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RUU on Vista: It can be done... the ultimate guide!

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Guest GundamWZero

Man I must be the only person on the planet to be having problems...... I ran this app twice and when I try to install the new mobile OS, it still say RUU has stopped working and Windows will close the programand notify me is a solution is availble. Then it says eroor downloading rom.

Guest GundamWZero

I did this about 10 times already and I still get the same thing: RUU stopped working!!!! This is total BS!!!! :D should I run this in compatibility mode for XP? I'll try it that way, but this has became a worthless way of getting something simple done.....

Guest Phynesse
Posted (edited)

I followed the guide but had some issues. I ended up writing up another guide that combines the findings i had until i got it to work.

Maybe it will help others!


My Hardware:

HTC Tornado (Vodafone V1240)

Vista Ultimate 32bit


Credit goes to Kar Hoe and Modaco's Paul O'Brien.





1. Unlock phone and put it into SuperCID mode

- connection phone to PC via USB cable

- download http://karhoe.net/myfiles/lokiwiz02_173.zip

- unpack and execute 'Lokiwiz.bat'

- type u [+enter] to unlock it. wait patiently for restart!

- type c [+enter] to put into SuperCID mode.

NOTE: if this was done improperly phone will get stuck on Bootloader mode, even after being flashed

2. Put phone into Bootloader mode

- turn off phone

- connect USB

- for HTC Tornados push the camera button for a few seconds, then tap poweron, and

continue to hold camera button until white screen appears = red, green, blue screen

- for other phones, google your phone model + 'bootloader mode button'. Shouldnt be too hard to find.

3. Update Windows Smartphone driver from default to patched

- Download and unpack VistaRUU.zip


- establish connection to PC via USB cable

- hit START button and type 'mobile device center'[+enter]

- find&click Connection Settings

- make sure 'Allow USB connection' is unchecked

- hit START button and type 'device manager' [+enter]

- under entry 'Mobile Devices' right-click the device (most likely 'Smartphone USB ...')

NOTE: if there are no 'Mobile Devices', put the checkmark back on 'Allow USB connection'

- select Update driver, then 'Browse my computer for ...', then 'Let me pick from a ...',

then 'Have Disk...' and 'Browse...' to where VistaRUU.zip was unpacked

- choose file 'wceusbsh.inf' and uncheck 'Show compatible hardware'

- Select Manufacturer 'HTC' and Model 'HTC USB Sync' and wait for driver to install

4. Prepare for Flashing New ROM

- Doublecheck that 'Allow USB connection' is unchecked in Mobile Device Center

- Make sure to close Mobile Device Center: hit CTRL+Shft+ESC, select tab 'Processes' and

end process 'wmdc.exe' if it is running

- Make sure phone is still in bootloader mode (tri-color screen) and connected via USB

- Download & unpack latest ROM


(optional to check if newer version exists http://karhoe.net/content/view/21/1/ )

- Finally, go to folder with new ROM and execute 'ROMUpdateUtility.exe'

- [checkbox] next, [checkbox] next, then follow instructions

- Wait for 100% and phone to reboot.

- Worked? Pat yourself on the shoulder once, twice if it worked right away. You re officially

a geek. Dont tell anyone. Woot.


WHAT IF...???

-..Error 260:

disconnect USB, take battery out of phone then power back up, reconnect

USB. Possibly doublecheck / repeat driver update in 3, doublecheck 4.

-..ROM is updated, phone wont start properly or is stuck in Bootloader mode:

Steps 1. and (more likely) 2. werent done properly. You have to put WM5 back on the phone and

repeat steps 1. and (more likely) 2.! But dont despair - it wont take long.

Go to your phone's support website and download ur phone's official WM5 ROM. For V1240:


It should contain a file called 'nk.nbf' (~30-40MB file). copy+replace the one thats in the new

WM6 ROM. disconnect USB, take battery out of phone then power back up, reconnect

USB. Execute 'ROMUpdateUtility.exe' again, and this time it should revert your phone back

to WM5. Repeat steps 1. and 2., exchange 'nk.nbf' back to the WM6 and try again.

