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Guest steff195
Hi Ryrzy, can you post the files from 28005 on the first page?



I succeed cook ROM in my language 0405 / 041b. From DAG_s

Which file should I place in folder :

Kitchen\ROM\28002\LangDB\ ???

now in this folder bcc99e16-6581-56e6-4886-ea8f477c0fb6.dsm


now in this folder bcc99e16-6581-56e6-4886-ea8f477c0fb6.dsm

this is right or another ?? where can I find it in my language ??


Don't touch the \ROM\XIP directory!

You just have to put the MSXIPKernel in \ROM\buildnumber\

28002 SYS in this post and DAG_s SYS are different

Dag_s SYS included more folders :


(use it or BaseAppsFiles)


(use the NonEA one)


(like the previous one)


(Chinese language folders)


(Chinese language folders)


(Like up)


(Like BaseAppsModules)



(Arab Keyboard)

MSXIPKernel - copy or move to ROM\28002\ ????

Yes put it in \ROM\28002)

MSXIPKernelLTK - copy or move to ROM\XIP\ ???

(Don't use it!)


(It's the Compact NET Framework)


(For PPC without phone part)


(Like other Modules ones)


(Not needed)


(Other language)


(Like up)


(Like up)

SIM_TKit - you say erase



(Arab keyboard)




(Some widgets)


(it's yet in the XIP so erease it!)

xip.bin - erase ?

(Yes is the compacted XIP, we use the module form!)

I think you downloaded the rollup?

If it's like that delete it and download from the other link, becuase in the rollup there are also other unsefull folders for us!

In the 5° on Da_G's repository there is a description for the various folders, i gave you a littel description in the quote of the modules you said!


Try to port yourself the SYS/XIP like DelBosco is doing!

Guest steff195

I did, but ended up with the Samsung Omnia logo on display... I had to flash back to 28002. I noticed that I had some different files than the 28802 build posted here by Ryrzy. Some EA files (East Asia) while in the 28002 they were Non EA. Should I copy those files from 28002 build? Also, in the 28005 build the ADC (Automatic Data Configurator) folder was missing. Should I also import that from the previous build?

I figured it out how to dump and build roms, I still have to find out how to get the files from newer builds. :D

Guest DelBossco
Posted (edited)

smaury big big big thanks


(Not needed)

It is :

Selected performance Tool



I erase it.

On the dektop I have icon MSAlarms (no color icon - it is same icon es perf white square)

Erase msalarms.lnk ???

I find it:

ADC - Automatic Data Configuration

AdobeFlash - Adobe Flash

AdobeFlashCodecs - Adobe Flash Video Playback Codecs

AlarmSounds - Alarm Sounds

AUTOUPDATE - Device-Side Auto Update - Not Required

Base - Required - but what is it?

BaseApps - Required - but what is it?

BaseAppsFiles - Microsoft Camera + Camera Integration Support - replaces BaseAppsModules

BaseAppsModules - Microsoft Camera + Camera Integration Support -replaces BaseAppsFiles

Bluetooth - Bluetooth Support (for microsoft BT stack, dependant on build-time switch)

bronze - Required - Components for CHome

BronzeEA - Components for CHome (east-asia languages)

BronzeNonEA - Components for CHome (Non east-asia languages)

BROWSING - IE 5 Components

BROWSINGCORE - IE 6on6 Scripting Components (dependant on build-time switch)

browsingie - IE 6on6 UI and RenderCore (dependant on build-time switch)

BTDUN - Bluetooth dial-up networking

Bth_A2DP - Bluetooth A2DP

Bth_HID - Bluetooth HID (Human Interface Device) profile support

Bth_Watch - Support for the Sony Erricssion Wrist Watch

CHome - Titanium, the WM Pro version of Sliding Panels

CommonEA - Common settings specific to east asia builds, replaces CommonNonEA

CommonNonEA - Common settings specific to non-east asia builds, replaces CommonEA

COMPLEXSCRIPT_FONTS - System fonts for Arabic builds, replaces SYSTEM_DEFAULT_FONTS

ConfettiCore - HW Accelerated RenderCore for 6.5 Chrome

DRM - Digital Rights Management Support (dependant on build-time switch) - Required for Video playback of 3gp and mp4

Enterprise - IPSec, l2TP and Winscard support?

