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Guest Pondrew

Version numbers vary in how they're constructed. It may be the different version numbers you both have just signify different providers rather then any real differences. Unfortunately for now I don't know how they are coming up with them but if you want to be sure of whether one rom is newer then another you could check the Windows Mobile 5 build number...

Version numbers vary in how they're constructed. It may be the different version numbers you both have just signify different providers rather then any real differences. Unfortunately for now I don't know how they are coming up with them but if you want to be sure of whether one rom is newer then another you could check the Windows Mobile 5 build number...

Will the serial numbers follow in succession from the manufacturer regardless of the network provider?

also my serial number seems to be very early, i've got a orange version sitting here aswell and that has HT631 serial number?

how can i check the windows build, apologise for all the questions but if theres the faintest whiff that i may have a buggered unit, i'd like to send it back asap.


Guest Syphon Filter
Will the serial numbers follow in succession from the manufacturer regardless of the network provider?

also my serial number seems to be very early, i've got a orange version sitting here aswell and that has HT631 serial number?

how can i check the windows build, apologise for all the questions but if theres the faintest whiff that i may have a buggered unit, i'd like to send it back asap.


Start -> Settings

its either in there or under the system tab.

Click Device Information and its in one of the tabs in there I think.

And no. As you can see my ROM versions are different to yours. My TyTN was an HTC original. All HTC ROMs will follow on I assume.

But the Voda ones are already in the 1.20's. I assume they will continue from where they are. Resulting in disparity between the HTC ROMs and the carrier ROMs.


I got a refund from RankHour today and I decided NOT to pick up another TyTN, be it HT630+ or not.

To me it seems there are definitely some issues that need to be worked out from the Hermes line of devices...and my fear is that the list may grow before it shrinks...things like the screen alignment issue being rather widespread just stinks to high heaven of a rushed device and perhaps poor quality control.

The issues like A2DP and WiFi not working together properly says to me that the devices were not properly tested in "day-to-day use" scenarios. I think it is rather likely that purchasers of the device will try to use stereo headsets and it is also probable that they may want to use the WiFi whilst still listening to music/whatever over their headset.

HTC: Sort it out please...I really want this device and I had high hopes.

Thank you to RankHour for being understanding and helping me out.

According to the chap at RankHour that sorted me out they have sold a lot of devices and he has only had one other back (due to the screen alignment issue and this too was a pre-HT630 device).


How is your device going?


You make some very valid points, I suppose the technology of these phones / PDAs is moving so quickly, there is little choice but to rush these items to market. As we all know, the Hermes will probably be superceded within 6 months, during this time there will be a couple of rom updates which will probably fix a few glitches, and break something else! The bottom line is, this is cutting edge stuff and like all computers, there are always problems and glitches. That said, manufacturing faults such as the screen issues should not be allowed to escape the factory.

Personally, I am prepared to accept a few problems, after all, thats what we all then spend our time talking about, trying to fix etc. In a way, if all these things just worked out of the box, would all these forums even exist?

Its encouraging to know that RankHour have looked after you, I hope you will dip your feet back in the Tytn water soon, and have a better experience.

As for my device, still functioning fine. I have noticed a trait which others have mentioned in that if it wakes up in the case (SMS received) then when I take it out, its in landscape mode and immediately switches back to portrait. I believe its probably the very strong magnets used in the case, when I get another case, we shall see. Otherwise, all is well. The occasional hang on UMTS access seems to be cured by switching to flight mode and then back, another matter which will probably be addressed in a rom update.

I am still amazed by this thing, which at least for now seems to be a "keeper".

All the best.

Guest Syphon Filter

You make some very valid points, I suppose the technology of these phones / PDAs is moving so quickly, there is little choice but to rush these items to market. As we all know, the Hermes will probably be superceded within 6 months, during this time there will be a couple of rom updates which will probably fix a few glitches, and break something else! The bottom line is, this is cutting edge stuff and like all computers, there are always problems and glitches. That said, manufacturing faults such as the screen issues should not be allowed to escape the factory.

Personally, I am prepared to accept a few problems, after all, thats what we all then spend our time talking about, trying to fix etc. In a way, if all these things just worked out of the box, would all these forums even exist?

Its encouraging to know that RankHour have looked after you, I hope you will dip your feet back in the Tytn water soon, and have a better experience.

As for my device, still functioning fine. I have noticed a trait which others have mentioned in that if it wakes up in the case (SMS received) then when I take it out, its in landscape mode and immediately switches back to portrait. I believe its probably the very strong magnets used in the case, when I get another case, we shall see. Otherwise, all is well. The occasional hang on UMTS access seems to be cured by switching to flight mode and then back, another matter which will probably be addressed in a rom update.

I am still amazed by this thing, which at least for now seems to be a "keeper".

All the best.

Indeed...I guess it;s just one of those things...people are talking about the Herald being out towards the end of this year already!

The TyTN has such a great feature set and it's really apparent now that I have moved back to my Wizard. GPRS is just unbearable now that I had a play with 3G!!

Hey Robt, how are you finding the battery life?

I dont know about robt but I was getting a full days use out of it before needing to recharge. That was making calls, using the UMTS connection etc and bluetooth and wifi.

Guest Pondrew

I have to say that having got used to the good battery life of the MDA Compact II (HTC Charmer) where I often go three days between charging I can't see myself going back to a device that just lasts a day... ;)

Will wait and see how these new 3G Pocket PC Phones evolve...