-..something else went whack:

sorry, the above were the only 2 errors i encountered, but check the guides i used for help:






email - stopel [at] gmail.com

MSN - phynesse [at] hotmail.com


Edited by Phynesse
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest noel_ska

Before starting: Your device needs to be connected to the PC, and in BOOTLOADER mode.



can you tell me how to put it in bootloader mode, htc mogul, thank you!!!!

Guest piratepr

hey paul you are really like kobe the mvp. thank for this . this really work. i spend 2 days triyng to fix my blue angel. in 1 hour i doit whith this guide.

Guest Confucious

There are versions of RUU which work without any of this.

I've upgraded my Athena with no problem and the first time I upgraded my StrTrk it worked, using a different ROM it didn't work but changing the RUU it worked fine. I just have a default instal ov Vista (not yet SP1)

  • 1 month later...
Guest tonytun
Posted (edited)

im stuck on step 15 install your update? how do i do it? and where do i get it from?

Make sure you installed HardSPL as follows: power off and then press power on while keeping camera pressed, this will enter the so called bootloader mode and you see a tri-color screen (Red, Green, Blue). You should see "SPL-1.0 OliPof" on the second line in the top left corner. You can exit this mode by means of a "soft reset": press the reset button with the stylus.

how do i get hardspl install? is in bootloader mode now but is showing spl-1.93.0000 not spl-1.0 like it says above

helppppppppppp what i do


Edited by tonytun
  • 1 month later...
Guest edvardi
[teaser]Just after the launch of Windows Vista, we reported that RUUs (ROM upgrades), do not work on the OS.

Now, courtesy of sp3dev @ XDA-Developers, a solution has been found... and i've taken his basic instructions and posted them below with full screenshots and the very latest driver files extracted from ActiveSync 4.5.

News page readers can find the 16-step (not as bad as it sounds!) walkthrough after the jump! :D


Before starting: Your device needs to be connected to the PC, and in BOOTLOADER mode.


Guest q5485

Unfortunately the 16 steps outlined above did not work for me.

What did work was this command that you put in the command prompt:

net localgroup Administrators /add Local Service

That worked for me.

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest speedbump164

I thought I had killed my phone for good. I even sent my wife to check the Verizon store for the 6800 model; that's how bad oit was. I did the initial ugrade but it lost connectivity and it shut down and the phone was stuck in boot loader mode. I was freaking out until I found this post. But it worked! Windows Mobile Device Center didn't even need to be connected! The only difference I found was when browsing for the driver like you told me to do. When I did this, the name of the driver did not come back as HTC USB Sync. It showed the Microsoft USB Sync instead (even after clicking directly on the file name in the folder you provided us). This was a bit fishy to me because I didn't want to end up in the same boat I was in before. So this is where I played with it a bit.

I decided to uncheck the "Show Compatible Hardware" box which brings up a list of drivers by manufacturer name. I scrolled to "HTC" and selected the "HTC USB Sync" like you showed in the directions. Of course, I received a warning that the driver was not compatible with my computer, however, it worked perfectly for the upgrade. Since my phone was already stuck in boot loader mode, I restarted the upgrade, and now I can use my phone again. Thank you very very very much! My wife ended up buying a new phone though when she went to Verizon, so it still looks like I ended up spending some eunnecessary money anyways. Oh well. My phone works, and I'm happy. Thanks again.

Guest desolateone

does anyone have a complete set of working Vista64 drivers that work with this guide?

Guest Shadowfixeruk
[teaser]Just after the launch of Windows Vista, we reported that RUUs (ROM upgrades), do not work on the OS.

Now, courtesy of sp3dev @ XDA-Developers, a solution has been found... and i've taken his basic instructions and posted them below with full screenshots and the very latest driver files extracted from ActiveSync 4.5.

News page readers can find the 16-step (not as bad as it sounds!) walkthrough after the jump! :D


Before starting: Your device needs to be connected to the PC, and in BOOTLOADER mode.

Step 1 of 16: Extract this zip file to a memorable location on your machine (e.g. the desktop). This is the Activesync 4.5 RTM USB driver.

Am i missing something...?

When my Kaiser is in Bootloader, i don't see it in WMDC...

Or is this as it should be - and i just carry on anyway?



