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SkinProject: OS X

Guest Jamma14

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Guest Brettman

I figured it out. There are two different file names/downloads on for the first file...You need to click the download button NOT the paper button icon with the red down arrow.

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Guest sleepdoc

I tried installing the SLI Clock plugin, but like with many apps, I get a message that it's not a valid Windows CE program. What's the deal with that?

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Guest pthomson
I tried installing the SLI Clock plugin, but like with many apps, I get a message that it's not a valid Windows CE program. What's the deal with that?

Most likely you need to install the program from your computer with your phone connected.

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Guest htcs620user

PM time suffix is not present on display on my phone ( htc s620) but it is not a problem.

it is possible to put what Profile i use. ?

However it is fantastic.

Thanks for all.

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Guest steeltippin

I tried unzipping the rar files, i got the part 2 rar to unzip, but the part one that contains the os x homescreen and the plugins, it keeps saying that i dont have enough space to unzip the os x rar, saying something like its 1 million plus bites and i need to insert disk space that can handle the unzip of that part 2 rar os x file. :)

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Guest Jamma14

Yes download the file throught the "download now" button...not one of the previous versions. I imagine this is causing a lot of the problems.

Paul is going to lift the upload limit for us on this file so there won't be any need for the two rar's confusing anyone anymore. :)

Yeah, sleepdoc if you read the --> *README* :D

And profile plugin...there's no room (plus I never use it)! :D Whereabouts would you suggest we could put it?


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Guest steeltippin
I tried unzipping the rar files, i got the part 2 rar to unzip, but the part one that contains the os x homescreen and the plugins, it keeps saying that i dont have enough space to unzip the os x rar, saying something like its 1 million plus bites and i need to insert disk space that can handle the unzip of that part 2 rar os x file. :)

Oh sh*t, i got it to work, thanks a lot for this homescreen, but is there a way to plug TCPMP player into the QuickTime Icon?

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Guest sleepdoc
Yeah, sleepdoc if you read the --> *README* :)


Sorry James, I didn't see that part. I guess I skipped over it. But I'm using a Mac, and so I can't install .exe from my computer. I guess that explains all the other apps I've tried to install. Is there any other way around it that you know of?


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Guest Eruresto_Sinda


First of all, i'd like to praise Jamma and echo for all the hard work they've put into the project. IT ROCKS!

Anyway, I use a T-Mobile Dash and I have a quick question. once I run the cabs to install the plugins and homescreen, can I delete them or does the phone still use/rely on them to function?


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I joined modaco just to get this home screen! Awesome work! Everything works perfectly for me except the "clock" application ( the last one on the far right in the dock). I am using a Dash and have reinstalled all the plugins. The top half of the screen is black with the number and day, the bottom half you can see the "desktop" and the analog clock, and the "skin project" graphic. Any ideas.

Keep up the great work, its much appreciated.


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Guest SurferMatti
There will be a long(ish) date plugin in the new release.

There will be no profile plugin...nowhere to put it.

And no signal strength plugin because the smartmonitor signal plugin is crap and we don't want to use the iconbar.


Release date estimate edit: Not tonight....probably tomorrow night...if not definitely thursday :)

Anyway to get the signal strength and profile on the screen somehow? Via external plugin ect?


P.S. Nice work on this btw, most extensive ive seen.

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Guest echostats
Sorry James, I didn't see that part. I guess I skipped over it. But I'm using a Mac, and so I can't install .exe from my computer. I guess that explains all the other apps I've tried to install. Is there any other way around it that you know of?


Im also using a mac. I am going to check something tomorrow which I think will work for installing exe files. I will post my results.

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Guest sleepdoc
I joined modaco just to get this home screen! Awesome work! Everything works perfectly for me except the "clock" application ( the last one on the far right in the dock). I am using a Dash and have reinstalled all the plugins. The top half of the screen is black with the number and day, the bottom half you can see the "desktop" and the analog clock, and the "skin project" graphic. Any ideas.

Keep up the great work, its much appreciated.


