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TouchFlo 2D Full and Lite version from i900DXIA1 (13 Jan 2009)

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Guest mattzmith
Posted (edited)

I have to agree this is a brilliant ROM - stable and quick. Thanks Khuanchai :D

i have just one question -

1) the keypad no longer vibrates when pressed in phone dialler mode. i want it to :)

Edited by mattzmith
Guest gianton

Thanks Khuanchai! This is a very fast rom indeed.

I have a question, how can I change the font color (from white to black) in "start menu" as they are not readable enough.

Guest mhmtmtl
Posted (edited)

anyone can confirm that the phone vibrates in vibration mode? with the previous version, i had this problem. therefore, i would like to make sure that this issue has been solved before installing the rom.

Edited by mhmtmtl
Guest gianton
anyone can confirm that the phone vibrates in vibration mode? with the previous version, i had this problem. therefore, i would like to make sure that this issue has been solved before installing the rom.

Vibration works ok.

Thanks Khuanchai! This is a very fast rom indeed.

I have a question, how can I change the font color (from white to black) in "start menu" as they are not readable enough.

i think you can try going to settings -> personal -> themes

and change the background to a black one instead of the default yellowish one.

i did that and it looks fine now

Guest mhmtmtl
Posted (edited)

why can not programs such as XTRA or opera connect to the edge automatically? there were no such an issue in the previous many many roms i have used. i would be glad if a solution to this problem is provided.

no one experiencing the same problem? programs which are set to automatically detect connection settings are not able to connect via EDGE

Edited by mhmtmtl
Guest gianton
i think you can try going to settings -> personal -> themes

and change the background to a black one instead of the default yellowish one.

i did that and it looks fine now

Thanks, I solved it by going to Start/Settings/Personal/Today and changed the theme to "Samsung Theme_1" and then back to "DiamondQVGA"!

Guest mhmtmtl
Posted (edited)
great job! :)

my i900 is very nice now

sure, nice. but can it connect to edge/gprs to download XTRA?

thanks to "qbus" :

"REMEMBER! Since this is based on DXIA1 ROM after the installation you have to go to Connection/Operator Settings option in Control panel select other operator then yours, accept it then enter the option again and change operator to yours. If you don't do that you will have problems with ActiveSync/Internet/Wifi. It is also adviced to choose automatic option in Browser Connection Settings."

this operation solves the problem.

Edited by mhmtmtl

thank you this fantastic ROM (full) every thing is allright!wi-fi OK!

I'm waiting your next ROM!! :)

Guest ErEtZuM
Posted (edited)

I'm very satisfied with this rom.

Does anybody know if there is the possibility to add call timers at manilla ?

I want to know how many minutes i talk per month

Edited by ErEtZuM

Thanks for the great Cook ROM

It's possible to have Opera.cab for my Omnia ?? i have taken the lite rom

Sorry for my English

Guest mattzmith

following on from my first post about the vibration of the buttons in the phone dialer i cannot seem to disconnect from GPRS automatically when it is not being used.

I have edited the registry as follows:


CacheTime - Default is 60 -This is the timeout value for disconnect of GPRS

SuspendResume = ~GPRS! - This is default value (means always on).

Change this to GPRS_bye_if_device_off

Once you change the SuspendResume to GPRS_bye_if_device_off and restart the phone, the data connection will end if it sees no activity for 60 seconds

This worked in the past for other ROMs but not any more.

has anyone else experienced this? and is there a way around it?

Guest sys_error

Maybe it is just me... :)

I flashed to your TouchFlo 2D Full version last night at 7+pm with 100% battery power, then i was fiddling it installing my usual apps, it dropped to 70% by 10pm, you can safely say it drop approximately 10% per hour, which is very scary. No choice i downgraded back to DXHL2 whose battery power can easily last me 3 days. :D

AND I am unable to figure out the HTC Audio Manager which cannot delete ring tones from the playlist & TouchFlo Contact tab seems only able to use contacts from phone memory, if i copy all contacts from sim to phone, the dialer list them out in pair. Would really appreciate if someone can offer some tippers on how to solve these issues. ;)

The 90MB free Main Memory after installation is really impressive. :)

Guest 0rayne0
Maybe it is just me... :)

I flashed to your TouchFlo 2D Full version last night at 7+pm with 100% battery power, then i was fiddling it installing my usual apps, it dropped to 70% by 10pm, you can safely say it drop approximately 10% per hour, which is very scary. No choice i downgraded back to DXHL2 whose battery power can easily last me 3 days. :D

AND I am unable to figure out the HTC Audio Manager which cannot delete ring tones from the playlist & TouchFlo Contact tab seems only able to use contacts from phone memory, if i copy all contacts from sim to phone, the dialer list them out in pair. Would really appreciate if someone can offer some tippers on how to solve these issues. :(

The 90MB free Main Memory after installation is really impressive. :)

really?does anyone else having the battery prob? I wanna flash my i900 soon also..thanks ;) :P

Guest sys_error

Last night at 10+pm, with 70% battery power left in my Omnia, i downgraded back to HL2 and installed all my usual apps (all 25 of them), went to bed at 1+am... WiFi this morning for weather update, FM radio on the bus to work, now sitting in office, guess what is the battery level on my Omnia?

Freaking still 70%!!!

Posted (edited)

hi ppl,

i'd installed the lite version and it seems to have some problem with unicode (cant view chinese & other characters)

anyone know whats happening?

edit: resolved by installing kaidi sunfon chinese font

Edited by k1478

Hi anyone know how to make my Internet connection work?

I am trying to connect to internet by using wifi connection but it doesnt work.


Guest sys_error

Someone please feedback on Battery Performance using this ROM.

Much appreciated.

Guest golddust
Someone please feedback on Battery Performance using this ROM.

Much appreciated.

I am using the full version for more than one day until now no problem on battery, wifi, gprs, gps all works great.. not facing any problem so far..


Hi anyone can help me how to set the connection for my omnia so i can access internet from wifi.


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