Guest geoffrey118 Posted May 26, 2007 Report Posted May 26, 2007 The theme looks great! Earlier in the thread a portrait version was mentioned. Was this dropped or does it exist somewhere? Yeah... any news on the portrait version?
Guest ilight_cn Posted May 28, 2007 Report Posted May 28, 2007 so many plugin~~ but very beautiful thx
Guest newnoise1024 Posted June 1, 2007 Report Posted June 1, 2007 Such an amazing job, i love this theme and i don't even use a mac! Good work, i will donate via paypal to your website.
Guest newnoise1024 Posted June 1, 2007 Report Posted June 1, 2007 Umm, just one question.. if there's a part one and a part two, why are all the files in part one the same as the files in part two? am i missing something here?
Guest sb61g2 Posted June 4, 2007 Report Posted June 4, 2007 I'm in love with this skin; i get all tingly whenever i turn on my phone in the morning it's just too damn aesthetically pleasing to be functioning on a windows mobile device heh now my complaint: ever since i installed the skin (i think) i've been getting a weird font scattered around the interface; one of the instances of the phenomena i can find at the moment is in settings>key settings>side key settings the side button selectable options are in this really gross font (i'm guessing marker felt by the look of it). any idea why? was this intentional? i hate to be my usual obsessive, anal retentive self but i really hate the font. also, i think i'm getting a kind of weird image when i select the dashboard icon on the homescreen; kind of a half cut-off clock and stickies pad; is this normal? i'm on a samsung blackjack. anyway, my compulsions aside, i think i've finally found the skin that'll keep me from wasting my money on a 3g-less iPhone on 6/29. Thank you!
Guest sb61g2 Posted June 4, 2007 Report Posted June 4, 2007 also to answer the guy above me, it was split into two .rar files to accomodate the 1mb file size limit on modaco. you'll notice that if you only download one of the two you'll get an error during extraction.
Guest kfm999 Posted June 23, 2007 Report Posted June 23, 2007 This is a perfect theme, in my opinion. I am a Mac user and this is a great match. Plus, it has really impressed all my friends. I got a Samsung Blackjack last week and have been using this theme since. I have a question about how the homescreen reacts with TCPMP. I added this program to connect it to the QuickTime icon, but after uploading the program, and using messes up the homescreen and makes it look all jumbled. The only way i've found to correct this is to turn the phone off/then on. Is anyone having this issue with a BJ or a Q?? I installed the newest TCPMP 7.2 and I installed all the plugins. Any help? I also have a Blackjack, but I just cant find the part.2 file anywhere???
Guest finerclassic Posted July 1, 2007 Report Posted July 1, 2007 I love the layout and how different it looks! but i've noticed that it doesnt show signal strength, any suggestions on how i might beable to keep and but show the signal strength. If you do, please email it to me, i probably wont check this much.... -John [email protected]
Guest Shanebear Posted July 5, 2007 Report Posted July 5, 2007 This is a perfect theme, in my opinion. I am a Mac user and this is a great match. Plus, it has really impressed all my friends. I got a Samsung Blackjack last week and have been using this theme since. I have a question about how the homescreen reacts with TCPMP. I added this program to connect it to the QuickTime icon, but after uploading the program, and using messes up the homescreen and makes it look all jumbled. The only way i've found to correct this is to turn the phone off/then on. Is anyone having this issue with a BJ or a Q?? I installed the newest TCPMP 7.2 and I installed all the plugins. Any help? I have the same problem! The sticky note on the sliclock gets permanently stuck to the homescreen.
Guest peterwooding Posted July 12, 2007 Report Posted July 12, 2007 Little confused. I use an HTC S710 running WM6. This great when the keypad is opened and the screen is in landscape but when you close it and the screen reverts to portrait it kinda messes up. Is this not meant for this device? Or am I missing something? Awesome by the way.
Guest waltzb Posted July 13, 2007 Report Posted July 13, 2007 Has anyone heard from Jamma14 or echostats? Neither has posted anything since mid-March. You guys still out there?
Guest niek Posted July 20, 2007 Report Posted July 20, 2007 hi, I HAVE A PROBLEM!! i cant select a .XML with the XML installer and the CAB file doesn't work!! :) PLZ reply VERY fast i need to go now.....