...for now I'm loving the combination of my O2 XDA IQ Smartphone (HTC Tornado) as my main phone and the T-Mobile MDA Compact II Pocket PC Phone (HTC Charmer) as data/games device. Both of them get lots of use as music players as well (actually plugged into the XDA IQ as we 'speak' listening to Stadium Arcadium by the Chilies!) :)

Guest Syphon Filter
I have to say that having got used to the good battery life of the MDA Compact II (HTC Charmer) where I often go three days between charging I can't see myself going back to a device that just lasts a day... :)

Quite true, now that I am back to the Vario it is nice to see the batter meter depleting much more slowly. But I think its because I use the data connection a bit less...

Guest Ingvarr
Posted (edited)
But I think its because I use the data connection a bit less...

Nah, in plain "ebook reading mode"

Wizard - 15 hours till full discharge

Hermes - 10 hours till full discharge

Hermes is a lot more power-hungry, regardless of what you do. OMAP processors were kinda slow, but they are undisputed kings of power conservation (largely due to fact that on OMAP everything is integrated in one chip)

Edited by Ingvarr
Quite true, now that I am back to the Vario it is nice to see the batter meter depleting much more slowly. But I think its because I use the data connection a bit less...

I've always found that when I have a new device the battery lasts about as short as physically possible due to the fact I never put the thing down for a week! After that it tends to go back up :)

Guest Pondrew

Well, it's understandible and even forgiveable. It's early days for 3G Pocket PC Phones. Let the processor designers release one that includes the UTMS chip and things will improve greatly...

...at the moment there's a power hungry processor in the Samsung (or for the HTC Universal the Intel) AND a UTMS chip. Too many mouths to feed! :)

Guest Ingvarr
Well, it's understandible and even forgiveable. It's early days for 3G Pocket PC Phones. Let the processor designers release one that includes the UTMS chip and things will improve greatly...

...at the moment there's a power hungry processor in the Samsung (or for the HTC Universal the Intel) AND a UTMS chip. Too many mouths to feed! ;)

Yeah. Thats why on Hermes CPU underclocking doesnt help much - because large chunk of battery drain is due to external Qualcomm UMTS chipset.

Actually, OMAP already have a new one - thats OMAP VOX 2230.

It basically does everything that previous OMAPs did, but also with 3G & video acceleration support.


Cant wait for devices with that baby :) Pity it was released too recently and havent make it into Hermes though, so they had to use this obsolete "dozen of chips" design.

Hey Robt, how are you finding the battery life?

To be honest, as others have said its difficult to assess battery life at the moment as I cant put the thing down, or stop connecting it to install something!

Battery life is certainly better than my Jam, I would estimate at the moment that with normal use it will certainly last a couple of days between charges. I shall be working over the weekend and wont have time to "play" so that will give me a good indication, I will run the battery right down and report.

I would say, a heavy days use and it will need charging, a day mostly standing by will probably use no more than 30%. It certainly isnt something thats causing me any concern. I used it for nearly two hours this morning on the net (via UMTS not wifi) and sending some texts and the battery reported 70% from a full charge, and that will be something between 70 and 80 as it drops in 10% increments.

Full report in a couple of days.


On the subject of cab files for Operator settings, I sent an email to HTC last night suggesting they should make them available via their web site.

Got a nice chatty reply from one of their guys this morning saying its in hand, but they are still getting to grips with supporting their own devices, they have always been a supplier to others before!

We can expect more support from them soon :)

Guest jimbouk
On the subject of cab files for Operator settings, I sent an email to HTC last night suggesting they should make them available via their web site.

Got a nice chatty reply from one of their guys this morning saying its in hand, but they are still getting to grips with supporting their own devices, they have always been a supplier to others before!

We can expect more support from them soon :)

A good response from them - refreshingly honest!

I have had my 3100 since Friday. I reckon the battery will last about 80% of the Prophets and will thus need a top up on a really busy day.

Having got used to the speed and the keyboard, button layout already, I would prefer to have to top it up on those busy days by plugging it in to laptop or car charger and enjoy the blistering speed etc than go back to a slower device...

Guest Fleabag
Posted (edited)

A little late on the response Syphon, but I have been quite ill and away from the online world! I understand you've returned the device, but I'll post what I know anyway.

I'd say it's definately worth the cost difference to move to HSPDA, it's 1.8mb/s now and this will increase to 4 next year, and 8 by 2008.

You don't need WNW Pro to use HSPDA. You could use HSPDA on PAYG if you wanted to! T-Mobile doesn't treat different ways of getting your data any differently. Whether it's GPRS, 3G or HSPDA you can either pay incrimentally at

Edited by Fleabag
Guest Syphon Filter
Posted (edited)
A little late on the response Syphon, but I have been quite ill and away from the online world! I understand you've returned the device, but I'll post what I know anyway.

I'd say it's definately worth the cost difference to move to HSPDA, it's 1.8mb/s now and this will increase to 4 next year, and 8 by 2008.

You don't need WNW Pro to use HSPDA. You could use HSPDA on PAYG if you wanted to! T-Mobile doesn't treat different ways of getting your data any differently. Whether it's GPRS, 3G or HSPDA you can either pay incrimentally at

Edited by Syphon Filter
You don't need WNW Pro to use HSPDA. You could use HSPDA on PAYG if you wanted to! T-Mobile doesn't treat different ways of getting your data any differently. Whether it's GPRS, 3G or HSPDA you can either pay incrimentally at
Guest jimbouk

I would be careful with that response. In my experience it is down to their internal communciations and she might be quoting the fact that PRO includes the 3g data card HSDPA option - and they may not have caught up with the fact they are (ABOUT TO START) selling an HSDPA handset...

I really cant see that they would upgrade their 3g network with HSDPA and not let all HSDPA devices use it...

Guest Syphon Filter

We need Fleabag to give us a proper reply to this one I think. I am still very confused. I get different answers depending on who i speak to at T.

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