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Hi Sector and all the members.

I really want to flash to the new ROM and I event re-open my old laptop OS Window Xp.

Now below my sum of what i've done;

  1. I've off the USB link under Window Mobile sync
  2. Download and install ActiveSync 4.5
  3. Download and install Samsung Driver
  4. Off all the firewall window & Norton anti virus
  5. Download qbus from KuanChai
  6. Shut down computer and re start
  7. start qbus launcher
  8. Connect usb cable and start omnia phone
But system only show

No PDA Device Found ... close device


No PDA Device Found ... close device


No PDA Device Found ... close device


No PDA Device Found ... close device


No PDA Device Found ... close device

PDA Device not found.

Whyyyy... am I missing something? I'm in WM 6.1.....

Can anyone help pleasee...

I wish Sector or Kunchai can do video clip in Youtube what apps that needed to flash and how to flash step by step omnia i900.

If there is already please send me the link

Thank you thank you in advance.....

Guest Master_Axe

So, will this update ever work on Vista w/o using XP? Interesting to see how many ppl have XP CDs and Serials ^^.

Guest capesin

Hello, I am unable to start my phone when the usb cable is connected, when the cable is unplugged, the phone can only be turned on normally.

Is there any fix for this? else im unable to flash my phone, stuck at step no.8

Guest capesin

From my 1st flashing experience, take note that for those who got stuck at certain % while flashing,

make sure you guys use the original samsung usb cable. That fixes it easily.

Guest djsolidsnake86

there is a way for flash the phone part under win 7 64bit?

Guest shrummy
First don't stress. It's all good. You did not brick your phone. When you brick a phone it is usefully only as a brick, hence the name.

Try to do a couple hard resets. Read sector's post in the main OMNIA thread. Then check and see if its not working. Sometime you need to clear out old files by doing a couple of them.

If it is still not working reflash your phone... If you want an official ROM read the 'incorrect software" thread by paul just above this one and reflash.

Remember if all else fails you can take it to a service center. I had to do that when I bricked mine (IT JUST SAT THERE I TRIED TO POKE IT AND TALK NICE TO IT AND IT JUST SAT THERE...... DON'T WORRY IT'S JUST SLEEPING IT WILL WAKE UP LATER SHE'S JUST SLEEPING ) :P ;) :D


Guest Globetrader

As it took me two hours and a bricked i900 to get a new Rom flashed onto my Omnia, I thought I would add the missing steps (red font) to get a working VMWare XP-Environment under Windows 7 (64) for flashing our precious phone:

This is for you, if you get a C++ Error flashing your Samsung i900 after the EBoot image is written or you get the No PDA device found error.



First of all for the newbies i would recommend to play a bit with the phone before upgrading. Get to know how your phone and current ROM works.

Please be patient and read again if you don't understand anything. Make sure that you know what you are doing.



Important :

Those who then want to make you sure for the safest way of changing the ROM in OMNIA i900 should follow closely (in case) the following steps.

Make sure you:

  • Turned off any Firewall you have on the PC.
  • Not running the update in Safe Mode.
  • Not to perform any other work on your PC.
  • Make sure the phone is fully charged (important)
  • Do not update from a PC where you have limited rights. Eg. Internet Cafe, Work etc.
  • Prefer Laptop as if you have electricity dropped you will have some extra battery and wont harm your phone.
  • Use only one USB port for you Omnia update, the best one it works for you. Do not try multiple.

    Steps used for updating under VMWare running under Windows 7 (64bit). The tutorial is taken from my friend shokka9. Thank you baw$

    If you don't know what VMware is, take a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VMware for more information.

    Things you'll need on Vista:
    • VMware Workstation (latest will work) / VMWare Player 3.0 works fine as well
    • Microsoft Windows XP CD or .ISO image and the serial key
    • 2gb of free disk space
      • Use the ones that mentioned for Windows XP.
      • Make sure you turn off the USB on the Windows Mobile Device Center.