Entertainment - Games

FWUPDATE - ImageUpdate Support

gb18030 - East Asian Font support - Excluded from non-EA images

GPSID - GPS Intermediate Driver, facilitates multiple applications using one serial port simultaneously

INTERNETSHARING - Provides a NAT Router for WWAN <--> USB/Bluetooth communication


IRDA - IR Port Support

LangDB - wince.nls for your language (0404, 0411, 0412, 0804, WWE)

Livesearch - Windows Live Search/Bing Search

Lockscreen - WM6.5 Lockscreen

LockscreenEA - Lockscreen east-asia components - replaces LockscreenNonEA

LockscreenNonEA - Lockscreen Non east-asia components - replaces LockscreenEA

MediaOS - Windows Media Player - Needed for MP3 Ringtone support?

MediaOSFiles - Windows Mobile Player Decoder DMO - replaces MediaOSModules

MediaOSModules - Windows Mobile Player Decoder DMO - replaces MediaOSFiles

Metadata - Required - Registry Hives, Package Info

MODEMLINK - Old-style internet sharing support (DUN) (dependant on build-time switch)

MSIMAR - SIP support for Arabic builds - excluded from non-arabic builds

MSTag - Microsoft Tag Reader (dependant on build-time switch)

MSXIPKernel - Microsoft Native Kernel Components

MSXIPKernelLTK - Empty ImageUpdate Package - Requirement for future expansion

NetCF - Microsoft .NET Compact Framework

NonPhone - Non-Phone (PDA) Components - excluded from phone builds

OEMXIPKernel - OEM Native Kernel Components

Office - Microsoft Office 6 Mobile

OneNote - Microsoft OneNote 6 Mobile

OS - Required - Description?

OSFiles - Required - MS WMV DMO - replaces OSModules

OSModules - Required - MS WMV DMO - replaces OSFiles

Perf - Debug Performance Monitor

Perfbox - Debug Performance Monitor

Phone - Required - Phone support, not in PDA builds

PhoneRedist - Required - Phone support, not in PDA builds

ppgprov - OMA Provisioning Support, not in PDA builds

Redist - ?

RemoteDesktopMobile - Remote Desktop

Riched20 - Rich HTML Editor support - WWE builds - replaces Riched20_CS

Riched20_CS - Rich HTML Editor support - Arabic builds - replaces Riched20

RIL710MUX - CellCore Component (optional)

RingsAndAlerts - Rings and Alerts

RMGR - Roaming Manager (optional)

RUNTIMES - C Runtimes

SipAR - SIP Support for Arabic builds (excluded from non-arabic builds)

SampleMusic - Sample Music (dependant on build-time switch)

Shell - Required

SIM_TKit - SIM Tool Kit, omitted from CDMA builds

Skybox - Microsoft MyPhone, Syncs a phone's info with Microsoft (dependant on build-time switch)

Skymarket - WM MarketPlace isn't live yet - Just a link (dependant on build-time switch)

SMIME - Required - Crypto Support

SMS_Providers - Required - SMS Support

SQLCE - SQL Server for CE (dependant on build-time switch)

SQM - Systems Quality Metrics (customer experience feedback)

SqlCeMobile - Not Required - Unless you need SqlCeMobile

SYSTEM_DEFAULT_FONTS - Required - Non Complex-Script Font Support - replaces COMPLEXSCRIPT_FONTS

Themes - Extra Themes

Transcriber - Transcriber - Not available in every language

UNISCRIBE - SIP Support for select non-WWE langs - replaces Transcriber

VoiceCommand - Voice Command - (0407, 0409, 040C, 0809)


VoIPOS - VoIP Part 2

Webview - IE 6on6 RenderCore component for OS use, WWE - replaces Webview_CS

Webview_CS - IE 6on6 RenderCore component for OS use, arabic - replaces Webview

WelcomeCenter - The WM6.5 Welcome Center - Required for "Help"

WindowsLive - Windows Live Mobile

WindowsLiveIM - Windows Live Instant Messaging

WMLiveSearchWidget - MS Live Search Widget

WMMoneyWidget - MS Money Widget

WMWeatherWidget - MS Weather Widget

WMWidgets - MS Widgets Support (Requires IE 6on6)

WWAN - WWAN Support (not in PDA Builds)

Edited by DelBossco
I did, but ended up with the Samsung Omnia logo on display... I had to flash back to 28002. I noticed that I had some different files than the 28802 build posted here by Ryrzy. Some EA files (East Asia) while in the 28002 they were Non EA. Should I copy those files from 28002 build? Also, in the 28005 build the ADC (Automatic Data Configurator) folder was missing. Should I also import that from the previous build?