Guest waltzb Posted July 28, 2007 Report Posted July 28, 2007 (edited) I love the layout and how different it looks! but i've noticed that it doesnt show signal strength, any suggestions on how i might beable to keep and but show the signal strength. If you do, please email it to me, i probably wont check this much.... -John [email protected] If you check, earlier in this thread I developed a skin that adds phoneAlarm to this theme (and therefore a signal meter, battery meter, etc.). Since then I've actually got around to creating an entirely new Apple OS theme altogether. Since it looks like the developers of this theme seem not to be following it right now :) , I will post to let anyone interested know when I release my version. It should be soon. :P Edit: Just posted some screenshots for anyone interested. Edited August 13, 2007 by waltzb
Guest superman1122 Posted August 14, 2007 Report Posted August 14, 2007 I tweaked it to include signal strength signal. I was unable to put the signal strength on the top menu bar, so I decided to put it in the desktop area. See the first attachment for screen shot (sshot000.bmp). Instructions: 1. Modify \Application Data\Home\osx.home.xml, Find {free}Mb (should be line 114) Then insert these two lines below it: {strength-percentage}% {strength-percentage}% 2. Copy attachment 2 (macback.bmp) to \Application Data\Home\ 3. [optional] I've changed the icons in the dock, so I can't simply supply the new bitmap files. If you have some photo editing skills, you can use attachment 3 (top.bmp) to update the files in \Application Data\Home\OS X\Bitmaps 4. Reload the theme. sshot000.bmp macback.bmp top.bmp
Guest jasnewt Posted August 14, 2007 Report Posted August 14, 2007 If you check, earlier in this thread I developed a skin that adds phoneAlarm to this theme (and therefore a signal meter, battery meter, etc.). Since then I've actually got around to creating an entirely new Apple OS theme altogether. Since it looks like the developers of this theme seem not to be following it right now :) , I will post to let anyone interested know when I release my version. It should be soon. :P Edit: Just posted some screenshots for anyone interested. That theme is looking awesome! Any plans for a portrait version? Sadly all the best themes seem to be landscape only these days... Jason.
Guest waltzb Posted August 15, 2007 Report Posted August 15, 2007 That theme is looking awesome! Any plans for a portrait version? Sadly all the best themes seem to be landscape only these days... Jason. Thanks. No, sorry, I won't be doing a portrait version. But someone might . . . .
Guest C-Dubb Posted August 17, 2007 Report Posted August 17, 2007 I just have to say that your OS X homescreen is the best non-facade homescreen out there!! Is there any chance you guys will make an iphone homescreen that utilizes this same technique?
Guest saxsuperior Posted August 18, 2007 Report Posted August 18, 2007 File Name: SkinProject: OS X File Submitter: Jamma14 File Submitted: 9 Jan 2007 File Updated: 3 Mar 2007 File Category: QVGA Landscape ( Moto Q ) THE FILE IS NOT BROKEN, DOWNLOAD PART2 IN THE SUPPORT TOPIC!!! READ THE BLINKING DESCRIPTION BEFORE YOU MARK SOMETHING AS BROKEN!!! 04/02/2007: Forgot to inlcude the Sliclock plugin in the rar! It is now included.. 03/02/2007: SkinProject OS X! The new version of OS X for landscape smartphones is officially ready for download! And with the new version, we bring to you a new name: the SkinProject. Our team members are: --Jamma14 - xml coder/layout designer --echostats - graphic designer And we hope to bring you lots more exciting skins in the future! As for this release...the new features are: --New graphics - looks almost identical to OS X now! --OS X fonts! --Smartmonitor battery icon changes according to battery power etc! --All shortcuts in the dock link to files in Storage CardProgram FilesSkinProjectOS XShortcuts, so they are easily customisable! --Dashboard! --Missed Calls! There are probably more too, but that'll do for now. I'll update this topic with an animated gif tomorrow. Things to do for the next release (which should take less time :P ): --Startup/shutdown screens --Redo dashboard design --Other suggestions? We weren't 100% happy with everything in this release but we've kept you waiting so we released it anyway! In particular Dashboard will probably be changed in upcoming revisions - but a note for how it is at the moment: The tasks are customisable - search for "Tasks" in the xml and you can