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Ok, i did it on the notbook of my girlfriend.

For the first attempt it works fine ;-)

I did it with the octanes mini tool, but i dont know what is the different if i flash the phone bin too.

Win 6.5 looks nice but how i kann customize it?

the favurites on homescreen and the buttons which came when i pres the start button.

can only move them to top of list?!

Guest habekeinalibi

hello secany, i am a big fan of your roms. i installed the new one for the samsung b7610, it´s name in germany Omnia Pro. now my problem is, the hardware-keyboard have a english layout, a qwerty and not a german qwertz. i can´t type also ä ö ü ß. Can you give me a help for change the settings to german???

:) :) :) :)

Hello Guys,

i have a problem with flashing my OmniaPro.

I has downloadet all Files From 23.12.09, unrar it an installed the winxp_x64 driver for usb.

OS is Win 7 so i read in a thread i must install the winxp driver.

install was succesfull but it doesnt work.

Message from Octanes Tool:

[setup] Windows 7

[setup] Download Ram Size :41777920 bytes,(39 MB)

Service stopped successfully

OnDeviceChange \\?\USB#VID_04E8&PID_6619#5&1792f985&0&4#{25dbce51-6c8f-4a72-8a6d-b54c2b4fc835}

[Error:0] Not receive OKUD! TimeOut:2

[Error:0] Not receive OKUD! TimeOut:1

[Error:0] Not receive OKUD! TimeOut:0

What i do wrong?

Thats the first time i will flash so it can be a noobproblem ^^

thx 4 help ;-)

try to set the compatibility of octans to win XP sp3,it worked 4 me

Guest AndrewTan

Could anyone taken out below wallpaper and some others official B7610 wallpaper?

Apprieciate it and thanks a lot :)


Guest panateo
Could anyone taken out below wallpaper and some others official B7610 wallpaper?

Apprieciate it and thanks a lot :)


Here is the one above, other will follow..




Guest schauben

Hello, I just registererd to this forum, because it seems to be the best in net.

I want to buy a B7610 and visited samsungmobile today and saw that now officially Windows Mobile 6.5 is on board, so the official update rom can't be far away.


Guest AndrewTan
Here is the one above, other will follow..

Wow! Thanks a lot :)

Guest panateo
Wow! Thanks a lot :)

Unfortunately the other wallpapers have a DRM protection and can't be saved/forwarded..

Guest AndrewTan
Unfortunately the other wallpapers have a DRM protection and can't be saved/forwarded..

Use Resco Explorer and copy to others folder and change the security setting and then can copy to PC. Make sure system and hide is untick.

Is it possible to use official dutch upgrade from http://www.samsungmobile.nl/support/softwa...reUpdateMain.do with a german B7610 Omnia Pro like described for the singapore Omnia II in this thread -> http://www.modaco.com/content/pocket-pc-ge...ows-mobile-6-5/ ?

I think its possible, but after flashing your physically keyboard layout is QWERTY.

Think its almost the same rom as secanys.

Im Not 100%sure but i had the same Problem with the QUERTY layout.

Now i found a multi csc who makes german layout.

Works fine but winmo 6.5 is not so nice.

I wait for a lightweigth rom.

My PDA: B7610NXXIL2 (secanys)

My CSC: B7610XEGIK4 (CSC_B7620XXIK4 from the modaco forum, doesnt find the link yet.)

My Phone: B7610XXII3 (Original)

Guest me00016

Happy to be here, as a previous owner of an htc device, I parallel this thread to the amazing xda-developers.

Now I got my B7610 from online shop, came from Germany-voda branding on winmo 6.1.

A couple of days before I upgraded to 6.5 flashing secany's ROM (posted 23 December). My experience up to now:

- My qwertz hw keyboard corresponds to qwerty. No big deal here (y<->z), since I am running language with greek characters.

- The vodafone branding was removed (O2 instead, but customizable)).

- Not noticeable change in speed, haptic feedback, memory.

- Very welcome sw additions, like widget manager-widget (for touchwiz), unlocking of larger video-recorder resolution (D1?).

- x-button is not very cooperative with some programs like Opera(!), Acrobat Reader 2.0, or even somewhere deep in Samsung's skinned settings. I mean, no matter if x-button is set to close or minimize these programs, it will "freeze" the device, and only soft reset is possible. Fortunately, the "exit" from the programs' menu works flawlessly.

That's all for the moment. I'm also looking forward to the official 6.5 from Samsung, although rumors about winmo 6.6 released in Feb are spread all over the internet.

Guest wingnut999


I currently have stock B7610NXXIK2

Can someone tell me benefits of using Windows Mobile 6.5 (B7610NXXIL2) - By secany

What do I gain/lose etc



I currently have stock B7610NXXIK2

Can someone tell me benefits of using Windows Mobile 6.5 (B7610NXXIL2) - By secany

What do I gain/lose etc


Sorry I already asked several time, nobody ever annswered

Guest mr_blonde34
Sorry I already asked several time, nobody ever annswered

Ok, well this is AWESOME thread.

Would like a little help though.

I have a B7610 that just hangs on samsung start up screen. It's a dutch phone (probably t-mobile) so i wanted to know if there is a debranded flash out there with dutch in it, and also a flasher with guide?

Do i need active sync installed to be abel to flash tihs phone correctly, cos i dont think it will boot in jsut the samsung logo.

Is there a way to put it into test/canary/boot/ mode for this model? If so, how?

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated guys!

Best regards

Guest me00016
Posted (edited)
Sorry I already asked several time, nobody ever annswered

Come on man, it's not an extensive comparison, but something was mentioned 2-3 posts above yours!

Now, after some days of extensive use of secany's ROM, my B7610 freezes-crashes way too often.

Try to setup email account - freezes! (Softreset follows)

Try to update my accuweather location - freezes! (Softreset follows)

Try to minimize opera - freezes! (Softreset follows)




This is getting frustrating and already looking for a lighter ROM. Or an update of this one.

Edited: Found the bug; system settings - local settings - change the local language to english. When I switched it back, the UI stabilized.

Edited by me00016
Guest sretlow

The download links to the firmware don't work. Is this right or do I have a problem?

Can I go from this rom to a official rom by samsung through the update programm by SNC?

Gr. Mark

Guest aries_park
Posted (edited)


Thanks for ur ROM.

actualy i like this ROM

but would u disable O2 screen when phone is booting.

sound funny, we use samsung but there is a booting screen O2. :)

Edited by aries_park
Guest petagigi

Thanks for ur ROM.

actualy i like this ROM

but would u disable O2 screen when phone is booting.

sound funny, we use samsung but there is a booting screen O2. :)

There are 2 files....power_off.gif and power_on.gif in Windows folder on device which contains O2 animation. Just copy another different pictures instead of them or blank them. That's all.

Guest aries_park
Posted (edited)
There are 2 files....power_off.gif and power_on.gif in Windows folder on device which contains O2 animation. Just copy another different pictures instead of them or blank them. That's all.

how to find this animation? which folder?



Finally I found the animation... I rename it, and then the O2 animation not apears again....

Thanks so much.... :)

Edited by aries_park
Guest b7610_fan

they do work. try the latest version. (the first rom version isn't avail. , but who cares )

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