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TMobile ROM Update

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it doesn't kill sms/mail/contacts does it? i only have one app installed so that doesn't bother me, and anything in my excel/word bits i can always redo....

Guest adchaffey
it doesn't kill sms/mail/contacts does it? i only have one app installed so that doesn't bother me, and anything in my excel/word bits i can always redo....


You will loose all text messages, mail and contacts (other than any stored on the sim card). If you use active sync then you can simply synchronise with outlook to restore contact and any mail you have synchronised, but text messages and any mail simply received on the phone will be lost.

There are some applications that you can use to backup your device, but someone else may be better at advising on that...

Guest thelawman

I've just applied the upgrade and now my Vario's speakers don't seem to be working properly.

All was fine before the upgrade, but now, even though the volume sliders are at maximum and the appropriate settings in Sounds & Notifications on, the phone is completely silent (ie WMP is silent, none of the system beeps work etc).

The ringer does seem to work and if I attach my headphones all the notifications, system sounds, WMP etc work fine. I've tried a hard reset and reflashing the rom to no effect.

Have I missed something completely obvious here, or has anyne else experienced this? Any suggestions?


I've just applied the upgrade and now my Vario's speakers don't seem to be working properly. 

All was fine before the upgrade, but now, even though the volume sliders are at maximum and the appropriate settings in Sounds & Notifications on, the phone is completely silent (ie WMP is silent, none of the system beeps work etc). 

The ringer does seem to work  and if I attach my headphones all the notifications, system sounds, WMP etc work fine.  I've tried a hard reset and reflashing the rom to no effect.

Have I missed something completely obvious here, or has anyne else experienced this?  Any suggestions?



When you say that the ringer seems to work, do you mean the phone rings when you get incoming calls? I would've put this down to a hardware problem with the Vario (like if it had been dropped) but if it's ringing through the speakers and everything else works through headphones as well, then it's very strange.

I think I either saw a registry entry to do with muting the speakers or a control in the settings/volume somwhere. I'm sure that would mute the headphone output as well though, so probably isn't causing your problem.

Guest thelawman

I think you must be right about it being some kind of strange hardware thing, so it's going to go back to T-Mobile to be repaired. I guess it must just be a coincidence that it happened at the same time I ran the upgrade.

While it's being repaired, I suppose I could always get them to look at the loose stylus while they're at it!

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest kkhalil76

Can anyone tell me where to get the ROM update from (for T-Mobile MDA Vario)? Found a couple of links that either give an eror message or redirect to the t-mobile website which has no mention of rom. Thanks.

Guest Drewtech
Can anyone tell me where to get the ROM update from (for T-Mobile MDA Vario)? Found a couple of links that either give an eror message or redirect to the t-mobile website which has no mention of rom. Thanks.


When I e-mailed T-mobile about it this is their reply ...

Thanks for your email about downloads for the MDA Vario.

I'm sorry that you've been unable to upgrade the MDA Vario's ROM, I appreciate how frustrating this is.

I've spoken to our technical department, and I'm sorry to say that there are no downloads available for the MDA Vario at the moment. The site address you've quoted was a test site only and has now been removed.

Tests for the ROM for the Vario are still ongoing and I'm afraid there's no release date as of yet.

When it's released the downloads will be available from the following site: http://www.t-mobile.co.uk/Dispatcher?menui...ones_im_wnw_how.

Let me apologise again for any inconvenience this has caused you and I'm sure the upgrade will be available soon.

Thanks again for your email Andrew, and I hope this information is useful.

Please feel free to reply to this email or contact us via the link on our website if you have any further queries.

Kind regards


Email team

Guest nforsans

that's odd - but it's true they never publicised the existence of the iris download manager web site.

Let's hope they upload additional updates soon...

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
When I e-mailed T-mobile about it this is their reply ...

Thanks for your email about downloads for the MDA Vario.

I'm sorry that you've been unable to upgrade the MDA Vario's ROM, I appreciate how frustrating this is.

I've spoken to our technical department, and I'm sorry to say that there are no downloads available for the MDA Vario at the moment. The site address you've quoted was a test site only and has now been removed.

Tests for the ROM for the Vario are still ongoing and I'm afraid there's no release date as of yet.

When it's released the downloads will be available from the following site: http://www.t-mobile.co.uk/Dispatcher?menui...ones_im_wnw_how.

Let me apologise again for any inconvenience this has caused you and I'm sure the upgrade will be available soon.

Thanks again for your email Andrew, and I hope this information is useful.

Please feel free to reply to this email or contact us via the link on our website if you have any further queries.

Kind regards


Email team


OK first thing first.... ( not sure if its mentioned else where .... ) G mode is possible... well its enabled but only seems to do 10Mb connections - even so its a little faster. ( Details on the X D A Dev forum and here I think http://www.modaco.com/WLAN_G_in_all_Wizard...s_-t235348.html ).

2nd - I've had a prob and the techy team at Tmobile denied that 1.06 was ever released, strange.

Thirdly - any one else find that when they use GPRS on this new build that Bluetooth gets disabled or is it me ?



Edited by ccsnet
Guest mmmaiki

As the T-Mobile MDA (USA) was just released last week, I assume this ROM update is not for that unit, but for a unit from T-Mobile in Europe.


Guest Pondrew
As the T-Mobile MDA (USA) was just released last week, I assume this ROM update is not for that unit, but for a unit from T-Mobile in Europe.



Correct. I'd be very wary of installing the UK rom on a US Wizard...

Guest adudley

I got this email from tmobiel support:

Thanks for your email about downloading ROM updates for your MDA Vario.

