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MrCapcom's Custom Rom Final Build 28014

Guest MrCapcom

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Guest Bomama94
For those who like M2D you can try my exculsive M2D mix hopefully everything runs so good ill keep it in there from now on. I tested it and it works great just want some feedback.


If everything goes great ill keep m2d in there!

I've been messing around with M2D version and it is very good except for a couple of things. Scrolling seems to be kind of laggy and it takes a lot more time to get to the bottom of the start menu and also I think your icons are conflicting with the launcher. The text is overlayed and the youtube app's icon won't even show when I added it (I know thats not part of your rom but still). Also the Browser tab doesn't launch a browser when you click htc.com or the browser softkey. Those are all of the problems ive noticed but good work overall.

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Guest MrCapcom
I've been messing around with M2D version and it is very good except for a couple of things. Scrolling seems to be kind of laggy and it takes a lot more time to get to the bottom of the start menu and also I think your icons are conflicting with the launcher. The text is overlayed and the youtube app's icon won't even show when I added it (I know thats not part of your rom but still). Also the Browser tab doesn't launch a browser when you click htc.com or the browser softkey. Those are all of the problems ive noticed but good work overall.

I have no issues with laggyness when using the scrolling to the left or right. How are my icons conflicting with the laucher? take pics of the txt and youtube app.

Have you used m2d before? I know with the scrolling u have to get used to it. Anywho the browser problem is simple go into utilties and use m2dc and set a browser I deleted

the one that came with the package. M2DC might help a lot with other problems let me know.

This was nothign more than a trial just to see what problems would arise if I can't squash the bugs then im gonna get rid of the m2d build till I can whip up something more stable :D

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Guest Bomama94
I have no issues with laggyness when using the scrolling to the left or right. How are my icons conflicting with the laucher? take pics of the txt and youtube app.

Have you used m2d before? I know with the scrolling u have to get used to it. Anywho the browser problem is simple go into utilties and use m2dc and set a browser I deleted

the one that came with the package. M2DC might help a lot with other problems let me know.

This was nothign more than a trial just to see what problems would arise if I can't squash the bugs then im gonna get rid of the m2d build till I can whip up something more stable :D

Sorry I wasn't trying to be critical. The rom is excellent I was just reporting some small things I noticed. I forgot about the browser thing in m2dc so sorry about that but here is a picture of the launcher tab. Oh and scrolling I wasn't talking about on manilla left and right. I was talking about the 6.5 start menu, it just seemed to take me a while to get to the bottom, but that might be because I've been using a 4 column start menu for the past month.


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Guest MrCapcom

@aleis Thanks M2D one is still a work in progress atm

@Bomama94 lol I hope I wanst being critical either :-) Keep reporting I like to fix the stuff thats wrong

and of course sometimes ill forget things. I don't have the 4 columns so im not sure if the startmenu is

different because u have more rows. With 3 rows I can get to the bottom pretty quick.

And as far as the launcher tab I see my icons werent really sized up for M2D I will figure out something :D

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Guest riv3rrun

Hi all,

First post here, though I have been flashing my Omnia for a while, thanks to MrCapCom and others :D

Quick question: I love this ROM however the keyboard seems to have an alignment issue; tapping near the bottom of a key triggers the key below it. It's as though the entire mapping is a few pixels off in y. I've done the obvious things like 'align screen', but to no avail. Is there a solution to this? And is there a version of this keyboard with larger buttons?

Thanks for the great work!

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Guest MrCapcom

are you using 13? if so maybe its just a learning curve but i never had that problem. maybe try fingerkeyboard 2.1

13 m2d is kinda buggy i wouldnt flash that unless u just want to try it

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Guest riv3rrun
are you using 13? if so maybe its just a learning curve but i never had that problem. maybe try fingerkeyboard 2.1

13 m2d is kinda buggy i wouldnt flash that unless u just want to try it

Thanks for the reply MrCapCom. I am indeed using 13, doesn't seem too buggy to me. I've put fingerkeyboard 2.1 on as you suggested and it seems to work better, lots of great config options too.

Thanks again.

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Guest Samuel Ryberg

If this has been addressed, I am sorry for asking again, but I did not see it. I just flashed the latest ROM and my phone seems to be missing landscape mode and all settings related to that as well as input settings. Otherwise, this is a brilliant ROM. I am sending this from my phone, hehe...

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Guest MrCapcom
If this has been addressed, I am sorry for asking again, but I did not see it. I just flashed the latest ROM and my phone seems to be missing landscape mode and all settings related to that as well as input settings. Otherwise, this is a brilliant ROM. I am sending this from my phone, hehe...

I don't use my phone in landscape except for like video or the internet (rarely). Reason for that is most of the cool stuff for our phones are all in portrait or qvga. Its hard to find wqvga apps and such some stuff works and some stuff has problems your probally better off not using landscape oh and ezinput keyboard does not work in landscape. Ur not running the M2d one correct?

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Guest semmtexx

hey Mr.Capcom: is kinetic scrolling working on your latest? As in, if you go to file explorer and try to flick scroll is it like the iphone and smooth or does it do the standard winmo click click scroll?

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Guest wolffboy212

I love the rom it great and a lot better then any of the others out their and i really love the shut off thing with the voice but how to you change the start up animation and sound on your rom?


Rob W.

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I love it! I was playing with the M2D, wish i could keep playing with it but the HTC task manager is in there "of course" and also closes my programs all the time. I can usally never run more then 1 piece of software (trying to run igo8 and kinoma play is a nightmare) Your current rom 13 seems to do a bit a closing too, but thats usally when i get to about 3 programs or so. kinoma play + igo8 + glymps, or the software could just be crashing on me because i've never used glymps before (found it in the app store). But i love how the HTC keyboard had suggestions in it, and I would suggest you using that in your normal builds (Because ezinput didn't seem to lag at all with it in there) theres no landscape more for ez, and i know theres not a lot of reason for it, but i do a lot of business on the go, which means long long emails, so i go with finger point, but i've seen in the menu fingerpoint have support for some kind of suggested spelling (htc9? or something) do you know if theres some kind of cab files or registery edits i can do to enable this to try this out with the other keyboard?

Thanks for the great work!

Oh and does anyone here use pocket shield? it was on sale and i was going to buy it, but with the new 6.5.1 build of the software, it can't properly unlock a call, and when i emailed them about it sounded like they were just like "thats a beta build, we don't have a reason to work till it's done" so i was wondering if anyone knew of a fix (rather then hitting the green buttion 3 times fast lol)


Thanks again MrCapcom I love your rom and love your style

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Guest HallMarkTex

Are there any limitations on installing a different keyboard via CAB? I really like your ROM, but this keyboard is very hard for me to use. I'd prefer an XT9 keyboard, but anything with larger keys would be a big help.

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