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How to install and USE .net Compact Framework 3.5 WITHOUT upgrading your ROM.

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Guest jfarley

Works with my Sprint HTC Touch Pro. However, it won't let me view any folders above the "My Documents" folder. I would like to be able to edit a settings.xml file that installs with my own custom app but I can't get to it unless I copy it down to a folder like "Personal". Then it works great. Any ideas??

Guest jfarley

Whoops! Sorry!! I posted into the wrong forum. I wanted to comment about the MobilePad software I downloaded .net 3.5CF for. Sorry about that! Just ignore my posting....

Guest apekatt

Thanks alot. Works fine on my HTC Touch Diamond.

Guest nickallison

Installed (seemingly ok) on my Orange (UK) Touch HD. Re-booted after each installation just to make sure.

On running the config program there is no option for Net 3.5, only Net 2.0 and Default.

Is it possible that;

Default is in fact now 3.5?

The Orange ROM wont allow the Net Fraework to upgrade to 3.5? (sorry of this is a meaningless statement, I'm flying out of my knowledge base now)

Or could it be something else.

Any advise appreciated.

Guest Paul

Did you install CF 3.5 as well as the utility?


Guest raptor675

Worked as intended- Big props Paul- thankyou

Guest Etherium
Ok so I have managed to solve this issue with some intense researching and surfing!

I ended up having to do a hard reset. It seems that there is a application that conflicts the install procedure. Out of the three that were listed I had one of them - Skype. (I could be completely wrong though as I have nothing substantial to base my findings on apart from the fact that I had one of the afore mentioned applications. I think I may have been missing a few dll's.).

I've been able to install the .NET Compact Framework 3.5 on my pda. :D

Link to Solution - look for the posting by Hector Obregon [eMVP] a little way down the page.


(By the way just uninstalling Skype did not do the trick, I had to resort to a hard reset)

OK, well I followed the link and it come up with a bunch of info that i have no idea of understanding..!, but basically I'm assuming that I've gotta do a hard reset and install the 3.5 cab first....then I'm guessing allready that skype conflicts with this allready...?, so don't reinstall skyp at all, or just after the install of 3.5 is fine..?, or basicall anything that conflicts with the 3.5 framework, don't install it alltogether...?, Oh...BTW, how do i check bout what is conflicting with what...?, Many Thanx in advance..!, Sorry if the questions seem so obvious though I'm a total noob..!!

Guest nickallison
Did you install CF 3.5 as well as the utility?


I downloaded and installed the two files, in the two links in the first post of this thread, Paul.

Is there something else that I have missed? I hope not as then I will look very stupid.  :D




Both in my Download Folder on the storage card. I did notice that when they installed, I was not offered as to where they are to be installed (Device or Card) as is normally the case. This may be relevant as I suppose that they may have installed to the Card, as that is where they were installed from. Looking through previous posts suggests that installing to the card may (or maynot) be an issue.

Guest TinTin2010

Works fine on the new HTC Touch Diamond 2 - thank you!!!

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Tambo
Posted (edited)


I've installed HDwobble on my HTC HD (Orange UK) & it's giving an error 'newer version of Microsoft.net Compact Framework' required.

I undestand that you copy the 2 cab files over to phone.

If I copy them to my storage card I presume they'll be installed into the correct place?

Do you need to reboot? after each or both are installed?

Do any of you guys with the same phone have any probs with these cabs screwing up the phone.

Reason why I'm asking is I have a lot of programs/apps on my phone & If it's going to cause major probs - then new apps/games etc, that require .net 3.5 I'll just have to avoid installing on my HD.

A hard reset isn't going to be an option...

Thanks for any advice & help.


Edited by Tambo
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest jacksprat

Just installed, and worked a treat. Thanks for the support! :D

Guest bovane
If you're a developer or have knowledge of .net Compact Framework, you'll be aware that version 3.5 has shipped. You'll be aware that it offers a number of enhancements in features, stability and performance, and you'll likely also know that it provides full backwards compatability with previous versions of the Compact Framework. What you may NOT know is that when CF 3.5 is installed on a device, applications that target previous versions of the Compact Framework will continue to run against the old versions, and 3.5 and previous versions will live side by side on the device. Only when new devices come along will we see ONLY 3.5 on a device.

This presents a number of problems, namely

  • Users who deploy CF 3.5 to their device but use applications targeting older versions will not benefit from the 3.5 performance improvements
  • Developers who develop apps for pre CF 3.5 frameworks cannot easily test their applications ready for when 3.5 only devices come along

Thankfully, help is at hand in the form of a little known Compact Framework 3.5 powertoy named '.Net Configuration'. The application, which is available in this download at Microsoft, provides the user with full granularity of control over the .net CF on their device. You can see installed versions, change the used CF version for a particular application or change the used CF version for all applications run on your device! Perfect!

Sadly in Microsoft's infinite wisdom the application in question is tucked away in simple EXE inside the 6.2MB download and somewhat hard to find, so i've taken the liberty of packaging it up into a CAB here that installs it with it's own Start Menu shortcut. I've also included the .net CF 3.5 CAB below, so you can get your device updated quickly and easily by...

- Downloading and installing both CABs below (to internal memory!)

- Running '.Net Configuration' from your Start Menu

- Navigating to the 'Device Policy' tab and selecting version 3.5

- Selecting 'Apply' then 'OK'

That's it, you're done! You can even check it's working by installing my CamerAware Beta and hitting 'About', after which you should see the screen below.

Enjoy, and hope this is useful :D


PS If you ARE a developer, there's other goodies in that Powertoys package that are well worth a look too!