edit each one! The filesize is slightly over 1Mb (the max MoDaCo dl limit) so you have to download this file, plus the one attached in the first post of the support topic). Read the readme for installation instructions!! the SkinProject team 19/01/2007: Okay, fixed the cab file and made a few other tweaks - hopefully to fix any problems people are having. The cab should hopefully work with all landscape smartphones now. Please uninstall all previous versions and install the new file. 18/01/2007: Cab file update, now installs bitmaps to SD Card! 09/01/2007: First release of OS X for landscape smartphones! Does NOT need the orange plugin! :D Does require RJShortcut and Smartmonitor, and currently it must be installed manually. By the way, I apologise for the use of bitmaps but different plugins render jpegs differently and it fuined the dock. But at least I didn't use the orange plugin! ;) Tested on the T-Mobile Dash but should work on all landscape qvga smartphones such as moto q, samsung blackjack etc. For all you Dash-ers out there enable your JOGGRS! This is what it was made for! You can download the utility HERE, honestly try it! I've tried to make really functional and pretty homescreen and it's a good one to impress you're mates. Would like to hear your feedback... :) James PLUGINS: SmartMonitor RJShortcut To-do list: --Extra Screens --Other suggestions?? Click here to download this file How can I install this on a tmobile dash. I took all of the files and went to My windows mobile based device>application date>home and put them all there but it doesn't appear under homescreen in my phone. :D B) What should I do? Does it not work with windows mobile 6? Let me know at [email protected] ASAP.
Guest waltzb Posted August 20, 2007 Report Posted August 20, 2007 Just posted my OSX version: Leopard. It requires the latest versions of facade and phoneAlarm.
Guest geoffrey118 Posted August 25, 2007 Report Posted August 25, 2007 Good Lord THAT looks awesome man!! Can someone please do a portrait version of it!? I want it for my MPx!! ;)
Guest huskya Posted August 27, 2007 Report Posted August 27, 2007 Good Lord THAT looks awesome man!! Can someone please do a portrait version of it!? I want it for my MPx!! ;) Sweet as always. Kudos to to you. The only thing I would improve if I could is that the scrolling through the screens is controlled by up and down (or thumb wheel on the BlackJack) rather than left and right Mike
Guest waltzb Posted August 27, 2007 Report Posted August 27, 2007 (edited) Sweet as always. Kudos to to you. The only thing I would improve if I could is that the scrolling through the screens is controlled by up and down (or thumb wheel on the BlackJack) rather than left and right Mike Mike, I'm assuming you are referring to my Leopard skin? Thank you. I know that those of you who use the thumb wheel, love it, but I personally ignore it completely on my Q for the navigation key. I actually think navigating down and then left/right is also much more intuitive within this setup. Also I prefer the ability to cycle through the bottom row rather than having to backtrack all the time. Finally, with Facade you get the ability of the visible/hidden calendar, and the Facade layout doesn't interfere with phoneAlarm as RJshortcut did. On balance, I just thought these advantages (and more I'm not listing, see my link at SBSH) more than make up for the loss. ;) Thanks again. I hope you enjoy it. Edited August 29, 2007 by waltzb
Guest JimmyL Posted September 10, 2007 Report Posted September 10, 2007 Installing it was hard and I learned that looking like a mac and behaving like one are totally different. First, expect to NOT see much at all, lots of negative space in the middle that has no real function. Since this is a skin you select the icons on the bottom and it opens the windows app versions of the programs, but the screen changes to that program, meaning programs are not skinned (contacts are skinned though). Furthermore, it eats up like 7MB of the storage of the dash leaving you with 8MB to play with. I've restarted once already after 2 days, forgetting to force quit apps, my fault but still, why do i even have to pay attention to what is open? Close the apps if I'm not using them. This is probably a problem with Windows Mobile in general and not the skin. The skin is graphically fantastic and was fun for a couple of days but it lacked function and form. It's just a mask and nothing else, masking things you actually need, like appointments and the