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ROM: TLR Kaiser WinMo 6.1 - VF ROM / Radio, HTC OEM + CF 3.5 + more

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Guest jimbouk

Rumours that it might interfere with your new sms notifications.

Guest TheLoanRanger

Added some more software, a fix for AT&T Tilt user's keyboard layout and coincidentally a no-threaded-SMS CAB.

Guest TheLoanRanger
Just re-flashed again, got this when the update finished:


MMS Options now working OK though, guess I'll see how it goes...

Don't worry about that error, it's not important.

Guest TheLoanRanger

My CAB restores the notifications for non-threaded mode.

Guest TheLoanRanger
So has this flash made your guys devices faster than the normal Vario III rom? Not sure its worth the effort when I think about all the hacks I've applied etc...

Definitely quicker in my experience! When the HTC video performance CAB arrives this thing is going to be real speedy.

Guest TheLoanRanger
I'm having problems with this ROM.

I have SPB Pocket Plus. Whenever I try to use the "soft reset" function in the close button menu, the device reboots but then hangs when trying to load the today screen.


Ok, a few problems with this ROM.

The issue I noted above. It seems that any soft reset triggered from software (if a software install requests a reboot or from say the pocket plus app etc) causes the device to hang when it gets to the today screen after the reboot.

Another issue is that I cannot enter my location information in the weather bit of the HTC Home plugin.

I use the Soft Reset CAB from the must have Kaiser list (I think), which is also in the first post. Works first time every time. I don't actually use the weather bit of the plugin (and have it hidden using the menu in Today settings), but i've just enabled it and sure enough, no cities listed. I will fix!

Guest TheLoanRanger

For those with weather problems, are you using the 'Advanced Config' application? If so, this causes some problems. You should select your city before running this. This is a problem not in this ROM only, but in all ROMs including the shipping ROM.

Fix to follow.


ok, so i manager to brick my phone. stopped at 16%


so, alas after sitting at the bootloader screen for a while going bugger to me... i did managed a few things.

think i am very lucky the bootloader was in place.

found the utility mtty.exe and this allowed me to get into the bootloader.

i then tried a few things, the one which finally worked was to type at the cmd> prompt "set 16 0"

then rebooted it.

this allowed me reboot into the old rom, however... i do have a nive cool modaco boot image.

Guest TheLoanRanger

You can always get to bootloader by powering on and holding down the Camera button.

SSPL will never let you brick the phone completely! Just go back to bootloader and try again!

Guest TheLoanRanger

I just did a hard reset and the weather works fine.

ok, so i manager to brick my phone. stopped at 16%

ok... don't run anything from within a .zip file. seems the hard-SPL creates temp files...

flash worked a charm.


THIngs that i found..

email, the option to use imap is greyed out... how annoying that it insists on auto detecting your settings.

skype no longer starts, fails with useful message"Could not start skype"

skype no longer starts, fails with useful message"Could not start skype"

I have not used Skype before so not 100% sure this is a ROM problem, but trying to load it just now I too get exactly the same message.

Guest Syphon Filter
For those with weather problems, are you using the 'Advanced Config' application? If so, this causes some problems. You should select your city before running this. This is a problem not in this ROM only, but in all ROMs including the shipping ROM.

Fix to follow.

So this is BEFORE the advanced options thing is installed?


Weather for me worked first time, although with the default HTC Home and not the one from the first post

Guest Loconinja

I've just flashed my Vario III. The process was straightforward and no problems so far. I haven't installed any of the optional CABs, but I've copied to my Storage Card, so I will try them tonight.

I'll post any issues or observations. Thanks, TLR!

Guest miker33

I flashed my Vario III yesterday and so far so good, all my normal apps are fine and the device certainly feels snappier going to see if I can manage over a week of use without a crash now :)



Guest Electronic Punk
My CAB restores the notifications for non-threaded mode.

So it disables threaded but keeps notifications on?

Guest Paul (MVP)

I'm using TLRs threaded disable CAB thing and everything seems to work as i'd expect (sent and received notifications work fine).


Guest tsutton
The threaded sms takes a bit of getting used to - and I am not a fan of the combined sms/mms - which no doubt someone will customise out.

TheLoanRanger or anyone - has anyone made an CAB for this to split both of them up?

I am starting to get used to the idea of the new ROM, just waiting for the issue to be ironed out before jumping in. :)

Guest Electronic Punk

What does the AT&T Tilt Keyboard Fix actually do?

Guest Paul (MVP)
TheLoanRanger or anyone - has anyone made an CAB for this to split both of them up?

I am starting to get used to the idea of the new ROM, just waiting for the issue to be ironed out before jumping in. :)

I used the CAB in the first post to disable threading and it works a treat!


Guest Paul (MVP)
What does the AT&T Tilt Keyboard Fix actually do?

The Tilt has a different keyboard layout to the TyTN II, so I assume it remaps it.


Guest Electronic Punk

Ok, I don't think that affects me.

Paul is there a way to keep SMS sent notification but kill the noise?

Always seems to stutter and sounds poor.

Guest jimbouk
TheLoanRanger or anyone - has anyone made an CAB for this to split both of them up?

I am starting to get used to the idea of the new ROM, just waiting for the issue to be ironed out before jumping in. :)

It disables threading but not the combined sms/mms inbox.

If you then want to get rid of "message sent" notifications, you can easily do so with various config tools/reg edit.

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