I figured it out how to dump and build roms, I still have to find out how to get the files from newer builds. :D

EA and NonEA files for Bronze, Lockscreen and Titanium have some littel differences, so you can use EA files...

Yes you can import from a previous build, minkeybape doesn't put it because there are no big changes in it!

smaury big big big thanks


(Not needed)

It is :

Selected performance Tool



I erase it.

Usually i don't put it in my ROM, because it's an advanced tool, but i think it's not so necessary...

Let me know if you get that build work!

And if you want you can share it with the rest of us community!

Guest DelBossco

BaseAppsFiles - Microsoft Camera + Camera Integration Support - replaces BaseAppsModules

BaseAppsModules - Microsoft Camera + Camera Integration Support -replaces BaseAppsFiles

MediaOSFiles - Windows Mobile Player Decoder DMO - nahrádza MediaOSModules

MediaOSModules - Windows Mobile Player Decoder DMO - replaces MediaOSFiles

OSFiles - Required - MS WMV DMO - replaces OSModules

OSModules - Required - MS WMV DMO - replaces OSFiles

Which one is better ?? Its same for use ?

Posted (edited)

i'm really new at this (cooking) and i want to build a rom with the default samsung omnia applications in. In witch folder should i look for them,rom, oem or xip?? i don't get it :D

my goal is to have a 28002 build that looks like i was made by samsung, i've managed to to that already but for some reason i have the scroll problem with the samsung dialer and each time i connet my omnia to the netpower i still see the battery icon (just a bug i think but better to mention t)

Edited by lexuz
BaseAppsFiles - Microsoft Camera + Camera Integration Support - replaces BaseAppsModules

BaseAppsModules - Microsoft Camera + Camera Integration Support -replaces BaseAppsFiles

MediaOSFiles - Windows Mobile Player Decoder DMO - nahrádza MediaOSModules

MediaOSModules - Windows Mobile Player Decoder DMO - replaces MediaOSFiles

OSFiles - Required - MS WMV DMO - replaces OSModules

OSModules - Required - MS WMV DMO - replaces OSFiles

Which one is better ?? Its same for use ?

It's quite the same.

If you have to modify something in S000, S001 ,... you have to use the Modules ones, if you don't have to modify modules, just use files ones...

i'm really new at this (cooking) and i want to build a rom with the default samsung omnia applications in. In witch folder should i look for them,rom, oem or xip?? i don't get it :D

my goal is to have a 28002 build that looks like i was made by samsung, i've managed to to that already but for some reason i have the scroll problem with the samsung dialer and each time i connet my omnia to the netpower i still see the battery icon (just a bug i think but better to mention t)

Try to give a look on previous pages!

Give also a look to shokka tutorial for the old kitchen!


Hi, have been reading these threads on rom cooking, as well as Shokka's excellent introduction. I plan to release a rom or two once I've tested them thoroughly, but I have a question:

I extracted the OEM files from an official rom, DZIA. Do I have to include phone.bin in my final exe when assembling using i900 executor?

Thanks, and hope to release something soon.

When i Build the ROM it says everything is finished, but there is no .bin file in the RELEASE folder!?

Firstly, make sure you have the "release" folder in the first place  :D

Next, check the log for any errors that may have occurred.

Guest rtomakov
When i Build the ROM it says everything is finished, but there is no .bin file in the RELEASE folder!?

Same thing.

I have RELEASE folder (totally empty) in kitchen root and there is no any errors in log. Platformrebuilder do rebuilding without any errors.It seems there is some error in renaming and moving finished rom from temp folder to RELEASE folder.

If you turn off automat. temp deleting, you will find finished rom in that folder named New.bin.

At least, I think that file is rom file, altought, there are a few others files in temp:os.nb.new, os.nb.new.new, etc.

Guest Bruno Adler
Same thing.

I have RELEASE folder (totally empty) in kitchen root and there is no any errors in log. Platformrebuilder do rebuilding without any errors.It seems there is some error in renaming and moving finished rom from temp folder to RELEASE folder.

If you turn off automat. temp deleting, you will find finished rom in that folder named New.bin.

At least, I think that file is rom file, altought, there are a few others files in temp:os.nb.new, os.nb.new.new, etc.

I have the same issue here.....

