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I got one!

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Guest FerretAD

I would love to get one of these, but would need to see it against a C550 just to see the size difference :)

Guest Syphon Filter

Just wanted to say: posting from my TyTN! :) love it...the net is much more usable...

Guest pd.ryder
Just wanted to say: posting from my TyTN! ;) love it...the net is much more usable...
Git!! :) Just to rub it in... Show-off :D
Guest mandt

Syphon what are your thoughts about the new mini usb connector

Does it accept the older (standard) connector?

How do the headphones connect, and was there an adaptor to enable you to use standard headphones?

So many questions, hurry up and write a review!!!

Guest Syphon Filter
Syphon what are your thoughts about the new mini usb connector

Does it accept the older (standard) connector?

How do the headphones connect, and was there an adaptor to enable you to use standard headphones?

So many questions, hurry up and write a review!!!

Think of this thread as an on-going review. I am posting my real opinions as I am using the device :)

The new USB connector: It does accept the old shape connector. In fact the charger is identical to the one that came with my Vario. The USB cable supplied is also a standard USB->USBmini lead (such as the one that comes with the Vario, C500 etc). The headphones are the only thing supplied which actually have a connector which is specifically shaped to fit the new connector shape on the bottom of the TyTN. I am just about to take some photos and post them up.

Guest Syphon Filter

Ok here are some more pictures.

Just to reiterate. The connector on the bottom does allow a normal USB charger or sync lead to be used. The ones supplied with the TyTN are in fact shaped like a normal plug. The only one that is different and shaped to the new connector is the one on the headset supplied with the TyTN package.

I am now going to try pairing my Jabra BT620s stereo bluetooth to see if that works. Will report back as soon as I have results.







Guest Syphon Filter

Right, I have just tried out my BT620s headset.

The good news:

It works as a handsfree.

The playback controls seem to work in media player

The bad news:

In media player the sound cuts out after about a second of playback, it's as if the stereo headset connection has been dropped. I can re-set the headset as a stereo device, restart WMP and begin playback, again after about a second the sound cuts out.

But even though the sound has cut out the playback controls continue to work and the track is still playing through in WMP.

If I pause and then press play the sound comes back for a second or so then cuts out again. And I can still use them as a handsfree. Strange, not sure what the issue is here...if anyone knows what is going on then it would be great to hear their input.

Guest Syphon Filter
Posted (edited)


I have done one registry tweak using the PHM editor. And that is to allow for cleartype to work in landscape mode as well as portrait. I have edited the same setting as you would on the Vario.

I set the value, save the changes and soft-reset the device and the change is there and it works. Cleartype now also functions in landscape mode.

But if i now soft-reset the device, the registry change I have made is forgotten and the original setting is restored. Landscape is no longer displayed with cleartype enabled. The registry setting is actually restored and I have to re-tweak it to get it working again.

What does anyone make of that?

I have noticed that the call quality is pretty good, better than i remember on my Vario and certainly better than on my C500.

Edited by Syphon Filter

dditto, i might not be posting, but very interested in all your comments!

Guest Syphon Filter
Keep the info coming, we're listening!

I will do. I am not aiming to do a "review" as it were, I'll leave that to Paul and the other pros. Think of this as more of a user blog. I am using the device as I generally would day-to-day and my info is purely based on the things I am doing with the device. If there is anything specific people would like to see checked out or explored further let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Guest pd.ryder

How is it handling music files? Have you installed TCPMP (not a fan of WMP)? I'm interested to find out if the faster processor allows usage of TCPMP's equalizer functions, particularly at the bass end. The slow processor in my C550 tends to produce very thin audio compared to other flash-storage type mp3 players, let alone the HD iPods. Mind you, if there's no 3.5mm audio socket I really wouldn't want to have to carry a headphone adapter as well as the larger device (fed up with having to assemble everything to use my 550 for music).

Maybe I'll just buy an iPod :)

Guest Syphon Filter
Posted (edited)


I dont have TCPMP installed and I havnt really used it much in the past. If someone could point to which is the correct CAB to install I would be happy to give it a test.

More information:

People with the Vario will know that there is an application from the T-Mobile ROM that allows you to map different functions to the soft-keys, this is different to what the "Buttons" thing does.


The above is a link to the application and an EXE which effectively creates a "New SMS".

The softkeys application and the "New SMS" bit work perfectly on the TyTN.

This is good news for me as I like have the New SMS option there ready to go.

I've said it before and I'll just say it again because I think it's great:

The inclusion of the extra hardware buttons, the windows and OK keys, is a god send. With these in place and the jog wheel there is no need to run smartskey.

Edited by Syphon Filter
Guest Dr Who
Right, I have just tried out my BT620s headset.

The good news:

It works as a handsfree.

The playback controls seem to work in media player

The bad news:

In media player the sound cuts out after about a second of playback, it's as if the stereo headset connection has been dropped. I can re-set the headset as a stereo device, restart WMP and begin playback, again after about a second the sound cuts out.

But even though the sound has cut out the playback controls continue to work and the track is still playing through in WMP.

If I pause and then press play the sound comes back for a second or so then cuts out again. And I can still use them as a handsfree. Strange, not sure what the issue is here...if anyone knows what is going on then it would be great to hear their input.

Thanks for the pictures Syphone, its obviously bigger but to be honest it doesn't look that much bigger, which is great news! Does it FEEL much larger in use?

This is a problem with the C500, at least, and needed an application called BlueTunes to work (forget who to credit that to!). I believe the problem is that when you press a button it is like requesting a voice command, so it opens a channel to the headset and you can hear what is playing, but when it doesn't receive an input it just cuts it off. IIRC BlueTunes was a program that just opened the channel between the two permanently whilst it was running. My description of this is probably abysmally poor, since it was a long time ago this bugged me! I thought this behaviour was meant to have been sorted with the addition of the A2DP update. We need to find a fix or workround for this, particularly if the included headphones are shash and there is no 3.5mm adapter available!

