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21/Jan 1.5 - Superboot - rooting without a Custom ROM - NOT FOR ANDROID 2.1

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How can i see, that this Pulse has been rooted?

Or which application i can use for a term?

Guest BigguyUK

Just Like To Say Got Phone about 1 hour ago and its Rooted

Spot On Bring on the custom roms

Thanks Again


hy.i rooted my pulse with superboot. i dont know what to do now.when my device was in recovery mode in blue background i open the .bat file and after that appeared Writing 'recovery' (1990640 bytes) - Okay.what should i do next?

Guest JingleManSweep
hy.i rooted my pulse with superboot. i dont know what to do now.when my device was in recovery mode in blue background i open the .bat file and after that appeared Writing 'recovery' (1990640 bytes) - Okay.what should i do next?

That basically means it is finished. When this happened to me, I left the device for a few minutes to make sure it had finished, and then the only way to get out of the recovery mode is to remove the battery, and put it back in again. The phone then reboots, and should be rooted.

I'd wait for a more "expert" Android user to confirm my experiences, but I don't think it displays a "Success" message, neither is there way to exit the Recovery mode without yanking the battery.



Guest JingleManSweep

Also, to confirm if you have "root" access, you will need to install a Terminal Emulator. Try searching the Market for "Terminal Emulator". Thats the one I use. Open the application, and try to enter:


When you press Enter, you should get a popup asking if you want to run this application as a "Super User" (or something like that). If it hasn't worked, you will get a "Permission Denied" type error message.

Good luck!

Posted (edited)

but how can instal a custom rom?

and in that emulator a can not write anything there is no keyboard...sry i`m new :D

Edited by aress
Guest JingleManSweep

Again, I'm quite a newbie myself. I'll give it a shot, but please don't quote me or blame me if you damage your phone.

Currently, there is only one Pulse firmware I know about, and that is the MoDaCo ROM that is available on this forum. In order to install it, I found it useful to install the Recovery image also available on this forum.

You can install the Recovery image in much the same way as you rooted your phone, by downloading the zip file, placing your phone in recovery/bootloader mode, and then running the command. Once this is done, reboot back into your phone, and you should have a "Super Boot" application available.

Now might be a good time to download the MoDaCo ROM and copy it to the root of your SD card.

Open this, and then select "Recovery". This will reboot your phone into Recovery mode.

Once there, you have a simple menu allowing you to do various tasks (such as formatting your SD card, or installing an update from your SD card).

It is advisable to use the "Nandroid" backup tool now. This will create a backup of all your images (bootloader, recovery and normal) onto your SD card. You can use the "Nandroid" restore tool later if something goes wrong. It might be a good idea to copy these Nandroid backup files of your SD card onto your computer for safe storage.

Once you've done the backup, back in the Recovery menu, there should be an option to install any update that ends with ".zip".

This may take a while, so be prepared to wait at least 15 minutes, and do not turn off, remove the battery etc. whilst this is happening. Also, make sure your battery is fully charged. You will probably brick your phone if it loses power during the upgrade.

Again, I'd wait to hear from another Android user to confirm my experiences and methods are correct.

Good luck!

Guest JingleManSweep

Regarding the keyboard, you can usually press and hold the "Menu" key on your phone to toggle the on-screen keyboard!

Guest tronsoft
For my Pulse rooting solution I thought i'd do something a bit different - introducing.... Superboot! :D

Superboot is a boot.img that when flashed, will root your device the first time you boot (installing su and the superuser APK). No need to flash the system partition, no need to use ADB, no messing with the contents of your data partition, no overwriting the shipped ROM on your device, just flash the boot image using the instructions below and you're done!

How to use Superboot - Mac, Linux and OSX

- Download the Superboot zip file and extract to a directory

- Put your device in bootloader mode - turn if off, then tap the powerbutton while holding the 'Volume Down' and 'End (Red)' keys

- WINDOWS - double click 'install-superboot-windows.bat'

- MAC - Open a terminal window to the directory containing the files, and type 'chmod +x install-superboot-mac.sh' followed by './install-superboot-mac.sh'

- LINUX - Open a terminal window to the directory containing the files, and type 'chmod +x install-superboot-linux.sh' followed by './install-superboot-linux.sh'

That's it, job done! Enjoy! :P


Hi, it does work. I put the device in bootloader mode (a blue screen with three lines of text. The last line says: 'Serial no: Unknown'. Is this right?). Then I connect the pulse to the computer via usb. After that I run 'install-superboot-windows.bat'. Now I see a cmd window saying it is waiting for a device. It waits forever. ;) I use windows 7. Is this the problem?

Guest JingleManSweep
Hi, it does work. I put the device in bootloader mode (a blue screen with three lines of text. The last line says: 'Serial no: Unknown'. Is this right?). Then I connect the pulse to the computer via usb. After that I run 'install-superboot-windows.bat'. Now I see a cmd window saying it is waiting for a device. It waits forever. :D I use windows 7. Is this the problem?

