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I have a question :

1. Place you OEM files in OEM directory

Should I put this DXID1 OEM from Nicklashidegardto in this folder ?

In this folder is folder OEM_Lang_0409

existing OEM_Lang_0405 ??? (Czech Language)

You added to ROM\XIP folder LangDB. When I cook ROM to different language 0405 Czech do I have to change file inside this directory "bcc99e16-6581-56e6-4886-ea8f477c0fb6.dsm" ?

4. Place you EXT packs in EXT directory : What should I place here ?

I now this is the basic question for you bat how to made bios.exe from bios.bin ?

Please quick manual for i900_EXEcutor.exe ?

Is this right :

1. run i900_EXEcutor (Language-English)

2. tab EXE - Assemble

3. load eboot.nb0_section "where can i find this file ??"

4. load phone.bin_section

5. press bottom GO...

6. please read, where your new_exe_firmware shall be created...

thanks for help

Download an original ROM in your language, extract the exe with i900EXEcutor and you get: customer.csc, pda.bin, eboot.nb0 and phone.bin.

Then extract the pda.bin with i900EXEcutor and you get: SYS, ROM, OEM.

Take the OEM and use it with the SYS in the first post.

Find in \ROM\XIP\OEMXIPKernel\boot.rgu MUIs value and change them with your language code.

Cook your ROM, take the pda.bin and open i900EXEcutor and put pda.bin (cooked), original eboot.nb0 and original customer.csc and if you want also the phone.bin then assemble the ROM and enjoy!!

Guest DelBossco
Posted (edited)

"Find in \ROM\XIP\OEMXIPKernel\boot.rgu MUIs value and change them with your language code." I do it no problem

I have cooked PDA.bin

Where can I download official DXID1 English ?

and PUIE1 ??? (this is the phone part where can i find it and how can I replace it ?)

Is it the problem to extract it from any cooked ROM.exe (eboot.nb0 and original customer.csc) is this same if I extract it from the official ?

For you it`s a basic question for me big help.

Last official with czech language is

i900UHHJ3.exe "WM 6.1 Pro 5.2.20270 (20270.1.3.1) PDA i900BPHJ4-UHHJ3 Phone i900XXHJ1"


My ROM is working thanks all, perfect work. Extract from nick ROM.

I am happy as flea :D :)

Edited by DelBossco
"Find in \ROM\XIP\OEMXIPKernel\boot.rgu MUIs value and change them with your language code." I do it no problem

I have cooked PDA.bin

Where can I download official DXID1 English ?

and PUIE1 ??? (this is the phone part where can i find it and how can I replace it ?)

Is it the problem to extract it from any cooked ROM.exe (eboot.nb0 and original customer.csc) is this same if I extract it from the official ?

For you it`s a basic question for me big help.

Last official with czech language is

i900UHHJ3.exe "WM 6.1 Pro 5.2.20270 (20270.1.3.1) PDA i900BPHJ4-UHHJ3 Phone i900XXHJ1"


My ROM is working thanks all, perfect work. Extract from nick ROM.

OK i saw you solved byself!

Good Cooking!!

Guest Bruno Adler
Posted (edited)
I don't think is a registry problem, because this kitchen doen't check the registry like the sztupy's one..., but i also think that if you download the kitchen and the SYS/XIP and you recoock it must work!

BTW if you have some problem try to use the old kitchen and see what error gives you the BuildOS that checks alltings!

Solved by changing Sys/XIP to 23509.

One more question.

how i can preconf this wake modes?

Do you know anything about how to make the "sleeping" bug problem goes out?

Still waiting for help out there

Thanks Smaury

Edited by Bruno Adler

if everything is working ok i will make update in first post

Guest Augustocvc

Staff I have this questions: the wifi no working, not appers and the shutting down the backlight that makes me have to do a soft reset. And where do I find the key to the choice of the third screen?


Without file icon of wifi No wifi

Guest Zpecter
"Find in \ROM\XIP\OEMXIPKernel\boot.rgu MUIs value and change them with your language code." I do it no problem

I have cooked PDA.bin

Where can I download official DXID1 English ?

and PUIE1 ??? (this is the phone part where can i find it and how can I replace it ?)

Is it the problem to extract it from any cooked ROM.exe (eboot.nb0 and original customer.csc) is this same if I extract it from the official ?

For you it`s a basic question for me big help.

