and pocket pc sales are down cus smartphone sales are rising like a rocket

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Guest Pondrew
squer is making a final fantasy for smartphone

You mean Square yeah? Really? Final Fantasy is one of the great RPG series and it would be great news if there were to be one on Smartphone.

Still, can you tell us your source for this info?

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Guest midnight

unfortunately that isnt MS Smartphone sales, thats 'smartphone' taken in a generic sense, meaning SE, Nokia etc. And i have a feeling that Final Fantasy is a Java game made for the likes of SE and Nokia phones.

(if you've seen Brave Shot from Squaresoft, Java game, then I really wouldnt be excited about Square mobile games to be honest)

I'm not being negative, but I really have never heard that Squaresoft are making MS Smartphone games.

edit: found the Final Fantasy VII mobile game.... http://www.square-haven.com/gallery.cgi?di...ws/media/bc-ff7

doesnt look that hot to me, and definitely isnt MS Smartphone

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Guest midnight

more info:

Square Enix also plans to display some of the mobile content it's developed for Japanese and American cellular phones. The 8-bit Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest remakes for NTT DoCoMo's 900i series will be available for American players to try (although they're not available for any American phone models). In addition, Square Enix plans to display a new mobile project in video form: Before Crisis -- Final Fantasy VII.
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