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ROM: TLR Kaiser WinMo 6.1 - VF ROM / Radio, HTC OEM + CF 3.5 + more

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Guest Paul (MVP)

Oh, I see what you mean!

IIRC seperating out the inboxes means a whole different MMS client. TLR?


Guest jimbouk

I reckon that you would need to wait for another cooked 6.1 rom where someone has gone to the bother.

Guest Syphon Filter

Does this update also change the radio? If so, to which version.

From reading up on XDA-Developers it seems the soft-reset issue I have been experiencing is due to the radio version.

Guest Paul (MVP)

It does flash a radio, which is showing on mine as version

No soft reset problem here.


Guest Syphon Filter
It does flash a radio, which is showing on mine as version

No soft reset problem here.


Yeha just read the first post again.

I will try again. See if I still get the issue.

Guest jimbouk

If I may offer a word of advice as a seasoned flasher...

After flashing the rom, when the align screen appears: Do a hard reset (hold both soft buttons and stick stylus in reset hole for 3 seconds, then green answer key as requested.

For some reason, a hard reset post flash resolves a lot of problems.

Guest Syphon Filter
Posted (edited)
If I may offer a word of advice as a seasoned flasher...

After flashing the rom, when the align screen appears: Do a hard reset (hold both soft buttons and stick stylus in reset hole for 3 seconds, then green answer key as requested.

For some reason, a hard reset post flash resolves a lot of problems.

Yeah I did that the first time.

Anywhoooooooo, it's working (for now). Let's see what happens when I install SPB Pocket Plus again.

I tell you one thing I like about this ROM - It's clean.

Most of the ROMs on XDA-Dev that have been cooked by the guys there have a lot of what I would consider "junk" on them and have had their splashes and themes changed to ones I don't really like. That's not to say those guys are not doing great work, they're an amazing source of of inspiration (in terms of what you can do on your device).

TLR has a clean ROM which is nice because its provides a solid canvas that I can then paint my own desires as it were.

Another weird thing:

Sometimes my start menu starts filling up with the same "recently used" application (at the moment it appears to "Tasks") over and over again. Any ideas?

Ok I'm not sure that its the recently used bit that is filling up. It seems to be below the recently used section but above the bit where it has the programs and settings shortcuts.

Edited by Syphon Filter
Guest pete_thomson

Does this work OK with an Orange handset??

I've read about flashing the Orange branded handset and I just don't wanna end up with a very expensive paper weight.

Guest Syphon Filter
Does this work OK with an Orange handset??

I've read about flashing the Orange branded handset and I just don't wanna end up with a very expensive paper weight.

Yes it will


You will need to prepare your phone appropriately first.

Read the information here BEFORE you attempt to do anything.

It should be noted that no one but yourself will be held responsible if you end up bricking your phone. This applies whether you follow the instructions properly or not.

Guest TheLoanRanger
Posted (edited)

2 things I aim to achieve with this and future versions of my ROM:

  • Make it clean and as close to OEM as possible, don't install tons of crap I like but others might not
  • Don't update it every 5 minutes so people have to reinstall all the time. Update it when there's a good reason, else just try and provide CABs!


Edited by TheLoanRanger
Guest TheLoanRanger

re: Separate SMS / MMS, I like that too, i'll look into it.

Guest Shadowfixeruk
You may not want it, but it is needed for warranty purposes :D

Has anyone got the link to the TMo ROM? just so i can add it to my binaries collection :)

Guest ScrewlooseAZ

I've noticed that the call clarity is better with this one. Although it sounds clearer, the volume seem lower than before.

Is there a registry tweak or other way to boost the call volume?

Also WM player could be louder, can't really hear it if there is any background noise.

Guest Syphon Filter
I've noticed that the call clarity is better with this one. Although it sounds clearer, the volume seem lower than before.

Is there a registry tweak or other way to boost the call volume?

Also WM player could be louder, can't really hear it if there is any background noise.

I think this is related to the Radio version. Someone care to confirm or correct?


when clearing all storage (resetting the device), there is a new option to clear the NAND memory too.

What is NAND memory?

Thanks for that - trouble is the download limit has been reached... any other ideas?

Seems to be back up ok now, I just got it.

My problem is the ftp site hosting the ROM and CABs appears to be dead :)

Anyone know of another place it is available?

My problem is the ftp site hosting the ROM and CABs appears to be dead :D

Typical! Make a post and it reappears! :)

Guest unicron

just a quick queation, I have successfully flashed my vario 3 using this method but what I would like to know is, can I flash my vario in future just by getting hold of newer roms or do I have to do the entire process again (botloader screen, unplug blah blah etc)?


just a quick queation, I have successfully flashed my vario 3 using this method but what I would like to know is, can I flash my vario in future just by getting hold of newer roms or do I have to do the entire process again (botloader screen, unplug blah blah etc)?


Once the successfully ran the hard-spl app you should be able to install any ROM you like in the future

Guest Electronic Punk

Ok a few more bits - actually using the Vodafone ROM here and quite happy with it - as I have a Vodafone device anyway. So not using this ROM, however it is nice to be able to talk to a chef and not be screamed as a noob like xda-dev.

This seems to be TLR Kaiser but my ROM is (which is higher?) with radio - things are so hectic at XDA it is easy to miss official releases. Is this your ownnaming convention?

Which OEM applications do HTC include specifically and are there any included that are out-of-date on the Vodafone ROM?

I did compare the 3.03 and 3.08 HTC and Vodafone ROMs when they came out and did make the following observations.

- Vodafone was missing Worldcard and Live Messenger

- Vodafone had its own custom dialer and skin

- Vodafone has its Business email stuff

- Vodafone seems to have an older version of Task Manager

- Misc images in both ROMs that I actively make an effort to delete anyway.

- Vodafone doesn't seem to have the boot up animation, no great loss.

Guest TheLoanRanger

Hello :D

Yes, this is my convention, it's built on the same ROM you're using. It reports a different version in device information, because i'm using the HTC OEM section (will fix the version number reporting in a future release).

The HTC ROM has Worldcard and WLM as you note, the HTC version has a slightly older JVM. There's not a lot to call between them, but most people like the black standard HTC look (me included), hence I built it with the HTC OEM section.

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