        • Mobile Settings -> Connection Settings -> Untick "Allow USB Connections".
        • After flashing tick it back.

        Let's start:

        [*]First install VMware's Workstation. You can get a trial version at http://www.vmware.com/

        [*]If you have an .ISO image of your Windows XP CD on your hard disk like I do, you won't need the CD, otherwise you'll need it. If you don't have the image, put the CD into your CD/DVD-ROM.

        [*]Run the workstation.

        [*]Go to FILE -> NEW -> VIRTUAL MACHINE and choose TYPICAL. On the next tab select the source from where you want to install a virtual Windows XP operating system (CD or image).

        [*]On the next tab, press next. When the dialog appears, choose YES.

        [*]Now enter a name for your virtual XP machine and choose a location where you want to save the machine - it's good to have at least 2gb of free space!

        [*]On the nex tab, I've chosen 2.5gb. I think that's enough, if you wish only to flash your ROM. You can choose to install the machine to a single file or splitted. I've chosen single.

        [*]On the next tab, click Customize Hardware button and select "USB Controller". Make sure High-Speed USB 2.0 and Auto connect USB devices are checked. Press OK, then press FINISH.

        [*]Maybe you'll get a warning from VMware but don't bother, just skip it.

        [*]The Windows installation process should follow. The installation took on my PC for about 25min.

        [*]When the setup has finished, you can normally run and use Windows XP via WMware.

        [*]Setup a shared connection with your Win 7 Harddrive, so you can access all the software you need for flashing. VMWare is a bit less open than Microsofts Virtual PC. You will need to install VMWare Tools in your Virtual PC and then setup the shared connection by rightclicking on the Harddisk symbol at the bottom of your VMWare Virtual PC

        [*]Update your XP machine via Windows Update, reboot and start flashing.


    [*]Make the Install Microsoft ActiveSync 4.5 (once)

    [*]Make Install the Samsung Modem Driver XP (once)

    [*]Reboot the Virtual PC.

    [*]Turn Off (untick) Allow USB connection in the Win 7 Mobile device center (forget that and VMWare will battle for control of the device everytime your Omnia reboots, giving you miscellaneous errors during the flash process)

    [*]Make sure your VMWare XP-PC has control over your phone. (At the bottom of the VMWare Virtual PC you can select to have the Samsung Microsoft Windows Mobile Remote Adapter permanently assigned to your VMWare Virtual PC (Right click on it and Select Connect)

    [*]After the first 5 steps try to disconnect your Omnia from USB and connect it back on. Repeat it 1-2 times so the PC can recognize the phone.

    Leave the phone connected for about 10-15 minutes. If it disconnects by itself most probably you have to repeat the procedure from 1st step.

    It is advised to reboot your PC also.

    [*]Make sure that have backup all your important stuff (contacts, pictures etc).

    [*]Turn off (untick) Allow USB connection in Activesync running in your VMWare Virtual XP-PC (forget that and you get the C++ error when flashing your phone, leaving it bricked)

    [*]Switch OFF the phone by holding the Power button for ~5 seconds.

    [*]Run the updater. (Works the same way for Original or Cooked ROMs)

    [*]Switch ON the phone again by holding the Power button.

    [*]Press START and happy flashing. Do not move your phone or the USB wire as it might fail during flashing.

    [*]Wait until the updater shows JOB DONE! DO NOT DISCONNECT BEFORE.

    [*]Disconnect your phone.

    [*]Leave the phone to reboot 2 times, calibrate screen and finish the start-up procedure.

    [*]Enjoy the new firmware.

Guest lichtkrieger
Posted (edited)

hello ;D

I flashed my Omnia and the Omnia of my Brother several times.

Yesterday i tried to flash mine on Win7 with XP Mode.

Everything was okay and my Omnia works fine.