Guest Paul (MVP)

I never got on with the Wizard (I use the JAMin) atm, purely because it didn't have the Start / OK buttons - so you're right, they're a godsend!

Looking forward to writing my Hermes review, if only either a) Orange would hurry up and announce and send me it or :) HTC would deem me important enough to get one to me towards the top of the queue or c) Vodafone PR would actually know their own products rather than telling me the v1605 (which is shipping!) didn't exist.


Guest pd.ryder

I dont have TCPMP installed and I havnt really used it much in the past. If someone could point to which is the correct CAB to install I would be happy to give it a test.

Syphon:- try this link to TCPMP for PPC. There's CAB's and .exe files to choose from, plus all the plug-in's/codec's. The AAC codec is difficult to obtain due to intellectual copyright issues, although it IS available :)

Guest Dr Who

BTW Syphon can you do a rough determination of signal strength on the Hermes, i.e. put the same SIM in the Hermes, C500 and any other phone you have to give an idea of how strong it is. I would like it to be better than the C500 - annoys the heck out of me when I go under one of the several bridges on the way home and get cut off only to see Nokia users merrily chatting away still.

Guest peekie

Are they chatting or just acting like that when they see you getting angry in the car :)

Guest Dr Who
Are they chatting or just acting like that when they see you getting angry in the car :)

Ah, yes true. Might need something to comfort themselves for buying an N70 I guess!

Guest Syphon Filter
Posted (edited)
...can you do a rough determination of signal strength on the Hermes...

Ok done, I am sorry say that the signals seemed about equal in both devices. But I have never really had that much of an issue unless in poor reception areas generally.

Thanks for the pictures Syphone, its obviously bigger but to be honest it doesn't look that much bigger, which is great news! Does it FEEL much larger in use?

The TyTN does feel larger than the C500, but it is by no means too large...Its not like holding an MDA Pro/Universal to your head. It's very usable.

Compared to a Vario the TyTN doesnt really feel any larger, but its a little sleeker and feels better in the hand.

As for the bluetooth issue: I understand that the TyTN is supposed to support A2DP out of the box...I have called HTC about the sound cut off issue and they are going to call me back (hopefully pretty shortly).

Will keep you guys posted.


I will get TCPMP a shot when I get a chance.


Just heard back from HTC and they dont know why the stereo headset stuff isnt working. But apparently the BT620s is supposed to be fully compatible and they are supposedly working closely with Jabra...so no idea what's going on really. The tech guys did use the phrase "its a bit hit and miss at the moment"

I'm going to try and install TCPMP now and see if that works out.

Edited by Syphon Filter
Guest Dr Who
Ok done, I am sorry say that the signals seemed about equal in both devices.

The TyTN does feel larger than the C500, but it is by no means too large...Its not like holding an MDA Pro/Universal to your head. It's very usable.

The reception on the C500 isn't that bad, its just I have this visual reminder every day, but HTC don't seem to be able to squeeze the same amount of signal out of their devices as Nokia.

I am going to head down to TCR and check it out myself. Do you know the name of any of the stores that have these chaps running a concession? It doesn't look too bad in your photos, but ideally I just want to have one phone that stays with me day and night. If not I might get myself an HTC Breeze as well...........

As for the bluetooth issue: I understand that the TyTN is supposed to support A2DP out of the box...I have called HTC about the sound cut off issue and they are going to call me back (hopefully pretty shortly).

Just heard back from HTC and they dont know why the stereo headset stuff isnt working. But apparently the BT620s is supposed to be fully compatible and they are supposedly working closely with Jabra...so no idea what's going on really. The tech guys did use the phrase "its a bit hit and miss at the moment"

I have to say, "Its a bit hit and miss" does not inspire confidence in me. Nothing like a ROM update a few days after release to make you think it is not fully tested. Is it a headset specific problem or is this a problem with the phone in general, do you think???

Guest Syphon Filter
Posted (edited)

They have a few places, one in N-Genius and a couple of others too. A concession called Inkino in the MBA technology centre also have the devices.

Not sure about the bluetooth or whats up with it. Just going to check that it still works on my Vario (which it certainly used to, but that was with the A2DP hack installed)...

Check your PMs in a moment too Doc.

Edited by Syphon Filter
Guest Syphon Filter


The headset is not at fault, it still works perfectly with my Vario which has the Zoki A2DP hack installed. It works as it should. The playback controls work and the stereo sound is redirected to the headset.

On the TyTN I was still not having any luck, so I installed the Zoki hack on the TyTN too. This made things behave really weirdly, at first the sound seemed to work, then it started to cycle on and off (in the headset this is).

I have NO idea what the issue is. This is the only thing I have found that doesnt seem to work as it should on the device. I dont think HTC know what the issue is, the guy seemed to think it should work but the phrase "hit and miss" makes me question that.

Apparently they have been/are working with Jabra so I dont see how they can have got this so wrong. Maybe my TyTN is broken?

Guest Syphon Filter


TCPMP does work. I tried playing with some mp3s and bits and pieces, it seemed to work ok and the equalizer also worked.

BUT, there is a flaw. I found that if I started TCPMP and starded playing a file and then changed the volume using the little speaker icon in the top bar (the one you use to adjust your volume/phone levels etc)...the playback became choppy, i had to close TCPMP and then restart it to solve the problem. I tried it a few times and the same thing happened every time.

Guest Syphon Filter


run into a real issue this evening. The touchscreen has gpne out of alignment a couple of times....in fact it has just done it again now. I can re-calibrate it but it will go again shortly.

this is highly annoying!

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