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Paul's crazy project of the day...

Guest PaulOBrien

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Guest Paul (MVP)
If you've been following the forum lately, you'll know that myself and other members (a lot of you!) have been having great fun making money with Navizon using our GPS', and also doing the same with CamerAware. Now, late last week I was chatting on the MoDaCo Palringo group, when someone (I forget who, sorry!) came up with a really crazy idea.

They said 'I wonder if you could post your device and build up Navizon points?' Of course, this sparked a whole lengthy discussion and set me thinking. Aside from the points earning implications, would it be possible to put a device in the post, and track it's progress? Which route would it take? Would a device last long enough to plot the whole journey? What would you use? These are just some of the questions it would be very cool to discuss in this topic... let's use our collective brainpower to try this out :)

Here's where i'm at so far!

The Kit Requirements

- A small device with WiFi and a sensitive GPS onboard, and with a good capacity battery. I'm thinking the Eten X600. It's small, has a super sensitive SiRF III GPS, and has a 1530mAh battery. I happen to have a X600 ready for the task!
- A power pack. 1530mAh is a good size, but it won't last the whole journey. Enter the Proporta USB Mobile Device Charger. 3400mAh of backup power! The super guys at Proporta have already sent a unit on it's way to me. Cheers chaps!
- A custom software build. A custom build of CamerAware / Navizon, perhaps with some logic to detect when it hasn't moved for a little while and save power?

The Plan

- To post the device from me to another member (e.g. Monolithix), via Special Delivery, which will give a window of around 5pm to around 10am. The distance needs to be such that it's interesting and moves a lot, but not so far that it goes by air.
- To package the device so it's well protected, but light.
- To track the package live, online on MoDaCo if possible!

Your Input

Help us! Will this work? Should we do things different? Is there something we've not considered? Would a bluetooth GPS work better than an integrated GPS? Am I insane? (probably)... :D

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Guest WearTheFoxHat

Don't wanna pee on your bonfire Paul ... but check postage regulations. I'm pretty sure that you are not allowed to post items that contain batteries if the batteries are inserted. Don't wanna be causing a bomb scare now do we!

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Guest WearTheFoxHat
Erm, I've received a gazillion different packages with batteries inserted, but it's a good point, and worth checking.



That mentions batteries.

I sound like a real poo-pooer now ... would have been a very cool project. But don't fancy you getting banged up for sending a device through the post ... especially if they X-ray it and see electronics and batteries :S

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Guest Paul (MVP)

Weird, I wonder if that covers batteries in this type of application? I've received countless phones with batteries inserted. Anyway, we could potentially run the device from the proporta battery, in it's original packaging? :)

The other concern I suppose is heat from the device when it's running?

I only want to do it if it's safe obviously!


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Guest FragMeister

I remember a dodgy airport parking exposé on Watchdog a while back where they fitted a gps recorder to a smart hot vauxhall astra and saw where it got driven, and at what speeds. (IIRC it got left round the back of a supermarket and tanked up the M23 at 110mph!)

Be interesting to see the route it takes, and what abuse our valuable post gets - although I dont know how good the GPS/phone signal would be at the bottom of a stack of mailbags, or inside the giant tumble-dryer sorting machines!

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Guest nickcornaglia

I just wonder how long the battery would last with WiFi and GPS on at the same time. Do you need your SIM inserted to do it? If so, would you be willing to part with your SIM for x amount of time? Anyone know a train engineer that can take the phone for a day? :)

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Guest WearTheFoxHat

I do know a courier driver who works for UPS ... could be an amusing one. Also have a mate who owns a haulage company ... they could be good for racking up points !

Got some spare t-mo payg sims too.

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Guest jimbouk

Cool idea. Would also be interesting if the postman tried to nick it...

*I am wondering about taking my orange sim and putting that in a spare device and sending my kaiser with navison switched on, for a week or two in a mates delivery truck...

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Guest chucky.egg

Oh yes!

You've GOT to do this!

I'd be happy to recharge it and pay courier fees to ship it on to another member if you wanted to send it to me.

Is the "members postcode map" thing still running? I wonder if we could stage the journey and get it from Lands End to John O'Groats (sp.)

I've just been reminded of the infamous disappearing C500 at a Modaco meet. You might want some sort of vetting if you're thinking of sending it from one member to another!


No offence Mono - I'm sure you can be trusted

Edited by chucky.egg
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Guest Paul (MVP)

I like the idea of sending a device around between members, watch this space :)

Chances are me and mono will send to each other as a test run, then maybe extend it if it works!


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Guest Paul (MVP)

I'll definitely be putting a live map up to track it's progress when this does happen :D

Hopefully the Proporta pack will arrive in the next day or so, then I can start prepping :)


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hey! I have got an x500 with a 1530mAh battery! And a 3500mAh battery pack!!

Only problem Is I don't get a data connection on it as there Is a firmware bug with t-mobile. But if someone wants to lend me a sim with a data connection then I will have a go!!

P.s. Your going to have to post down to Devon if your going to do it :)

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Guest Mr_Blonde1971

I work in one of Royal mails mail centre's and would recommend that you only use special delivery as there is no chance of the package reaching a sorting machine as all special delivery items are kept separate from normal mail. Because these are sorted manually you would need to make sure that it can withstand a drop from height? they tend to be thrown into bags when sorted. If you use normal mail you need to make sure that it is at least 25mm thick to stop it being put into a machine.

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I'm thinking box + bubble wrap, should be able to withstand a little bit of abuse!


Would be cool to send it between other members, really rack up the miles.

Would you get a good gps signal from within the box, within a van?

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