Last official with czech language is

i900UHHJ3.exe "WM 6.1 Pro 5.2.20270 (20270.1.3.1) PDA i900BPHJ4-UHHJ3 Phone i900XXHJ1"


My ROM is working thanks all, perfect work. Extract from nick ROM.

I am happy as flea :( :D

How did you solve it?? Did you use the eboot.nb0 and customer.csc from the original rom or from a cooked one??

Guest Bruno Adler

Plataform Rebuilder Runtime error with this new version



How can i port the sys to the omnia?

when i download it from Da_G´s thread at xda-developers?

i hope someone can help me

Guest steff195

Hi Ryrzy, can you post the files from 28005 on the first page?


Guest DelBossco

I found this, is it useful ?


I have basic question for cookers :

How should I implement 1% battery zylonite_battdrvr.dll and Certs.cab to my ROM ?

I overwrote original zylonite_battdrvr.dll in OEM\OEMDrivers\zylonite_battdrvr.dll\zylonite_battdrvr.dll

and I placed Certs.cab to EXT\ folder

Nothing has changed.


Guest tom131274
Posted (edited)
I found this, is it useful ?


I have basic question for cookers :

How should I implement 1% battery zylonite_battdrvr.dll and Certs.cab to my ROM ?

I overwrote original zylonite_battdrvr.dll in OEM\OEMDrivers\zylonite_battdrvr.dll\zylonite_battdrvr.dll

and I placed Certs.cab to EXT\ folder

Nothing has changed.



delete the folder zylonite_battdrv.dll in Oem Driver. Copy my two folders in Visual kitchen Oem folder. true!!!!!


Edited by tom131274
Guest jo-the-ripper
To change the default Windws application you must go in \BaseApp and open the rgu, then you see different values for different links, for exaple: MSPIMG, MSCALENDAR, MSCLOCK, etc... you must change the "1"="directory" and put the directory to the app you want, for example for MSPIMG instead of "1"="pimg.exe" you can put "1"="\Windows\HTCAlbum.exe"

I don't know...

You have to delete the lnk file related to sharepix and delete the string from the Initflashfiles.dat in \OEM_Lang_0409

Go in the .rgu inside \OEM\OEMDrivers and find [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Welcome], create a Disable value just like that:



7F - disable everything except 'email setup' screen

BF - disable everything except 'password' screen

DF - disable everything except 'complete' screen and the finishing tap

EF - disable everything except 'location' screen

F7 - disable everything except 'pop-up menus' screen

FB - disable everything except 'stylus' screen

FD - disable everything except 'align' screen

FE - disable everything except tap on the first screen

FF - disable everything [displays first 'splash' screen and exits]

Check drivers or try to tap the power button and look if with that it works...



is there a way to disable the whole welcomehead...the screen the "welcomehead.96.png"???



How can i port the sys to the omnia?

when i download it from Da_G´s thread at xda-developers?

i hope someone can help me

You have to download SYS and XIP, MUI and DPI.

On Da_G's repository DPIs are in the 0409 MUI rar.

So you have to download only the SYS, not the rollup, and 0409 MUIs (if you want to cook a non-english ROM you must download also your language MUIs)

Take \SYS\SHARED\COMMON, delete SimT_kit and .ROM .VM (if there are).

Open the MUI archive and take: lang folders, DPI 96 and resh240_resv400 folders (if you cook in an other language just take lang from your lang and make sure to don't have duplicates filders with different lang code.

Put allthings in the same dir and call it with the code of the build.

F.E. 28002

Take the MSXIPkernel and put it in a directory with the same name of the SYS one and the put the SYS in \SYS and the MSXIPKernel in \ROM.

I hope it's clear :-)


I found this, is it useful ?


It's the Monkybape's repository, is like the Da_G's one, but ROM are released in flash.dio, so you have to dump the flash.dio first and then you can port them!

To dump a Flash.dio you must use three tools and three commands, i attach an archive with tools and commands, all credits go to the providers of tools!


Guest DelBossco

Thanks for your great help smaury

you are the profi ROMmaker

Is it a problem for you to make the manual: how to make the regional ROM in your language by using "Visual Kitchen by Vistang"

and by using http://bbs.xbeta.cn/thread-24444-1-1.html or http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=544445 ?

Which utility to use, how to use it, where can I copy it, where can I copy files, which directory, how to change kitchen?

