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Paul Reviews.... the HTC TyTN II (Kaiser)

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Guest GreginDallas

This Engadget post, and the comments folks have made, say it might be 1 October.

(And, that it might be priced lower than the iPhone, due to the comparisons people might make on size, etcetera. As in $299 - less than the price of the 8525. So, I'm doubting that, but maybe? Heck, I wouldn't complain over a good price for the phone!) http://tinyurl.com/26mtob

Also, I called and talked to one of the reps at the store I went to late last week - I was told then Tuesday, the 18th. Just now, the same rep said, "That is the date we've been given [from AT&T], however, we also were told the dates of the 3rd and the 11th. So, I can't promise you that we'll have them then. Just keep in touch - and the 18th is still possible."

Guest Hightech

Is there anyway to dial a number one can dial it with the the navigation control instead of waway pulling out the styles or with one finger. Can a number be dial using the Navigation control on the phone... I you can see I am very picking about the phone. I really do not want to use my finger to touch the screen and leave finger prints...

Thanks to all for the help..

Guest frydryce
Is there anyway to dial a number one can dial it with the the navigation control instead of waway pulling out the styles or with one finger. Can a number be dial using the Navigation control on the phone... I you can see I am very picking about the phone. I really do not want to use my finger to touch the screen and leave finger prints...

Thanks to all for the help..

i suppose you can use the keyboard number keys to dial.

just wondering, why the aversion to dialing with the touchpad? that's what it was designed for. you can always wipe the screen clean if you see fingerprints, however you'll never see them when the screen is on and shouldn't affect performance.

IMO, use the phone as it was designed. we all of course will baby our toys for a month or so, however as normal use continues we will end up putting fingerprints all over the phone and not caring, etc. when i first got my Treo650 i got the screen protector and silicone cover for it, however i've gone through my pack of screen protectors and the silicon case is loose now. the case is off, i haven't purchased new screen protectors and the phone works just like new and still looks great.

we'll all probably get new phones in 2 years time (some less) so babying the phone doesn't really matter that much as long as it works as intended and doesn't get all beat-up looking.

Guest stanchion
completely missed that suggestion. soooo...i performed another hard-reset, didn't fiddle with the settings, installed the new version of TT6 and after 30 minues, GPS kicked in. it's been working great since then. thanks for the suggestion; i don't know if this is the reasone it worked, but GPS is working and i'm very happy now.

I was also having trouble getting my TyTN II to work with TomTom ... but I got it to work.. tall buildings were interfering since I live downtown in a city... :-) clear line of sight is important in establishing that first connection...

Guest stanchion
Is there anyway to dial a number one can dial it with the the navigation control instead of waway pulling out the styles or with one finger. Can a number be dial using the Navigation control on the phone... I you can see I am very picking about the phone. I really do not want to use my finger to touch the screen and leave finger prints...

Thanks to all for the help..

I also dont like having to fiddle with the phone to dial numbers.. and I swear by Microsoft Voice Commander 1.6 for this... this program works amazingly well... NO "TRAINING" REQUIRED ... all you do is hit one button (whatever you assign) and say "call John Smith at mobile" or "call John Smith at work" and it calls them... absolutely the best way to dial if you ask me... :-)

Guest frydryce
I also dont like having to fiddle with the phone to dial numbers.. and I swear by Microsoft Voice Commander 1.6 for this... this program works amazingly well... NO "TRAINING" REQUIRED ... all you do is hit one button (whatever you assign) and say "call John Smith at mobile" or "call John Smith at work" and it calls them... absolutely the best way to dial if you ask me... :-)

does this work well in say a moderately noisy environment? like on the sidewalk of a main street or does it require that you be in a quiet area for the voice recognition to work?


Just got my TyTn II from SuperiorGadgets, great service. I wanted to thank Paul for all of the great info while waiting these long months. I love my 8525 and must say that the Kaiser is really an impressive follow-on!

I wanted to also add a comment about the Kaiser's battery. It's the first lithium phone battery that I've seen with a ground plane, the inside face of the pack is a metal plate. The plastic film "case" around the battery has this metal plate exposed at all 4 corners to make contact with mating gold fingers in the battery box, all around the battery. I bring this up because there are always cheap batteries available for these phones and I would beware of one without this extra shielding, it may affect performance?

Wow, these look cool. Are they comfortable for long sessions of listening (30+ minutes)?




Yes i dont really have any problems with this,  i use them for hours every day.

Guest Heinz2004

Letter format (Autofocus) If you need a copy of a letter, just use the 3 megapixel camera.

Maybe even OCR (like Omnipage) works.


