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The custom ROM how-to discussion thread

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Guest datafanatic
i have and some metodic to split exe for PDA, Phone, EBOOT, and Customer zone, but untested now. Same reason - hanv't time. If i doit for logical end and sucsesfuly result, i post metodic here. :lol:

Hi catmat,

Can you post your method anyway, there are enough of us guinea pigs here to test and have a play.

Wow, this is all coming together so fast, Super Roms available soon!!! ;)




- Use Pkgtool to change dump to packages

Where can i find this tool?



Ok found it. I couldn't see it with explorer but total commander works.

Can you post your method anyway, there are enough of us guinea pigs here to test and have a play.

Not right now, please.. I have а birthday today, therefore .... huh... you know :lol: party, beers, gerls - yes, firmware, rom, coocking - NO :D

Guest Paul (MVP)

Too late, posted! :lol:

BTW, the OEMAPPS package is nearly 150MB in the standard ROM!



Yup, took out alot of apps I personally don't use, including samsung widget, built the Rom and it's at about 115MB. Just the moment of truth left... the flashing...


Can't find Pkgtool. Gone through all unzipped folders many times. :lol:

The process!

- Download P535 kitchen linked above

- Download DXHJ1 update (for example) and add .bin to filename

- Run NB0_Kitchen.exe, select BIN file, and NB0 will be extracted

- Click button to create IMGFS, this will give you your dump directory

- Use Pkgtool to change dump to packages

- Modify as desired

- Use BuildOS to change packages back to dump

- Use the Build NB0 button to build your NB0 and BIN files

- Flash BIN using PDA button in GrandPrix

In a nutshell, simple as that! :lol:


I've downloaded the asus kitchen from Catmat's link but i don't find pkgtool,only packimg.exe...where is it?

Guest Paul (MVP)

Hmmm, wonder where I got it from then? Google it... :lol:

Just built a ROM...


- .net CF3.5

- Batti

- AppToDate

- Remote Desktop


- .net CF 2.0

- Some un-used big files

- Shozu

- Windows Update

- Some sample music files

- Welcome Center


- UPX'd the stupidly large tclock.exe

- UPX'd the MS Office executables (PPT is particularly bad)

Will be interesting to compare free space with someone on a base HJ1?

Need to know how to change the version string (e.g. from DXHJ1 to PAUL1 or something)...


Guest Paul (MVP)

Stats after boot (no CSC):

Storage: Total 95.06MB, In Use 29.52 MB, Free 65.54 MB

Program: Total 96.70MB, In Use 36.25 MB, Free 60.45

Hmmm, these numbers don't really sound any higher, can someone on base HJ1 verify?



How are you flashing it? I've got my own cooked rom.bin, so in grandprix this will go under PDA, how bout the files for loader and phone? Without CSC, what are the limitations?

And for those looking for pkgtool, here's the file.


Guest Paul (MVP)

With the blank CSC, Streaming Player is broken, not sure about anything else...?

I do wonder if we're really getting back the space we're 'freeing' now...


Guest Paul (MVP)

Leave everything blank except PDA when you flash...


And for those looking for pkgtool, here's the file.

Thanks for the file... :lol:

Guest GSeeker2
Posted (edited)
Stats after boot (no CSC):

Storage: Total 95.06MB, In Use 29.52 MB, Free 65.54 MB

Program: Total 96.70MB, In Use 36.25 MB, Free 60.45

Hmmm, these numbers don't really sound any higher, can someone on base HJ1 verify?


Already better than HJ1:

Storage: Total 88.66MB, In Use xx MB, Free 54.xx MB

Program: Total 96.70MB, In Use xx MB, Free 58.xx

(xx=don't remember) :lol:

Edited by GSeeker2

First try... same problem as you Paul, was stuck at the Samsung bootloader. Reflashed with normal updater and everything's fine again. *whew*

Did you find out the cause? Was it the rebuilding or maybe some apps I took out?

Guest Paul (MVP)

I was using the packaging tools from Scoter's Kitchen and it seemed to not like it for some reason! Switching to BuildOS seemed to fix it.


Guest jasonrabbit


i'm new to rom building can someone tell me what i need to remove to take out an app / podcast, do i remove podcast.exe from OEMApps or from somewhere else, then i can start to try and build my own clean rom

Guest Paul (MVP)

It's not as simple as that, it'll have related DLLs, files etc. etc.



About the DXHJ1 csc, I don't have it yet, but there is DZHJ1 csc, you can try with that. i900DZHJ1 = i900DXHJ1 + i900DZHJ1.csc :lol:


Well, I've done it! Cooked and flashed my first Omnia ROM. Will just play around more and read suggestions and ideas in the other thread and maybe I'll release a cooked ROM soon :lol:

The process!

- Use Pkgtool to change dump to packages

- Modify as desired


hello Paul,can you explain what need it to do with pktools because i dont understant,pktools said 'select a folder",next ??

thank you

Guest jasonrabbit

thanks paul

maybe i'll leave it to the experts

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