I AM RUNNING WM 6.1 AND HAVE NET CF 2.0.7045.0 installed.

I WAS FOLLOWING THE INSTRUCTIONS FROM THIS PAGE (http://tiltmobility.com/how-to-install-net-compact-framework-35/) TO DO THE INSTALL WITH YOU FILES.



Guest diesel369

Major problem... everything seems to work fine after installation of 3.5... but all of my contacts are gone, and I didn't have any recent pim saved... is this just a bug, are my contacts still somewhere on the phone? someone plz help cuz I have no way of getting all that information back...

Guest Zebeth
If you're a developer or have knowledge of .net Compact Framework, you'll be aware that version 3.5 has shipped. You'll be aware that it offers a number of enhancements in features, stability and performance, and you'll likely also know that it provides full backwards compatability with previous versions of the Compact Framework. What you may NOT know is that when CF 3.5 is installed on a device, applications that target previous versions of the Compact Framework will continue to run against the old versions, and 3.5 and previous versions will live side by side on the device. Only when new devices come along will we see ONLY 3.5 on a device.

This presents a number of problems, namely

  • Users who deploy CF 3.5 to their device but use applications targeting older versions will not benefit from the 3.5 performance improvements
  • Developers who develop apps for pre CF 3.5 frameworks cannot easily test their applications ready for when 3.5 only devices come along

Thankfully, help is at hand in the form of a little known Compact Framework 3.5 powertoy named '.Net Configuration'. The application, which is available in this download at Microsoft, provides the user with full granularity of control over the .net CF on their device. You can see installed versions, change the used CF version for a particular application or change the used CF version for all applications run on your device! Perfect!

Sadly in Microsoft's infinite wisdom the application in question is tucked away in simple EXE inside the 6.2MB download and somewhat hard to find, so i've taken the liberty of packaging it up into a CAB here that installs it with it's own Start Menu shortcut. I've also included the .net CF 3.5 CAB below, so you can get your device updated quickly and easily by...

- Downloading and installing both CABs below (to internal memory!)

- Running '.Net Configuration' from your Start Menu

- Navigating to the 'Device Policy' tab and selecting version 3.5

- Selecting 'Apply' then 'OK'

That's it, you're done! You can even check it's working by installing my CamerAware Beta and hitting 'About', after which you should see the screen below.

Enjoy, and hope this is useful ;)


PS If you ARE a developer, there's other goodies in that Powertoys package that are well worth a look too!





Hello everyone,

Just loaded these 2 cabs in 2 different tilts and it worked great.

Thanks alot.......

Guest philmowrey

Thanks, worked great on my Samsung Saga!

Guest alshani
If you're a developer or have knowledge of .net Compact Framework, you'll be aware that version 3.5 has shipped. You'll be aware that it offers a number of enhancements in features, stability and performance, and you'll likely also know that it provides full backwards compatability with previous versions of the Compact Framework. What you may NOT know is that when CF 3.5 is installed on a device, applications that target previous versions of the Compact Framework will continue to run against the old versions, and 3.5 and previous versions will live side by side on the device. Only when new devices come along will we see ONLY 3.5 on a device.

This presents a number of problems, namely

  • Users who deploy CF 3.5 to their device but use applications targeting older versions will not benefit from the 3.5 performance improvements
  • Developers who develop apps for pre CF 3.5 frameworks cannot easily test their applications ready for when 3.5 only devices come along

Thankfully, help is at hand in the form of a little known Compact Framework 3.5 powertoy named '.Net Configuration'. The application, which is available in this download at Microsoft, provides the user with full granularity of control over the .net CF on their device. You can see installed versions, change the used CF version for a particular application or change the used CF version for all applications run on your device! Perfect!

Sadly in Microsoft's infinite wisdom the application in question is tucked away in simple EXE inside the 6.2MB download and somewhat hard to find, so i've taken the liberty of packaging it up into a CAB here that installs it with it's own Start Menu shortcut. I've also included the .net CF 3.5 CAB below, so you can get your device updated quickly and easily by...

- Downloading and installing both CABs below (to internal memory!)

- Running '.Net Configuration' from your Start Menu

- Navigating to the 'Device Policy' tab and selecting version 3.5

- Selecting 'Apply' then 'OK'

That's it, you're done! You can even check it's working by installing my CamerAware Beta and hitting 'About', after which you should see the screen below.

Enjoy, and hope this is useful ;)


PS If you ARE a developer, there's other goodies in that Powertoys package that are well worth a look too!




Would it work on ASUS P750 with WM6.0 OS 5.2.1623?

Guest renski

cant seem to get the files to download for some reason?

Guest harry88

Thank you SOO very much!!

Microsoft's NETCFSetupv35.msi did NOT work with my iPAQ 510 - but your CAB files DID work. So, what you did was not "just handy" but saved my day.  :)

Note to renski: I had to wait a few minutes before the download popped up. Just be patient  ;)

Guest calcha

why is it that when i try to install it on my fuze it says

"installation error stop all applications and processes, maximize all available storage space and run installation again"

i have more than enough memory on my phone and i do not understand why it jus wont instal :)

Guest alsehendo34
thanks for the apps the net config cab didn't install a shortcut on my htc prophet but i just navigated to the windows folder and ran it from there :)

Thanks I used the Microsoft msi (NETCFSetupv3.5.msi) installer from XP to load 3.5 on the phone and your app works great for switching back and forth. Thanks

Samsung BlackJack II

I upgraded to Windows mobile 6.1

  • 4 weeks later...

Great - both cabs worked a treat in my un-cooked Orange Touch HD. Many thanks.

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