Today i wanted to flash my brothers omnia with the same FW and the

same OS (Win7+XP MOD)

But when i connect the omnia to xp i always get code 10 cant start device.

I tried to format the omnia, uninstall samsung modem driver, uninstall active sync.

reinstall... same result.

i dont know what to do .... i cant get it started.

XP Mod recognizes the omnia but with failure code 10 (no matter if in active sync or with the flash prog)

after another format the omnia hangs in the calibration screen. (i can align the screen 10000 times but it wont work)

i dont even get to the pin.

please help me :)


edit: Problem with the calibration screen solved, but still cant connect-

Edited by lichtkrieger
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest hushcake

Hey guys,

have a simple question...

I try to flash my phone via windows 7 64bit + VM XP ... active sync finds my phone but can't sync... but still connects until he brings the message,that he couldn't finish the syncronisation process. But now the important question.. how can I tell my windows 7, that just the VM should recognize the phone... i always have to select the phone in the upper USB selection from VM ... it doesn't connect automatically with the VM :)

maybe someone can help.. .sry for my bad english, i am from germany

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest tsrzealot
Posted (edited)

Hey Sector, hey guys.

First of all, let me say Sector, that I am very impressed with your work. I would consider myself an advanced user of my omnia and that way, I got interested in flashing the ROM and getting a new WMobile etc. So I have been browsing for hours and hours through your various threads and posts concerning your rom, manila themes and so on. It's impressive how much time and energy you must have put into this.

Of course, there is always a "but". For me it is that I tried flashing my ROM last night to your latest Omnia ROM [23504 (M2D2.0 version 1919.1432 Full) - Released on 04/11/2009] - at least I hope that it is your latest and I don't make a fool out of myself  :D

Anyway, since I am a Vista x64 user and haven't got access to my old WinXPx86 license right now, I tried to flash it under Vista. I did the following:

  • Installed the Samsung USB Drivers (which I, if I understand it correctly, didn't even need b/c I wasn't flashing the phone.bin part)
  • I already had Windows Device Center installed before and the Omnia set up
  • Separated your .exe using the "i900 EXEcutor 2.0" into the 3 files (+ Updater which I didn't need then)
  • Did everything that was necessary like unchecking "Allow USB Connection" in the Device Center, disabled Antivirus and Firewall, tried to leave the phone connected with the Device Center for 15 minutes with no disconnect and so on...
  • Opened USDL GrandPrix MyOmnia.eu Edition Vista (that comes from a German page, the guy's Name is MoYo, he did a Video TUtorial on how to flash under Vista without VMWare exactly the way I am reproducing the steps now)
  • Disconnected the phone, removed the battery, loaded the eboot, pda and customer parts in USDL, and started the process. It said "waiting for the device" as it should, I put in the battery, connected the phone with the Laptop via the original Samsung Cable (Device Center was up and running in the background) and turned on the phone. 

    Here is some info on my Phone (concerning the firmware that's on there right now):
    Omnia i900;
    Phone: XXHL1

    Ok, long description, just a few questions, which I hope someone will answer, maybe even the great Sector himself  :(

  1. Did I do anything wrong?
  2. Is the checksum error anything that has occured before and why?
  3. Was it because I did it under Vista? Will it (likely) be different under XP?
  4. I read somewhere that the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package could help prevent problems. Is that something you agree to?
  5. Does it make any difference at all which language the Windows Device Center is in? Since I am German, I have the german version installed.
  6. Since your ROM does not include a phone.bin, do I still have to leave the checkbox in USDL checked that says "Actualize Phone Bootloader" and that is right under the box where I select the phone.bin (but it is still cklickable even if no phone.bin is selected)

I know, quite a bit to read, but I wanted to give you as much information as I can to make the diagnosis easier. I googled the problem, but the info I found there wasn't really heping me out, nor war the search function in this forum. I tried hard to avoid the "noob" mistake of asking something which there is already a solution for. I apologize in advance if I failed.

