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Posted (edited)
good work lads.. i've created my ROM with ezinput etc etc, will release it soon, just tweaking it some more.

cheers for the sleepfix too, will add it in.

i need the 1% driver also, anyone got a fix?

P.S: sorry i never replied to your PM cruddasj, i've been really busy with college! :D

I tried cooking ezinput in too but t9 wasn't working  :(

For the 1% driver, have you tried this thread?

1% driver

Edited by ock
Guest rtomakov
rtomakov, do you have experience with the languages? Im using a custom .csc now and the regional settings has changed properly :D But i still get an arabic microsoft keyboard by default!!! ;) Any ideas on how to change this?

Thankyou :(

The "new keyboard" as you call it, is in sys\msimar and sys\msimar_dpi96 package - this is arabic input support, it has englist and arabic layout, so I am not sure that you can set it to english by default (or maybe can be done, but I dont use it at all).

Content of my cscconfig.xml must be added properly so it keeps xml form. The other way (I didnt try it) would be to rename cscconfig.xml to oem_zzzz_sdkcerts.proxml (or some other name - that will be alphabeticaly latest .proxml doc), and add it into csc.bin. As I said, I didnt try this, so you will have to do some experimenting.

Guest Zpecter
to Zpecter: If you have DXIF1 ROM. Exctract OEM directory using i900_excractor.

I'd do it, but all roms I've found are protected, and i900_executor can't extract the OEM folder separately, that's why I'm looking for an official DXIF1 rom.

Guest rtomakov
Posted (edited)
I'd do it, but all roms I've found are protected, and i900_executor can't extract the OEM folder separately, that's why I'm looking for an official DXIF1 rom.

If you find it, please post a link!

As far as I know, there is no DXIF1 rom (OEM), it is just a customer (CSC.bin) part of flash, while PDA.bin (OEM) is DXID1 version. Anyway, if it really exists, and if someone have a link to it, please post a link.

To cruddasj: customer.csc is CSC.bin.

Edited by rtomakov
Guest cruddasj
If you find it, please post a link!

As far as I know, there is no DXIF1 rom (OEM), it is just a customer (CSC.bin) part of flash, while PDA.bin (OEM) is DXID1 version. Anyway, if it really exists, and if someone have a link to it, please post a link.

To cruddasj: customer.csc is CSC.bin.

Hey rtomakov. Ive sorted out now :D Learnt that other registry tweaks can be added too such as touch improvement and disbaling getting started titanium object by default :( Going to be trying to finish off my ROM completely by tonight. For closing the apps with the X button do just need to add the htc x button app as an EXT package?


Guest rtomakov
Posted (edited)
For closing the apps with the X button do just need to add the htc x button app as an EXT package?


Sorry, I wouldnt know that. I never use ext packages (they usually makes lots of sh*t during cooking).

For task manager, I use showcase suite - nice, light and efficient.

Edited by rtomakov

When I had made my own custom rom (OEM from XBIC1) I could turn on the flash light by holding the down volume bottom.

Why can't I do that from a rom from here. Is there some drivers that are missing?

Guest rtomakov
When I had made my own custom rom (OEM from XBIC1) I could turn on the flash light by holding the down volume bottom.

Why can't I do that from a rom from here. Is there some drivers that are missing?

Did you enable it in Settings>Personal>Buttons?

Folks, 28011 is out ( it has timebomb - need to use patched shell32, and "DeviceBeta" reminder).

Guest sametakti

firstly thanks you for your all works. If is it possible share your oem package RYRZY ?


Did you enable it in Settings>Personal>Buttons?

Yes, I have enable it. Now I use Ryrzy and it didn't work there.

Guest cruddasj

Hey all. My ROM seems to be missing the XT9 settings :s however the app is installed and all the .dll's etc. Can anyone point me in the direction of what should be there? thanks

Guest cruddasj

Okay, fixed XT9. Is everyone else getting the old icons on build 23089 and 28005?? I dont get whats going on!!!! Please help lol

Guest DelBossco
Am I the only one left using this kitchen? o.O

I am missing XT9 icon too. :-(((

I think the problem can be solved by editing initialflash.dat.