Chris, I just reinstalled and had the same problem. On the Motorola Q I had to set HomeScreen:BackgroundImage to Default. That fixed the problem. ColorScheme should also be Default.

Hope that helps.

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Guest Jamma14

Steeltippin: Yes, on your phone copy TCPMP.lnk from \Windows\Start Menu to \Storage Card\Program Files\SkinProject\OS X\Shortcuts, then delete 7Quicktime.lnk from the folder, and rename TCPMP.lnk to 7Quicktime.lnk and the dock will now work with the new shortcut.

Sleepdoc: Yeah, that's a bummer...I don't know of anyway around it unless you can find a cab on the net...or maybe you could extract it from the exe somehow...I dunno??? Hopefully echostats can come up with something.

Eruresto_Sinda: Thanks! Yeah you can delete them. :)

SurferMatti: Signal strength - no, no plugin can do it (well) (apart from the default iconbar which we wouldn't want to use). And there isn't much room for a profile plugin at the moment...

Cdub and BrumBrum74: Yeah all settings (bgimage, scheme etc) must be on default..


And btw sorry I'm taking a while to reply, my main PC's hard drive is clicking and crashing and is currently not even booting into Windows anymore (doh!) so I won't be on that frequently for the next week or so...until I can fix it...same to echostats, sorry I haven't spoken to you for a while mate - that's why...you have a PM though. :D


EDIT: Oh and I will get that animated gif up as soon as I can...:D

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Guest MicroVan

This new version kicks A$$!!!! I love it. and I thought the Vista interface was bomb. this one blows it away! not one I have seen or loaded can come to par with this skin! Best ever! Great work Jamma and echo! you 2 did a heck of a job. and echo, seem that you were able to pull it off after all, of corse with James knowledge and your team work! I thought the first one I loaded was awesome but... need I say more? here is one suggestion I have if it has not been metioned. on the Applications pop up where it lists the available apps, anyway a graphic can accommodate the program? don't know how hard it is to do but it would be a unique touch. keep it up. :)

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Guest echostats
This new version kicks A$$!!!! I love it. and I thought the Vista interface was bomb. this one blows it away! not one I have seen or loaded can come to par with this skin! Best ever! Great work Jamma and echo! you 2 did a heck of a job. and echo, seem that you were able to pull it off after all, of corse with James knowledge and your team work! I thought the first one I loaded was awesome but... need I say more? here is one suggestion I have if it has not been metioned. on the Applications pop up where it lists the available apps, anyway a graphic can accommodate the program? don't know how hard it is to do but it would be a unique touch. keep it up. :D

Thank you very, very much for the kind words. Yes, James certainly has been the inspiration and the back to all of this. I just came a long to show the Windows Loser, I mean user, how to make a real OS X skin. :) All joking aside, we do plan to do more skins in the future. We've both been pretty busy and and you read above, Windows is killing another machine as we speak.

Anyhow, James will have to let me know if somehow we can assign icons to that list. Although I know I could make up some icons I don't know how the background code would handle that. I don't want to use the stock icons because they are terrible. Personally, I like it plain and simple.

Has anyone seen the missed call plugin? I'm normally hold my phone at all times so today was the first time I even seen the Missed Call image and number count in action. I like it. :D

The SkinProject is going to continue to bust out some sweet skins but don't expect them to be a dime a dozen. We're going to pick and choose what we will do next. There probably won't be any random skins... most will have a theme, etc. There won't be many either because we spend a lot of time on them. So basically, they're gonna be LIMITED EDITION. :D

Later and hope to talk to you soon, James. Check out Apple.com when you get sick of that windoze garbage.

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Guest Red Cell 472

First of all I think this homescreen rocks. I am a PC user and definitely can't stand Macs but this interface for the phone is clean. One thing that I have for a suggested addition is along with the missed call notifier it would be nice to have a voicemail notifier. something with a seperate icon but similar to the style of the missed call notifier. Just a thought.