I just really want to use your awesome ROM, because it looks like a huge improvement to me. I might get an HTC HD2 some time during the next months, but until then, I would really enjoy it! I am really happy that I didn't brick the phone and absolutely want to avoid bricking it the next time I try to flash the ROM!


Edited by tsrzealot
Guest syedms25
Hello Guys,

I am getting the same error message, anything i am doing wrong.


Hi !!

You are just switching off the power button. You need to hold it for a few seconds till it really powers off and then switch it on again and it will get detected for the update/upgrade. Best of Luck.


Guest markavo

I have looked everywhere, been googling and reading on ppcgeeks, xda, this site and countless others. I have several bin files. I read about an "updater" program but in EACH POST it is so non-descriptive that my attempts to figure out exactly what the name of this application are have been fruitless to say the least. What in the world is the updater program? I have UMDL but that requests different files than what are available on most of the posts here. All of the ROMS I have found contain .bin files.

What is this "updater" program and where do I get it?

Normally I wouldn't ask for something "simple" but by god, after reading practically the entire forum over 3 hours time I have broken down and I am submitting to the newb-ness.

Someone, anyone, what is this updater program?

7. Run the updater. (Works the same way for Original or Cooked ROMs)
Guest tsrzealot
Posted (edited)
I have looked everywhere, been googling and reading on ppcgeeks, xda, this site and countless others. I have several bin files. I read about an "updater" program but in EACH POST it is so non-descriptive that my attempts to figure out exactly what the name of this application are have been fruitless to say the least. What in the world is the updater program? I have UMDL but that requests different files than what are available on most of the posts here. All of the ROMS I have found contain .bin files.

What is this "updater" program and where do I get it?

Normally I wouldn't ask for something "simple" but by god, after reading practically the entire forum over 3 hours time I have broken down and I am submitting to the newb-ness.

Someone, anyone, what is this updater program?

Actually, it's pretty easy (just won't work for me  :D ):

The so called "Updater" is the one and only .exe-file you usually get as "the firmware update" from the supplier (in this case Samsung) as well as from ROM chefs like Sector. For example, when you download Sector's ROM from this thread: http://www.modaco.com/content/i900-general...esearch-thread/ you get a .7z-file. Unzip it (using 7-Zip, it's a free program, you will find it easily googling it) and you will find one single .exe-file in it. This is what's meant by "the updater" (please, someone correct me if I'm mistaken   :( )!

Hope that helps you, and I would still be very grateful if anyone had a solution for my problem, too. 

Take care

PS: I'm not sure if I get your point on the multiple .bin files. When you unpack a ROM using the EXEcutor, there should be at most two .bin-files, which is the phone.bin (some ROMs don't even have that), plus the pda.bin and then there is also the customer.csc and the eboot.nb0. There are in fact programs which flash your ROM using these separate files (like I've been trying to do). That should be ok, too, even though I am not as skilled as to give you an advice on that, so please don't blame me for possibly bricking anything ;) ...

Edited by tsrzealot
Guest markavo
Actually, it's pretty easy (just won't work for me  :D ):

The so called "Updater" is the one and only .exe-file you usually get as "the firmware update" from the supplier (in this case Samsung) as well as from ROM chefs like Sector. For example, when you download Sector's ROM from this thread: http://www.modaco.com/content/i900-general...esearch-thread/ you get a .7z-file. Unzip it (using 7-Zip, it's a free program, you will find it easily googling it) and you will find one single .exe-file in it. This is what's meant by "the updater" (please, someone correct me if I'm mistaken   :( )!

Hope that helps you, and I would still be very grateful if anyone had a solution for my problem, too. 