Guest Shadowfixeruk
Am i missing something...?

When my Kaiser is in Bootloader, i don't see it in WMDC...

Or is this as it should be - and i just carry on anyway?



Never mind... Found out where i was going wrong... Need to enter Bootloader :D . Where i was - wasn't BootLoader... hmmm

So for the others who couldn't find bootloader....

>>To Enter Bootloader..: power off and then press power on while keeping camera pressed, this will enter the so called bootloader mode and you see a tri-color screen (Red, Green, Blue).


  • 1 month later...
Guest stoo1701

Hi Guys,

1st Post here at Modaco, usually on XDA-Dev's! But I cant get help for this there...

I followed the instructions in this thread, so I could run the RuuUnlock on my old Hermes, (getting it ready for Ebay).

When I got to the bottom, it said to revert back (to my TYTN II/kaiser) I should re-click "Allow uSB connections" in WMDC.

Problem is, now I just cant get WMDC to recognize my Kaiser anymore, comes up as "Unidentified USB Device". doesnt show in file manager.

Tried re-installing WMDC 6 & 6.1, no joy....

Looked everywhere for a copy of the hTC Drivers that I got on a Vista update but can't find htem anywhere, and get uninstall old ones (dont show up in remove updates list)

Stuck as Fu-dge...

Can you Guru's help me? Anyone up to the challenge?? :D

Many thanks


Guest bhushanvinay

Sorry chaps, i am very new to upgrade just follwoing the vista but i cannot find the mobile device on the device manager

any help on what to do.



  • 2 weeks later...
Guest minihull

can anyone help??

followed the instructions for the vista ruu to enable me to upgrade my prophet but am stuck at step 14.everything went as stated and my ppc is still connected to my pc in bootloader mode.install update and everything should be fine but am lost as to how to do this. what should i do as wm device centre does not recognise my phone as connected but need to have an active connection when i want to upgrade the rom.

i am a newbie so any help would be great.


Guest Confucious

Just run the upgrade - don't worry about the fact it that wmdc does not recognise the phone, it doesn't need to when it's got to that stage.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I was having the problem where even though I started with my device in Bootloader, it was not appearing under Mobile Devices in Device Manager. I did finally get it to appear by doing the following:

1. Unplug device from USB

2. Take out battery

3. Plug device back in to USB and wait for it to be recognized.

It then appeared under Mobile Devices in Device Manager. I then put the battery back in (and successfully completed the rest of the directions).

Edited by xja12
Guest tracy2608

My phone alive man, thank a million times ... This post greats AAAAA+

Before starting: Your device needs to be connected to the PC, and in BOOTLOADER mode.

what is bootloader mode and how do we get the device there?

  • 1 month later...
Guest Jeff Gladman

Guys, i've just updated my MDA Compact II (Charmer) and didn't neet to follow any of the instruction above. If you have the ROM files stored on your hard drive you should have 'EnterBootloader.exe' which you should copy to your storage card. Run this file from your PDA in File Explorer, this will put the machine into Bootloader mode (Red, Green & Blue screen with version numbers). Now just run the RomUpdateUtility.exe (or similar) from vista & bingo, job done. No device disconnecting, no device changing, clean & simple B)

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest dragoness

I've done the process about 6 times now, with 4 different RUU's.

I'm running Vista 32bit (HP laptop), with an O2 mini s, fully CID and unlocked the xda-developers way (thanks for that guys!).

My Mini S states:

IPL: 2.26

SPL: 2.26

I'm just trying to get WM6 on my xda!

Has anyone found a way to do it yet?


Was your device plugged in?

same problem with me, in device manager i have Portable Devices and SFR_v1615 but not Mobile devices..

and when i try to update it, it gives error

"The folder you specified doesn't contain a compatible software driver for ur device"

so Please help me regarding this

Guest fallbranch

First post ...so be gentle...i am running Windows vista home premium SP1 and do the RUU update...I have bootloader v2.05 which I realize must be the problem so I read the instructions on how to downgrade problem is ...every time i try to do this the RUU in Vista Crashes and thus stops my upate...also I am unsuccesful in trying to downgrade to 2.04...as those instructions will not work either for my XV6700....

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!! :)

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