I've looked into this for you and I'm pleased to say you can download ROM updates from http://www.t-mobile.de/blackberry_solution/support/english. Please choose the UK and enter tmobileuk as your username and tmukbbcorp as your password.

not that I could find updates for the VARIO, but hey , keep an eye out

Guest veef13

just sme news for us Vario users, Tmobile have emailed me with a date for their next ROM update... We have to wait til the end of June!

Sodding nightmare, the stability of the Vario is really getting to me, so my so I have asked if I can downgrade to a SDA instead so atleast its tried and tested!


Guest ultimate_fish

Not sure what stability issues you're experiencing. Mine's absolutely fine. The only problem I've experienced is the SD card interface appearing to reset periodically so the card effectively disconnects and reconnects.

Hasn't happened often enough to be a problem.

Other than that the Vario's been rock solid, even messing about with tomtom and phone calls simultaneously it doesn't miss a beat.

Guest veef13
Not sure what stability issues you're experiencing. Mine's absolutely fine. The only problem I've experienced is the SD card interface appearing to reset periodically so the card effectively disconnects and reconnects.

Hasn't happened often enough to be a problem.

Other than that the Vario's been rock solid, even messing about with tomtom and phone calls simultaneously it doesn't miss a beat.


seems you have a good un there ;)

just general stability issues like 100s of other users are having liek loss of contact info, not coming out of standby for calls, incorrect mms delivery... poor wifi performance, inability to auto switch from landscape to portrait... all common issues with the shady software on the vario...

out of interest what rom are you using?

Guest adchaffey
Posted (edited)
seems you have a good un there  ;)

just general stability issues like 100s of other users are having liek loss of contact info, not coming out of standby for calls, incorrect mms delivery... poor wifi performance, inability to auto switch from landscape to portrait... all common issues with the shady software on the vario...

out of interest what rom are you using?


I'm going to have to jump in and defend the poor vario here! The Vario is actually the most reliable phone I've owned for a long time, and I think the majority of owners would agree. If you are having so many problems, you have either installed something not compatible with WM5 or you have a faulty unit. Unfortunately there do seem to be a few people around with faulty units, but if this is the case get on to T-Mobile and get a replacement.

Just noticed in your phone history you had a C500 last as i did! My Vario is a hundred times more reliable than my old C500, honestly!

Edited by adchaffey
Guest cipher692000

I'll have to jump in and agree as well. I run a C550 and a Vario and the Vario is just so much better. Prior to that I had a MDA compact, and whilst this was faster than the Vario (speed being my only real gripe with it) the Vario has proved to be much more reliable.

I did have some strange issues with it loosing folders from the mem card, but tracked this down to the omapclock util I was using to overclock the phone, since i've got rid of that it works great.

Guest daftveggie

my main problem with the vario is activesync, and the fact that I have to reset the phone after every sync because it slugs right up.

that and media player not wanting to remember what music it was playing and having to go through the playlist editor and onto the sd card etc rather than just play.

but then I probably should get a decent music player for the phone!!

Guest adchaffey
my main problem with the vario is activesync, and the fact that I have to reset the phone after every sync because it slugs right up.

that and media player not wanting to remember what music it was playing and having to go through the playlist editor and onto the sd card etc rather than just play.

but then I probably should get a decent music player for the phone!!


I'd agree active sync is pretty dodgy, but I've not had that many problems with it recently. The media player problem is a bit of a frustration for me too, but it's a small problem compared to what we normally have to live with in the world of pocket pc's, smartphones and even pc's for that matter!

Guest Phil Lee
Posted (edited)

I'll also defend the Vario as well. I've been very happy with mine. After I upgraded to ActiveSync 4.1 I've not had a single problem syncing it to either my work or home PCs. I've never lost a contact or appointment. I do occassionally have to soft reset it but that is usually when I'm trying to do too much at once on it. I've not seen evidence of 100s of users with problems here. I'm using the 1.06 T-Mobile ROM that was available for a while on the Iris website.

Edited by Phil Lee
Guest veef13

well i guess my units developed a hardware fault somehow... everywhere i look howard forums, xda or here there are constant reports of issues witht he device.. i feel my issues stem from the increased workload i have taken on and therefore the vario has taken a punishing and am probably pushing it too hard...

my c500 was the best, and still the best handset based on windows I ever had, if it wasn't for the fact that I'm paying for the Vario through a contract like most of use I'd go back to it or a c550...

we all have different uses for our devices, and my work load is probably too much for it... but theres nowt to say a c500/c550 would be able to handle the inceased workloads as its the same processor etc...

Don't get me wrong here, I really liek the Vario and was one of the first with one, its just these performace and stability issues that are causing problems with my work etc...

I'm using the 1.06 ROM aswell, the two main gripes for me are when switching from landscape to portrait by closing the keyboard, only half the screen rotates.. and the other is lost contact info after a soft reset...

Ah well, stuck with it I guess, may see if I can get a replaement to see if it is my unit.. if not, dunno what to do... may sell on ebay i guess...

Guest awarner [MVP]

I'v found the Tmobile ROM really good as long as you do not install all the Tmobile junk (reboot before the setup cabs get to work).

Then unlock the extended ROM and install the things you really need.

Since doing this I do not remember when I did a soft reset last, but before with the original ROM I was doing it countless times a day.

Guest veef13
I'v found the Tmobile ROM really good as long as you do not install all the Tmobile junk (reboot before the setup cabs get to work).

Then unlock the extended ROM and install the things you really need.

Since doing this I do not remember when I did a soft reset last, but before with the original ROM I was doing it countless times a day.


will try a differnt custom ext rom a bit later... slightly off topic but related to the 1.06 rom... have you noticed that the calculator shortcut has disapeared? since 1.06 I can't find any link anywhere to the calculator... madness...

Guest daftveggie

organiser button on the main screen, then the calc is there.

well it is on mine anyway

or organiser through the programs screen.

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