Take care

PS: I'm not sure if I get your point on the multiple .bin files. When you unpack a ROM using the EXEcutor, there should be at most two .bin-files, which is the phone.bin (some ROMs don't even have that), plus the pda.bin and then there is also the customer.csc and the eboot.nb0. There are in fact programs which flash your ROM using these separate files (like I've been trying to do). That should be ok, too, even though I am not as skilled as to give you an advice on that, so please don't blame me for possibly bricking anything ;) ...

Thanks, I had tried that w/o any luck (console pops up and then closes, the app hangs in taskmgr and then I have to end process it).

Maybe the downloads I have are corrupt? I know I have run into a few that were "removed for illegal content". I will keep downloading things until I find one though and I'll give it a go. Out of curiosity, why wont the executable work for you? Is it because you are using VMware or because you don't have another option?

Guest tsrzealot
Thanks, I had tried that w/o any luck (console pops up and then closes, the app hangs in taskmgr and then I have to end process it).

Maybe the downloads I have are corrupt? I know I have run into a few that were "removed for illegal content". I will keep downloading things until I find one though and I'll give it a go. Out of curiosity, why wont the executable work for you? Is it because you are using VMware or because you don't have another option?

How many ROMs have you tried already? Has that problem always occured like that?

Have you followed all the steps like using ActiveSync and so forth?

It won't work for me because I do in fact own a copy of Windows XP, but since I'm not at home for a while I don't have access to the CD and the license code. That's why I was so happy to find the workaround using USDL GrandPrix MyOmnia.eu Vista Edition under Vista x64. I have not tried using the updater itself, but I can't imagine that it would work, since everyone tells you not to do so :D

A question concerning my own problem: Could it help to try a different USB port (which, in my understanding, does not have anything to do with a checksum error...)? I am quite anxious to do so because I really don't want to brick the Omnia...

Guest markavo
How many ROMs have you tried already? Has that problem always occured like that?

Have you followed all the steps like using ActiveSync and so forth?

It won't work for me because I do in fact own a copy of Windows XP, but since I'm not at home for a while I don't have access to the CD and the license code. That's why I was so happy to find the workaround using USDL GrandPrix MyOmnia.eu Vista Edition under Vista x64. I have not tried using the updater itself, but I can't imagine that it would work, since everyone tells you not to do so :D

A question concerning my own problem: Could it help to try a different USB port (which, in my understanding, does not have anything to do with a checksum error...)? I am quite anxious to do so because I really don't want to brick the Omnia...

I am also getting the checksum error. It's the same port I have always used. I suppose I could try another port but over USB the bus should treat either port just the same (I am on a laptop w/ only 2 ports). I am told that the files couldn't be downloaded. I am under the impression that the files are corrupt and will not work because of that.

I just wish the walk through would have been done more like HTC walk throughs are done on XDA w/ each step detailed and common screens taken. Then I would know if it was me or the updater itself.

Oh well, HTC HD2 should be available in US in a few months. I'll just live with 6.1 for a few more months.

Guest tsrzealot
Posted (edited)
I am also getting the checksum error. It's the same port I have always used. I suppose I could try another port but over USB the bus should treat either port just the same (I am on a laptop w/ only 2 ports). I am told that the files couldn't be downloaded. I am under the impression that the files are corrupt and will not work because of that.

I just wish the walk through would have been done more like HTC walk throughs are done on XDA w/ each step detailed and common screens taken. Then I would know if it was me or the updater itself.

Oh well, HTC HD2 should be available in US in a few months. I'll just live with 6.1 for a few more months.

Have you tried hard-resetting your device before flashing? I haven't done that, yet but I've read that it could help, too.

The problem is that there is a whole lot of stuff out there on forums saying "I am the solution to the problem" which does not always seem to be the case... that's why I would love to hear a word from "the creator" :D

EDIT: Ok, after some intensive research there's one thing that I keep reading repeatedly: That you should use a USB 2.0 Port or else it will display the Checksum Error. Since my laptop is very new and has quite impressive specs I wasn't even aware of the fact that not all the USB ports might be USB 2.0... so I could go on from here, but I just saw that my carrier finally offers the HD2... even though it's tempting to finally flash the ROM I might just leave it like this... but maybe that info helps you.