To show the Imput icon in Start\Settings\Personal you have to go in \SYS\Shell\*.rgu and delete the "Redirect"="" under [HKEY_Local_Machine\ControlPanel\Imput]

To update your initflashfiles.dat you have to go on Da_G's repository and take the initflashfiles.dat archive, than you take your language one and replace the first part of your initflashfiles.dat with the one you have downloaded! Now icons must be the new ones!

If there are problems, go in \SYS\Base_Lang_xxxx open the startmenu provxml and edit link names linke the Marketplace one!

If you want to add other icon add a reg string like that in and OEM Package or in the csc:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Favorite Settings.lnk]


or for settings



Guest cruddasj

Has anyone got any newer builds for this kitchen? May be switching to Wozzers as I cant understand how to port SYS and ROM files to this kitchen :D

Guest Bruno Adler
Has anyone got any newer builds for this kitchen? May be switching to Wozzers as I cant understand how to port SYS and ROM files to this kitchen ;)

Hey Jay, unfortunatelly it seems there's no one is porting new builds to vistang's anymore(at least for now).

I changed to Woozer's and i have no more "Runtime Errors".

Guest rtomakov
Hey Jay, unfortunatelly it seems there's no one is porting new builds to vistang's anymore(at least for now).

I changed to Woozer's and i have no more "Runtime Errors".

What porting?

You just need build source from xda or xbeta. I am (still?) using this kitchen without any problems and it works good. Yesterday I builded 28011.

Guest steff195
Posted (edited)
What porting?

You just need build source from xda or xbeta. I am (still?) using this kitchen without any problems and it works good. Yesterday I builded 28011.

Yeah, I still use this kitchen, as I got used to it. ;)

Edited by steff195
Guest rtomakov
Yeah, I still use this kitchen, as I got used to it. ;)

That 28011 build is ok? I mean no time stamp? Where did u get the files from? ;)

I wrote a few posts back that 28011 build is timebombed and it has beta reminder, so you have to patch it.

I have downloaded sys files from xda developers site (this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=544445 - search a last few pages, and dpi-lang files from here http://bbs.xbeta.cn/thread-24444-1-1.html).

Later this afternoon, I could upload my 28011 sys-xip files for this kitchen, if there is anyone interested.

Guest steff195
Posted (edited)

Meanwhile I found the files myself, but I don't know how to patch that. I didn't had to patch before. Any help, please? ;)

And... another thing: can I import NonEA files from another version and replace the EA, because I have the EA file in the archive?

Edited by steff195
Meanwhile I found the files myself, but I don't know how to patch that. I didn't had to patch before. Any help, please? ;)

Replace the s000 file in sys/shell/shell32.exe/ with the attached (unzip it first ;) )

and do the following edit to registry to remove watermark on today screen.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Device Beta]



Btw, I'm experiencing problems running advanced configuration tool and nodata on my build. Anyone experiencing this?


Guest rtomakov
Posted (edited)
Meanwhile I found the files myself, but I don't know how to patch that. I didn't had to patch before. Any help, please? ;)

And... another thing: can I import NonEA files from another version and replace the EA, because I have the EA file in the archive?

There is no need to change EA files with NonEA. It seems that EA works fine, but you can use NonEA from previous builds if you want.

For patching, search "shell32patched.zip" on xda thread from my previous post (sorry, I cant upload it right now). That patcher will remove timebomb from shell32.exe (which is in sys\shell folder).

Manually remove (or customize) DeviceBeta reminder from .rgu file in sys\shell folder.

Edited by rtomakov
Guest cruddasj
I wrote a few posts back that 28011 build is timebombed and it has beta reminder, so you have to patch it.

I have downloaded sys files from xda developers site (this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=544445 - search a last few pages, and dpi-lang files from here http://bbs.xbeta.cn/thread-24444-1-1.html).

Later this afternoon, I could upload my 28011 sys-xip files for this kitchen, if there is anyone interested.

Hey rtomakov. That would be amazing!! Are there any MUI changes?


Guest steff195

Ok guys, thanks alot! I learned something new now. ;)

Will try the changes as soon as I get home. Now I'm at work and I gotta pretend I'm working. ;)

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