I should only use these files in my language for my kitchen "ADC_Lang_0405" and DPI/Resolution this "ADC_Lang_0405 Base_Lang_0405_DPI_96_RESH_240_RESV_400"

I downloaded this from DA_g : - 28002 Rollup - All Packages (~200MB)

- Initflashfiles.dat for all languages

- 0405 CSY Czech Česká republika

and from bbs.xbeta.cn admin @ XBETA : - 0405 CSY 28005 and -DPI and RESV Part: 28005_All_DPI_All_RESV

It`s help for many coockers all over the world.

Thanks for your time and help.

Thanks for your great help smaury

you are the profi ROMmaker

Is it a problem for you to make the manual: how to make the regional ROM in your language by using "Visual Kitchen by Vistang"

and by using http://bbs.xbeta.cn/thread-24444-1-1.html or http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=544445 ?

Which utility to use, how to use it, where can I copy it, where can I copy files, which directory, how to change kitchen?

I should only use these files in my language for my kitchen "ADC_Lang_0405" and DPI/Resolution this "ADC_Lang_0405 Base_Lang_0405_DPI_96_RESH_240_RESV_400"

I downloaded this from DA_g : - 28002 Rollup - All Packages (~200MB)

- Initflashfiles.dat for all languages

- 0405 CSY Czech Česká republika

and from bbs.xbeta.cn admin @ XBETA : - 0405 CSY 28005 and -DPI and RESV Part: 28005_All_DPI_All_RESV

It`s help for many coockers all over the world.

Thanks for your time and help.

To make a located ROM you just have to follow this tutorial:

You have to download SYS and XIP, MUI and DPI.

On Da_G's repository DPIs are in the 0409 MUI rar.

So you have to download only the SYS, not the rollup, and 0409 MUIs (if you want to cook a non-english ROM you must download also your language MUIs)

Take \SYS\SHARED\COMMON, delete SimT_kit and .ROM .VM (if there are).

Open the MUI archive and take: lang folders, DPI 96 and resh240_resv400 folders (if you cook in an other language just take lang from your lang and make sure to don't have duplicates filders with different lang code.

Put allthings in the same dir and call it with the code of the build.

F.E. 28002

Take the MSXIPkernel and put it in a directory with the same name of the SYS one and the put the SYS in \SYS and the MSXIPKernel in \ROM.

I hope it's clear :-)


Then you change in \ROM\XIP\OEMXIPKernel\Boot.rgu both MUIs value with your MUI code.

To use the Da_G's initflashiles.dat you have to chenge only the first part of your initflashfiles.dat with the Da_G's one!

If you want to port a build from xbeta you have first to dump the flash.dio with the tool i posted and than you take only the SYS, not the OEM and you delete all lang files and DPI and .ROM .VM SimT_Kit, then you put your DPI and MUI, then you take the XIP.bin and you dump it and you take only the MSXIPKernel.

To dump the XIP you can create a batch file on your pc with this text:

cd rom

..\tools\dump xip.bin

cd xip

rd giisr.dll /Q /S

FOR  /f %%a IN ('DIR /a /b *.dsm') DO ..\..\tools\packagebuilder %%a

You put the xip.bin in \ROM and open the batch and it'll be dumped!

Maybe later i'll do a clear tutorial for build porting and located ROM creation, i have just to translate my italina tutorials in english...

I found this. Is it useful ?



Just use the tools i posted above it's quite the same...

Guest nikosxri
Posted (edited)

Thats very nice of you Smaury!!!Works great without adding thd dll inside the module folders as i paq kitchen that i used.

You forgot to add the file attached in your zip.Took it from another kitchen.So guys add it in Smaury zip and proceed.

Just rename it to .dll (i changed the ext for uploading)


Edited by nikosxri
Guest DelBossco
Posted (edited)

I succeed cook ROM in my language 0405 / 041b. From DAG_s

Which file should I place in folder :

Kitchen\ROM\28002\LangDB\ ???

now in this folder bcc99e16-6581-56e6-4886-ea8f477c0fb6.dsm


now in this folder bcc99e16-6581-56e6-4886-ea8f477c0fb6.dsm

this is right or another ?? where can I find it in my language ??


Edited by DelBossco
Guest DelBossco
Posted (edited)

28002 SYS in this post and DAG_s SYS are different

Dag_s SYS included more folders :










MSXIPKernel - copy or move to ROM\28002\ ????

MSXIPKernelLTK - copy or move to ROM\XIP\ ???








SIM_TKit - you say erase





xip.bin - erase ?

Edited by DelBossco

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