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Best radio/phone ROM for i900 at the moment?

Guest cyberarmy

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Anyone ever compared between PUJA1 and DXIA2? Which one is better?

Guys, when you say that you have "great" signal for 3G/2G...etc. would you mind specifying your current location? The phone firmware's radio profile is probably optimized for the specific providers that are known to be operating for the firmware's intended keyed region.

In my case, I live in the Philippines and I've been using DXIA2 practically ever since I got this phone (been using it since February). In comparison to PUJA1:

DXIA2 has better weak 2G signal handling than PUJA1 (within enclosed places, 4 sided of walls of concrete and a galvanized iron roof on top)

In open spaces however, PUJA1 takes the cake and switches over to 3G and edge whenever it can.

In both cases, I was within 3 kilometers of at least 1 cell tower.

GPS reception here in the Philippines is worse, as compared to DXIA2. May be time-related, I'm checking this again tomorrow when morning breaks (perhaps the satellites are in the wrong position right now)

wifi rocks as others have said.

Can someone link to the DXID (is it 1 or 2?) phone part? Would be greatly appreciated.

So, you're saying that GPS reception is better when using DXIA2?

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Guest dan22
Could you explain your experience more? Thanks!

With medium use, the battery with the DXIA2 firmware kept me about 3 days and with the PUJA1 firmware, also with medium use, kept me at most 2 days.

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Guest avarrous
With medium use, the battery with the DXIA2 firmware kept me about 3 days and with the PUJA1 firmware, also with medium use, kept me at most 2 days.

U use original rom or cookies rom ?

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Guest PoisonOmnia

I flashed to XBIC1 last week, and my only complaint is I dont get all 5 signal bars, it fluctuates between 1 and 4 quite often, the battery life is quite phenomenal with it, and in that regard, I have no complaints at all.

Im in the UK, on Vodafone, so can anyone can tell me if the weaker signal is due to it being an incompatable radio for my country? and if so, which would be best for battery life and signal, not to botherd about GPS. (Im running Ryrzy's Build 28230 Lite)

Any help at all would be fantastic, thanks guys.

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Guest h0m3s1ck
avarrous i use the original rom DZIA5.


I've searched around for the best and latest radio for Omnia I, to use in RO. Pls give me an idea.

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Guest dan22

h0m3s1ck i live also in Romania and i use DXID1 radio. With it, the battery keeps me about 5 days with medium use.

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Guest h0m3s1ck
h0m3s1ck i live also in Romania and i use DXID1 radio. With it, the battery keeps me about 5 days with medium use.

Salut. Multumesc de idee. Acum sunt in teste cu PUJA1. Pacat ca in Ro problema cu semnalul e de la antenele de telefonie. Eu am Orange pt ca in transilvania Dialog a fost primul dar ma dezamageste din ce in ce mai tare o data cu trecerea timpului.

(Hi. Thanks for the idea. Now I'm testing PUJA1. It's a pity that in Ro the signal strength is the fault of the gsm antenas. I use Orange because it was first in transilvania, but I'm disappointed by it as time passens.)


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Guest pfonck

Somehow I allways find myself going back to PMHI1

I once downloaded it because I read claims that it'd speed up the overall feel of the phone (or maybe it's better to say pda) and though I'm not using any scientific approach it keeps feeling the best, and indeed pretty snappy.

When trying the "latest and greatest" there's allways something negative compared to "good old PMHI1".

Tried PUJA1 for the last two weeks but it drains the battery too fast like mentioned above. I also have the feeling it takes large chunks of battery life away when you use it (like using the GPS but I didn't), though standby is okay. But as I use the phone as a PDA a lot it had to go.

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Guest andrew.mazlim
Somehow I allways find myself going back to PMHI1

I once downloaded it because I read claims that it'd speed up the overall feel of the phone (or maybe it's better to say pda) and though I'm not using any scientific approach it keeps feeling the best, and indeed pretty snappy.

When trying the "latest and greatest" there's allways something negative compared to "good old PMHI1".

Tried PUJA1 for the last two weeks but it drains the battery too fast like mentioned above. I also have the feeling it takes large chunks of battery life away when you use it (like using the GPS but I didn't), though standby is okay. But as I use the phone as a PDA a lot it had to go.

Never heard it; post it here, please!

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Guest X-pro
Greetings, mates.

Can you share me, which phone you think is best in call-signal & battery life?

It's very different what phonepart is best for your region. Xbic seems to be the best one around. Many would say puja but it uses more power than xbic. But try this xbic1 and judge for you self.


Flash, using xp as op. Win 7 or vista, you need a bin file and not exe.

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Guest Miso26

Guys can somebody help me how to flash only phone part in OMnia on WIN7 64bit,my phone part is DXHH1,i can change PDA version but cant Phone,i tried with PUJA,but unfortunately i didnt have sucess with it,maybe bcs im on Windows 7,when i try i get mesage like port from 25 to 0 searching and then at end i get Failed..I really want to upgrade i have problems with DXHH1,so if anybody can help i will apreciate that..

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Guest adhip

Guys, sorry for asking noob question. I know that the PDA/WM part can be flashed to any i900, but is the phone.bin part too? I suppose it was depend on region (hence the JJ, DX, PU etc).

Would like to try but need to make sure 1st. Thanks!

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Guest adhip

Finally I take the risk and flashed PUJA 2 days ago ;), the reception & voice quality is better than previous DX1D. Will try GPS later on.

I was worried about battery life, but I didn't see battery drain so far, perhaps because I use "Ahen Battery Enhancement.cab" and WM longlife.

In short, I'm quite happy with this. ;)

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hi everyone, here is my experience (i'm from italy)

XBIC1 has a great battery life, much less battery draining than PUAJ1, good call quality and reception, but gps is (for me) has a very slow fix than PUAJ1

PUAJ1 it's true has a high battery draining, has good call quality and reception (maybe best than XBIC1) and fast gps fix

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Guest andrew.mazlim
hi everyone, here is my experience (i'm from italy)

XBIC1 has a great battery life, much less battery draining than PUAJ1, good call quality and reception, but gps is (for me) has a very slow fix than PUAJ1

PUAJ1 it's true has a high battery draining, has good call quality and reception (maybe best than XBIC1) and fast gps fix

Chiao, friend. I agree with you; and is quite obvious your comment, since PUJA1 has BETTER SIGNAL, reception and FAST GPS..., how is possible not draining battery more??? I want balance, between battery & signal. So, back to XBIC1, me too.

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