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Guest echostats
First of all I think this homescreen rocks. I am a PC user and definitely can't stand Macs but this interface for the phone is clean. One thing that I have for a suggested addition is along with the missed call notifier it would be nice to have a voicemail notifier. something with a seperate icon but similar to the style of the missed call notifier. Just a thought.

i doubt its possible code wise. it would be nice though. i dont really care about voicemail and anyone who hates a mac has not used one in 5 years. nuff said.

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Guest MicroVan

I was toying all day with my phone and have also set 3 people up :) I did wish that the home or end button could make the dash back to original state instead of having to scroll or back it up. I know this sounds lazy of me but when you are in a hurry it would be very useful :D

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Guest labonline

I just wanted to say thank you so much for this awesome job! Jamma14 and team this Rocks!!! :) For making this thing look so cool :D. I am a Mac fan boy. I have to admit it. I have five Macs at home. Although this smart phone is WM5 beneath its OS. I can sit it nicely with the same big brothers with so much class and style. This may sound ridiculous to some people. However, when you have a Mac for a while you begin to realize this for sure. I have used PCs and Windows for twenty years before I had my first Mac mini just last year. Things were never the same after that experience. I hope that you continue to develop this skin project because I am really happier using my new Moto Q than ever before. I have just one suggestion that I hope may not be so difficult task. I thought about the address book icon in my docks at home on the Macs. Is it possible to make an address book icon and add the contacts link? It seems like this would fit in nicely to the skin project. Anyway if not. I still love the skin Project OSX...... I congratulate the team on such a outstanding job!!!

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Guest sleepdoc
I have just one suggestion that I hope may not be so difficult task. I thought about the address book icon in my docks at home on the Macs. Is it possible to make an address book icon and add the contacts link? It seems like this would fit in nicely to the skin project.

The original version had the contact/address book icon, but as it was pointed out earlier in this thread, the right soft key is the contact list. No need to be redundant.

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Guest echostats
I just wanted to say thank you so much for this awesome job! Jamma14 and team this Rocks!!! :) For making this thing look so cool :D. I am a Mac fan boy. I have to admit it. I have five Macs at home. Although this smart phone is WM5 beneath its OS. I can sit it nicely with the same big brothers with so much class and style. This may sound ridiculous to some people. However, when you have a Mac for a while you begin to realize this for sure. I have used PCs and Windows for twenty years before I had my first Mac mini just last year. Things were never the same after that experience. I hope that you continue to develop this skin project because I am really happier using my new Moto Q than ever before. I have just one suggestion that I hope may not be so difficult task. I thought about the address book icon in my docks at home on the Macs. Is it possible to make an address book icon and add the contacts link? It seems like this would fit in nicely to the skin project. Anyway if not. I still love the skin Project OSX...... I congratulate the team on such a outstanding job!!!

Well, I guess you and I am somewhat alike. I am too all about macs and that's why I couldn't wait to get the first version of this skin on my phone. After using it for awhile and beginning to understand how it all worked, I contacted Jamma and we began working together to make it is exact as possible. There are some things we still need to get right, one of those obviously being the dashboard but there are other small, very small details that bug me about the skin that will be fixed in the next release.

As sleepdoc stated, there was an Address Book in the dock in the initial release but if we put it back in, we would have to take something out. It just didn't seem necessary since you can use the right soft key.

Don't know if any of you read digg but I just submitted the link to the skin. I did a little bragging in the description to lure in the public so go digg it and add a comment! http://digg.com/apple/Best_OS_X_Smartphone_Skin_Ever

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Guest MicroVan

I have to concur with the title at the digg site. Best Skin ever for a phone! I can't stop playing with it. not that there is much to do but the JogDial works perfect with this skin! I did see something else that could be an awesome touch! in the last hover over of the clock icon the yellow sticky shows a mock task list you guys are plan to do on new releases. wouldn't it be awesome if the coding was written to retrieve some of your appointments and display it in the fields? I know you guys put a lot of sweat and thoughts in to this and I don't know if it can achieved. but that will also be an additional touch. :) keep up the good work!

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