Sorry, cannot help you. I'm a Linux user, and although I encountered a similar problem, it was down to a security permissions issue. Not sure how to rectify this using Windows 7.

Guest tronsoft
Posted (edited)
Sorry, cannot help you. I'm a Linux user, and although I encountered a similar problem, it was down to a security permissions issue. Not sure how to rectify this using Windows 7.

Yes, it works on Linux. I booted in Kubuntu and followed your instructions. It did not work. I needed to do an extra step: sudo chmod +x fastboot-linux. After that it worked. Thanks.

Edited by tronsoft
Hi, it does work. I put the device in bootloader mode (a blue screen with three lines of text. The last line says: 'Serial no: Unknown'. Is this right?). Then I connect the pulse to the computer via usb. After that I run 'install-superboot-windows.bat'. Now I see a cmd window saying it is waiting for a device. It waits forever. :) I use windows 7. Is this the problem?

My phone also says unknown serial number. It's pretty annoying because it means adb doesn't work in eclipse. Does anyone know a way to set the serial number? Is this a bug in the superboot boot image?

I also couldn't get it to work in windows (says <waiting for device> forever). Works fine in linux though (after you set up the permissions correctly).

  • 2 weeks later...


how can I reverse the process and deactivate the superuser state? I dont want the "Super User Permission" icon ever.

Guest miltonpulse

I set the pattern code and unfougently forgot it, now i need my google address and password (which i dont remember and have tried everything to get it back) Is there anyway of resetting my phone or anything? Please help!!!

Guest Misticdw
Hi, it does work. I put the device in bootloader mode (a blue screen with three lines of text. The last line says: 'Serial no: Unknown'. Is this right?). Then I connect the pulse to the computer via usb. After that I run 'install-superboot-windows.bat'. Now I see a cmd window saying it is waiting for a device. It waits forever. :) I use windows 7. Is this the problem?

copy the AdbWinUsbApi.dll from the sdk/tools folder and place it in the windows/superboot folder.

hope that helps


Guest miltonpulse
copy the AdbWinUsbApi.dll from the sdk/tools folder and place it in the windows/superboot folder.

hope that helps

Do you need to install the disc that come with the pulse?whenever i connect the phone to my computer with usb it askas for the disc for drivers or something

Posted (edited)

Awesome, cheers Paul. Just ran this, and now I'm rooted.

Might be worth while mentioning pulling the battery(and disconnecting USB) in the original post as people have wondered? :)

Edited by giryan
Guest helikopter

i rooted my phone yesterday and everything seemed fine, but as i try to go to recovery mode on my phone through quickboot application, a yellow "Error: cache/recovery/something-i-can't-read-because-it-disappears-very-fast" line is appearing and my phone restarts, and boots normally. what's the problem here?

Guest helikopter
Posted (edited)
You haven't flashed the recovery image.


which proves that i'm a noob. i wanted to activate opengl es but i didn't know that i have to install the patched recovery image to do that. now i go and try that.

Edited by helikopter
Guest blaze23
Posted (edited)

ok. i realy need some help. i installed the custom rom for my pulse and after doing so, none of my apps worked any more. i solved this by simply reinstalling them.

however superuser permissions also would not work, ie if i type su into terminal emulator, an su request pops up but then android tells me to force close. i decided to fix this id just root the pulse again, however, this has not worked and hass also caused all my apps to dissapar, and i can no longer ge into recovery as quib boot cant run since superuser permisssions keeps crashing.

somebody please help!!!

edit; i am also unable to install any new apps, i get an error saying cannot install on this phone. i have tried formatting and repartitioning the sd card butit still doesnt work, if any one has any suggestions they would be greatly appreciated.

i had considered reinstalling the stock rom, but im not sure on how to do this, im assuming you need to use the recovery enviroment, which, as i said, i cant access. arrr!!!

Edited by blaze23
Guest niko1986
ok. i realy need some help. i installed the custom rom for my pulse and after doing so, none of my apps worked any more. i solved this by simply reinstalling them.

however superuser permissions also would not work, ie if i type su into terminal emulator, an su request pops up but then android tells me to force close. i decided to fix this id just root the pulse again, however, this has not worked and hass also caused all my apps to dissapar, and i can no longer ge into recovery as quib boot cant run since superuser permisssions keeps crashing.

somebody please help!!!

edit; i am also unable to install any new apps, i get an error saying cannot install on this phone. i have tried formatting and repartitioning the sd card butit still doesnt work, if any one has any suggestions they would be greatly appreciated.

i had considered reinstalling the stock rom, but im not sure on how to do this, im assuming you need to use the recovery enviroment, which, as i said, i cant access. arrr!!!

Had exaclty same thing happen, go to wipe your phone and low and behold it takes you to the recovery menu.

Guest blaze23

good news, everything seems to be working now, all my apps still work and i can now install as many apps as i want thanks to apps2sd.

so for anyone else who runs into simialr problems to me, install the stock rom from the link i posted using the included instruction, and start from stratch.

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