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Paul's must have FREE Hermes software

Guest PaulOBrien

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I saw this utility mentioned over at Coolsmartphone - nice idea, but I really don't want to have to join another forum (especially one I can't even read!) just to download it....

IMO, Paul has a good list of CABs that cover most, if not all, of what the above application does - and if you're trying to save memory why would you want an app. that basically just executes the contents of the CABs!!!!

If Paul could persuade the author to have the app. hosted on MoDaCo, then registered users could download the app and try it - surely that way, the author of the app would benefit from the knowledge in the MoDaCo community......hey Paul, do you sprechen sie Deutsch.....or are you limited to "Audi" :)


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vorsprung durch die Fenster beweglich

Google says "projection/lead by the windows mobile" which doesn't make your response any clearer, but it sounds pretty impressive :)

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I saw this utility mentioned over at Coolsmartphone - nice idea, but I really don't want to have to join another forum (especially one I can't even read!) just to download it....

IMO, Paul has a good list of CABs that cover most, if not all, of what the above application does - and if you're trying to save memory why would you want an app. that basically just executes the contents of the CABs!!!!

If Paul could persuade the author to have the app. hosted on MoDaCo, then registered users could download the app and try it - surely that way, the author of the app would benefit from the knowledge in the MoDaCo community......hey Paul, do you sprechen sie Deutsch.....or are you limited to "Audi" :)


The point is having just one app to make all the tweaks rather than having to download and install multiple cabs. Just makes it easier, thats all.

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Guest tubaloopy
Change battery icon on top bar to clock - AKU23Clock.CAB

Is there a way of doing the opposite (putting the battery icon on the top bar to replace the clock)? I use SPB Time and this includes a today screen plug-in which shows the current time, date and the time of my next alarm. Therefore I don't really need the cock on the top bar when the today screen is shown. My Hermes is running the HTC Tytn ROM.


Darran West

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Turn the device off completely and then restart it.

i tried this too.. and it doesnt work.. i still have the old batt indicator at the top..

any suggestions please?!


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Guest dubblevision
I had the same problem, but got round it by copying the whole .zip file onto the phone and then used the phone's ZIP utility to extract the .tsk into My Documents. Worked a treat and I've now got a nice gaudy green theme on my phone!

Matho, couldn't help noticing the rom version of software, i'm on vodafone 1606 ROM version from 06/06/06, picked it up last saturday. I wanted to know if you are having any problem changing your today screen settings i.e. Start > settings > Today > items > select Vodafone Calendar then try to use options on right but greyed out. The book says that you are supposed to be able to do it??? If not any other problems with yours....

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Matho, couldn't help noticing the rom version of software, i'm on vodafone 1606 ROM version from 06/06/06, picked it up last saturday. I wanted to know if you are having any problem changing your today screen settings i.e. Start > settings > Today > items > select Vodafone Calendar then try to use options on right but greyed out. The book says that you are supposed to be able to do it??? If not any other problems with yours....

Just checked and my 'Options' are greyed out too. I had just assumed that it was because there were no configurable options for that item. (To be honest, I haven't even opened the manual!). Other Today screen items do have options available, so I don't think it's a problem. I'm actually trying to figure out how to replace the Vodafone Calendar with the original/default Calendar as I really don't like the Vodafone calendar icons - too big and don't really suit the rest of the theme. There are already ways to restore the original User Info, Device Lock and Messaging items - have a read of this thread: http://www.modaco.com/index.php?showtopic=243763&st=0

Also, you'll probably want to set up your voicemail notification properly - info also in the thread above.

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Guest Snoopstah

Here's one I just found: vxUtil.

Free for personal use, and has all the useful networking utilities built into it: Whois, NTP, DNS Lookup, Finger, Wake on Lan, Traceroute, Ping, and so on. Also has a display similar to ipconfig /all on a Windows PC, that displays all the stuff that WM5 hides from you, such as which DNS servers it's picked up from DHCP, when your lease expires, and so on.

There's probably something better, but this is simple, free, easy to use, and seems to work perfectly on the Hermes device. The only thing it doesn't seem to like is portrait/landscape switching - if you stay in the orientation you start it up in, it works fine, but if you switch orientations it doesn't resize accordingly.

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Guest NCC-1701

More of a teak than software, but the notification (as pinned in the Wizard forum) as to whether the keyboard has the nun lock or Caps lock turned on or off is very useful.

Worth including, or does the Hermes do this already????

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Guest bnycastro

re: VJCandella don't over use it though might burn out your flash, this happened to someone over at XDA dev [can't remember if he was using an Uni or Wizard though].

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