Edited by tsrzealot
Guest markavo
Have you tried hard-resetting your device before flashing? I haven't done that, yet but I've read that it could help, too.

The problem is that there is a whole lot of stuff out there on forums saying "I am the solution to the problem" which does not always seem to be the case... that's why I would love to hear a word from "the creator" :D

EDIT: Ok, after some intensive research there's one thing that I keep reading repeatedly: That you should use a USB 2.0 Port or else it will display the Checksum Error. Since my laptop is very new and has quite impressive specs I wasn't even aware of the fact that not all the USB ports might be USB 2.0... so I could go on from here, but I just saw that my carrier finally offers the HD2... even though it's tempting to finally flash the ROM I might just leave it like this... but maybe that info helps you.

I'll check my bios to see if it's running in legacy mode but I have done some recent data transfers and the speeds have been on par w/ USB 2.0. I would be surprised if it isn't USB 2.0 but glad if it fixes the problem. I'll post again w/ results. Thanks btw.

Guest tsrzealot
I'll check my bios to see if it's running in legacy mode but I have done some recent data transfers and the speeds have been on par w/ USB 2.0. I would be surprised if it isn't USB 2.0 but glad if it fixes the problem. I'll post again w/ results. Thanks btw.

You're welcome, hope it works. Let us know if it does or not *crossing fingers*

Guest hi_chris


Firstly I have flashed several i900s before without any problems.



Original Samsung update, unbranded German.

I want to instal the Turkish rom JUHJ2

reg edit pda..i900XGIC3/JUHG2

hex edit Update exe from i900JU to i900XG. (also tried XX)

Default op. Turkey

run updater....frist Download 4% and there it freezes!

mobile still works fine,

(only this Turkish rom seems to hang otheres install without any problems)

Is there something wrong with the JUHJ2 update from Samsung or could there be something that I have overseen?

Thanks for any help.

br Chris

Guest boodschap

Firstly I have flashed several i900s before without any problems.



Original Samsung update, unbranded German.

I want to instal the Turkish rom JUHJ2

reg edit pda..i900XGIC3/JUHG2

hex edit Update exe from i900JU to i900XG. (also tried XX)

Default op. Turkey

run updater....frist Download 4% and there it freezes!

mobile still works fine,

(only this Turkish rom seems to hang otheres install without any problems)

Is there something wrong with the JUHJ2 update from Samsung or could there be something that I have overseen?

Thanks for any help.

br Chris

I also just bought this phone (XGIC3). I tried to flash it (as explained above), but after the actual 'flashing' I got this:

Switch USB to Phone Success...

Error! PhoneUSB Detect Failed

Port Create retry (25)

and so on...

I did install the modem driver and reboot the computer. What went wrong? Should I use another ROM (and what ROM should I use)?

Hoping someone could help me... TIA

Guest boodschap
I also just bought this phone (XGIC3). I tried to flash it (as explained above), but after the actual 'flashing' I got this:

Switch USB to Phone Success...

Error! PhoneUSB Detect Failed

Port Create retry (25)

and so on...

I did install the modem driver and reboot the computer. What went wrong? Should I use another ROM (and what ROM should I use)?

Hoping someone could help me... TIA

BTW: why I wanted to use another ROM? I want to change the language to English, so I thougt I'd just have to install the latest English ROM... Or even better: I'd like to change it into Dutch, but didn't find a ROM for that language....

Guest boodschap

Solved! I uninstalled the modem driver, rebooted, re-installed the driver and I managed to get the phone flashed!


Hi guys, big newbie on pda stuff.

I bought my omnia i900 from a guy he didint have the usb cable and i cant find it anywhere around here to buy it, can i flash it using bluetooth?

I want to get rid of the original rom asap it sucks big time.

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