Guest Hightech

Who has learn how to use the world card program? I try it with a black shinny card and it on capture half of the card information any tips on how to do it correct like it gets everything. What I mean by half is when you export and the device trys to place in te contact information...


Guest -JeeDee-

Hehe :wub:

My phonecompany just called it's in !!!

On my way now :D

Sooo Curious after all those reports, can't wait!

Let ya hear soon if it works properly ;)


Guest Chief Curmudgeon

I'm a U.S. AT&T customer. I've dealt with the same knowledgeable Cingular/AT&T independent reseller (Darin Roth of "The Phone Store" (innovative, what?)) for years, and his information always is excellent. I placed my order for the AT&T8925/Kaiser/TyTN II/Tilt a couple of weeks ago, and just received this message from Darin:

"Just got off a conference call.......they just said the release date is now 092507."


Guest New HTC User

Hello Chief Curmudgeon. Thanks for the information. Did your contact tell you if AT&T will sell the 8925 with the front camera?

Also, question for Paul or anybody with the device: have you tried using Microsoft Portrait with this device? I have heard great comments about it for videoconferencing through MS Messenger. I can't install it on my current device due since I have an old PDA.


Guest Chief Curmudgeon
Hello Chief Curmudgeon. Thanks for the information. Did your contact tell you if AT&T will sell the 8925 with the front camera?


No information about the cameras. I included his entire message; if he had known more, he would have told me, for we've been exchanging info about the AT&T 8925 for weeks (because of this forum, I often know details he hasn't heard yet); he has ordered one for his own use, too.

Guest borg.cube
Probably a problem with the User Agent or something.

Let me check it out on my AT&T ROM...


Thanks Paul...let us know if you have any success. BTW-- The TomTom starter doesn't work in the US. The system wont allow me to download any US maps-- even though it gives me that option during initial Tom Tom setup on the Kaiser. When I select NY City-- it goes to get the map CAB file through pocket IE and just sits there and hangs. Same for other US city cabs-- no download into the Kaiser trialware.

Guest GreginDallas

Chief Curmudgeon - I wonder if it's possible (I'm hoping!) that the phones will be available at AT&T stores on the 18th, and to secondary resellers one week later, the 25th? Do you know if he typically sees the phones the same day as AT&T?

And, I wonder if you might be able to ask him if he's heard anything about the rumored $299 price? (http://tinyurl.com/26mtob)



guy I just saw this...

Is this USB plug a special one ?

Looking at the Nokia (bottom) one... the Nokia's seems the "standard" one and the TyTN II (top) look "different"

I hope we don't need a special cable... I really need to plug this at work aswell if I need to charge it quickly...


Brounoh, yeah its an ExtUSB or something, its backwards compatible with MiniUSB, so you're in luck ;)

Guest Chief Curmudgeon
Chief Curmudgeon - I wonder if it's possible (I'm hoping!) that the phones will be available at AT&T stores on the 18th, and to secondary resellers one week later, the 25th? Do you know if he typically sees the phones the same day as AT&T?

And, I wonder if you might be able to ask him if he's heard anything about the rumored $299 price? (http://tinyurl.com/26mtob)

Phone Store AT&T expert Darin Roth says, "It has been my experience (with the exception of the iPhone) when phones are released they are available the same day company wide. I can't recall any specific model that was available in one channel before another. There have been a couple of 'colors' over the years that were channel specific but that's about it.

"As far as the $299 rumor, I frankly have not heard that. We've been told $499.99 in the past. Price was not discussed in our call today.

"Hope that helps."


Guest Chief Curmudgeon
Posted (edited)

Message appeared twice. My apologies.

Edited by Chief Curmudgeon

Fantastic News !!!

Let me be the first to announce, the Kaiser will be available from Vodaphone on 17th September (Monday).

As a Vodaphone customer with an (expired) contract now standing at 20 months whilst I've been patiently waiting for this phone to come out, I will be phoning Vodaphone at 9am on Monday to arrange the upgrade! My N70 is going on eBay!

I wonder if they will give it to me free?! Here's hoping!

By the way, their website still says "coming soon", but I've just got off the phone with Vodaphone and they say it's definetly released on 17th with them.


Could somebody please confirm that Vodaphone's v1615 is most definetly the Kaiser?


Guest Kagenryu
Yes i dont really have any problems with this, i use them for hours every day.

Awesome, thanks for the update!



Posted (edited)
Letter format (Autofocus) If you need a copy of a letter, just use the 3 megapixel camera.

Maybe even OCR (like Omnipage) works.

I tried it with Abby Finereader ocr and it worked great. Only one mistake in one word ;)

Edited by highway

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