DATE. The iCal icon is a static image of July 12th which I found odd and the Dashboard icon opens a static image that says to look out for new versions of the skin and does nothing close to what the mac dashboard does. Nothing at all, actually. In conclusion, despite everyone dropping their jaws with this skin I give it two out of four stars, for not considering a more intuitive layout, perhaps with appointments showing and icons of the actual programs MAC STYLE on the bottom instead of Quicktime opening Windows Media and iCal opening Windows Calendar. Seemed odd they would put a top nav bar (ie, FILE/EDIT/VIEW/WINDOW) that does nothing, you cant access and is there for no other reason that to emulate the look of the mac os. Wish it did stuff, or remapped the icons on the design to do things. Even Battery, Storage, Device icons are not clickable but there for design hardly updating. I took the 2 GB SD card out and it still said 2GB on the battery. WARNING: THIS SKIN ONLY LOOKS LIKE MAC OS X, IT DOES NOTHING MORE THAN CHEAP SKIN WITH NO APPOINTMENTS/DATE
Guest haben Posted September 30, 2007 Report Posted September 30, 2007 File Name: SkinProject: OS X File Submitter: Jamma14 File Submitted: 9 Jan 2007 File Updated: 3 Mar 2007 File Category: QVGA Landscape ( Moto Q ) THE FILE IS NOT BROKEN, DOWNLOAD PART2 IN THE SUPPORT TOPIC!!! READ THE BLINKING DESCRIPTION BEFORE YOU MARK SOMETHING AS BROKEN!!! 04/02/2007: Forgot to inlcude the Sliclock plugin in the rar! It is now included.. 03/02/2007: SkinProject OS X! The new version of OS X for landscape smartphones is officially ready for download! And with the new version, we bring to you a new name: the SkinProject. Our team members are: --Jamma14 - xml coder/layout designer --echostats - graphic designer And we hope to bring you lots more exciting skins in the future! As for this release...the new features are: --New graphics - looks almost identical to OS X now! --OS X fonts! --Smartmonitor battery icon changes according to battery power etc! --All shortcuts in the dock link to files in Storage CardProgram FilesSkinProjectOS XShortcuts, so they are easily customisable! --Dashboard! --Missed Calls! There are probably more too, but that'll do for now. I'll update this topic with an animated gif tomorrow. Things to do for the next release (which should take less time :wub: ): --Startup/shutdown screens --Redo dashboard design --Other suggestions? We weren't 100% happy with everything in this release but we've kept you waiting so we released it anyway! In particular Dashboard will probably be changed in upcoming revisions - but a note for how it is at the moment: The tasks are customisable - search for "Tasks" in the xml and you can edit each one! The filesize is slightly over 1Mb (the max MoDaCo dl limit) so you have to download this file, plus the one attached in the first post of the support topic). Read the readme for installation instructions!! the SkinProject team 19/01/2007: Okay, fixed the cab file and made a few other tweaks - hopefully to fix any problems people are having. The cab should hopefully work with all landscape smartphones now. Please uninstall all previous versions and install the new file. 18/01/2007: Cab file update, now installs bitmaps to SD Card! 09/01/2007: First release of OS X for landscape smartphones! Does NOT need the orange plugin! :D Does require RJShortcut and Smartmonitor, and currently it must be installed manually. By the way, I apologise for the use of bitmaps but different plugins render jpegs differently and it fuined the dock. But at least I didn't use the orange plugin! :D Tested on the T-Mobile Dash but should work on all landscape qvga smartphones such as moto q, samsung blackjack etc. For all you Dash-ers out there enable your JOGGRS! This is what it was made for! You can download the utility HERE, honestly try it! I've tried to make really functional and pretty homescreen and it's a good one to impress you're mates. Would like to hear your feedback... ;) James PLUGINS: SmartMonitor RJShortcut To-do list: --Extra Screens --Other suggestions?? Click here to download this file I JUST DONT GET IT!!! I DOWNLOADED RJSHORTCUT, AND SMARTMONITOR, BUT THE SKIN IS a rar SOFTWARE, NOT A CAB, THE T-MOBILE DASH ONLY LETS U USE CAB SOFTWATRE, NOT RAR
Guest aznbllr8 Posted October 10, 2007 Report Posted October 10, 2007 i do not know how to install help i dont understand directions help!!!!!!!!!!!i need cab file!!!!!!!1 ;)
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