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Orange SPV C500 - 200mhz!

Guest PaulOBrien

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Guest squall

still complaining i see pagemakers.

If you had been following this closely you would know that orange are working on the next e200 update. Mr orange posted that himself.

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Guest Monolithix [MVP]
200 mhz.. LOL It's not that fast.

Still 50% faster than current handsets :D

That plus the form factor really make it a hell of a lot more appealing for me now.

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Guest zeta101

really hard to say what im going to get now, with this nice clock speed and 3 DAYS(!) battery life the c500 looks even better. But i will wait for some proper reviews from SP users when they come out and also see what the 220s clock speed is, i really want a MP camera, but the c500 is sooo small :D

interesting note: is the fact that this battery test was done on a *pre-release* build a good or bad thing?

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Guest Paul [MVP]

It's a good thing.

And yes, the Bluetooth stack on the new device is, i'm told by Orange, one of the areas that has undergone major improvement.

Maybe i'm an eternal optimist, but i'm really hopeful this device will restore our faith in HTC, Orange and really make Smartphone a sexy proposition for the average phone buyer.

All we need now is flat rate data? he he


Posted from my SmartPhone!

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Guest midnight

Still 50% faster than current handsets :D

That plus the form factor really make it a hell of a lot more appealing for me now.

and dont forget the actual processor is not the same processor as the likes of the e200 (regardless of speed its double the performance, so add to that 200mhz and this thing should be VERY fast and much improved battery life), the TI processors at 200mhz are faster than the xscale 200mhz processors (think of it like celeron vs pentium)

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Guest t3dluke

Hes right, TI ARM processors are generally faster than their intel counterpart. Its worth noting I haven't seen anything that says that the 730 OMAP in this phone will actually run at 200MHz, if you check out the TI site you'll see it can run at up to 200 MHz. This matters because in PDAs for example they underclock the processor to increase battery life. Intels original xscale arm cpu could do up to 900MHz but had to be clocked down for real world use. Hopefully though it'll run at the full 200. I'm holding out for the MPx still though.

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Guest refnulf

Will this phone be renamed and sold in asia or something? (like the e200)I'm still leaning towards the mpx series phones. I think the c500 is one ugly phone, but it's definitely better than anything out at the moment. The size is a plus too. Gamers aren't going to like it though, maybe they'll add a joystick to it before its released. Ain't hard to do right? LOL

And when are we going to know the processor speed for the mpx220? And what about the mxp100? Anyone know the speed for that? I can't seem to find it on the site. Must be lookin in the wrong place.

Cmon baby, come out soon. I'll get you first, then sell you and get the mpx. Heheh

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Guest drblow

has anybody heard reports about this phone addressing the major bugs of the e200? namely sd card problem, call quality, crashes, activesync loss, email problems ... em, etc?Posted from my SmartPhone!

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Guest kyrkesmith

The SD problem is likely to be fixed I'd have thought, since if it's using mini-SD the hardware's going to be new as will the driver, won't it?

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Guest t3dluke

Good point refnulf, that phone is ugly. I showed the picture of it to some mates of mine (in the target age range of 17-21) and they ALL thought it looked ugly, not a good sign. On the other hand although some people comment on its size everyone I speak to says the e200 is a good looking phone. I also showed em some pictures of the mpx220 and got an almost unanimous thumbs up. I'm not saying its everyones opinion, just that of people I asked in that age group, who I believe orange are targetting aren't they with this phone?

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Guest Pagemakers
The SD problem is likely to be fixed I'd have thought, since if it's using mini-SD the hardware's going to be new as will the driver, won't it?

Who knows? It's not out yet so anything you hear will most likely be unknown assumptions.

Let's wait to hear officially.

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Guest drblow

i can just see the 'official' orange line now ... 'the C500 corrects the numerous problems with its predecesor, that piece of cr*p, the e200, which never worked properly ...' Posted from my SmartPhone!

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Guest MaximilianWeisheit

Dave dont worry .

I am also still using the Original SPV - you know what they say, nothing better than the "Original" ,-)))

Anyway, it is falling apart LOL and i am reading this forum to get up-to-date for what I am going to buy next.

I am looking at the C500 and it looks so "plasticy - like out of the gum machine" - I prefer though that it is not a brick; hopefull it will push other companies to built smaller smartphones.

I really like the Motos mpx100 and mpx220. - Still waiting on the processor speed though. - Also a little concerned about the size. I what to get awar from having a brick in my pants pocket. - I remeber the time where I had my Nokia 8890, stylish and small, but of course no featurs. PS: somebody tell Orange to bring out a special business edition for the C500 with an appropriate silver metal cover/shell.

I dont know, i am still waiting for the right one smartphone. small and stylish.

Well I guess I just gotta keep on waiting.

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Guest Paul [MVP]

It's interesting, speaking to people who have both the C500 and MPx220 in their hands, and a few of my contacts do, all of them prefer the c500!

I could say how Orange are going all out to have a really solid build on the phone, and how I am hopefully going to get a pre release handset to help them bug check, but only time will tell...

On the plus side, if they do come good and hook me up with an early handset, I found almost all the e200 bugs the day I got it...


Posted from my SmartPhone!

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