Which make me stand on the oldest version of VK.

Guest rtomakov

New kitchen works. I have took New.bin from temp folder, renamed it to PDA.bin and assembled .exe.

It seems that works, but I dont understand one thing: is New.bin builded rom (as I said - that on works) or os.nb.new.nEW.EXA (this is kitchen settings.ini entry - the one that should be renamed to RUU...bin).

Could someone (author maybe?) make this clear.

Guest Bruno Adler

One little question here, how do i make my applications close by just pressing "X"?

How do i turn "Showcase" into Default Task manager when i press the start logo?

When i Build the ROM it says everything is finished, but there is no .bin file in the RELEASE folder!?


Guest cruddasj

Hi all, just built a 28002 ROM with all OEM apps included. Just got to test it now. Have opened the flashed however there is a check box for download content files ????? Ive never seen this before when using a custom ROM, can you please let me know if this is normal? Thanks

Guest rtomakov
Hi all, just built a 28002 ROM with all OEM apps included. Just got to test it now. Have opened the flashed however there is a check box for download content files ????? Ive never seen this before when using a custom ROM, can you please let me know if this is normal? Thanks

I use older i9XX flasher:


Now, to Bruno Adler and others: I can confirm that kitchen works: disable auto temp delete and you will find nice, fully working New.bin (PDA.bin) in temp folder.

Guest cruddasj
I use older i9XX flasher:


Now, to Bruno Adler and others: I can confirm that kitchen works: disable auto temp delete and you will find nice, fully working New.bin (PDA.bin) in temp folder.

Sorry for asking but im new, how can I edit my .exe to include this new flashing utility, or do i need to replace a file within the i90x kitchen? Thankyou

Guest cruddasj
Sorry for asking but im new, how can I edit my .exe to include this new flashing utility, or do i need to replace a file within the i90x kitchen? Thankyou

Anyone? Im about to flash and im hoping that im not gona brick due to the flasher being wrong :|

Guest cruddasj
Anyone? Im about to flash and im hoping that im not gona brick due to the flasher being wrong :|

All went through okay :D ROM works but has the sleep bug :( anyone have a fix? Thanks

One little question here, how do i make my applications close by just pressing "X"?

go to [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\e-Natives Technology\Showcase] and set


How do i turn "Showcase" into Default Task manager when i press the start logo?

I assume you mean the side button? Try looking under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Keys\]

All went through okay :D ROM works but has the sleep bug :( anyone have a fix? Thanks

Yup, the sleep bug (device doesn't wake up after it turns off automatically or manually) is also bugging me.

Have played around with the power saving settings, etiquette mode, installed AIO security and SDKcerts but to no avail. Anyone can share their secret to fixing this? ;)

Posted (edited)

Hello World, here is my contribution :


It's The 28005 pack for this kitchen, I will also upload French language, but now i'm tired.

Just extract to kitchen dir and cook :D

I Think It has no problem but if someone find something wrong, please pm

happy cooking everyone!

If someone can explain me how to cook a theme, even If I put a theme in package form, and assign HKLM\Software\microsoft\Today\"Skin" value W7B_Premium.tsk , the theme applyed is ClassicBlue....

Also, how to change the background in cooking ( how to tell use this image for portrait, this one for landscape)

How to make Java work ( ... I think I will find so I will tell you if I found how to avoid the invalid JAD message.)

How to make close by X? ( simply a reg key I assume, or maybe not?)

Last but not least, If I put Touch Calendar in default ( by replacing HKLM...\Shell\RAI\:MSCALENDAR & :MSTASKS ) I have only a blank screen If I launch it from today, but, If I launch It from start menu and keep it running, it now works form today also, so I assume that the today way of lauching touchcalendar needs him to be already running?

Is there a fix for that? ( or do I need to also replce the HKLM...\Shell\RAI\:MSPOutlook "1"="poutlook.exe" to "tcalendar.exe" )

Thanks for your help and sorry for my bad english

Edited by OCMan
Guest steff195
Posted (edited)

@cruddasj: I use my own rom based on 28002 for a week or two and I don't have the sleep problem at all.

Maybe you've already checked, but if not, please enter Settings/Personal/Buttons/now scroll to Wake Up, and here make sure you select Front Button. At least that's how I have it. I hope this helps.

I know this helped me alot with the Khuanchai's roms that had this problem because in the settings above they had "Power only" selected and my device didn't wake up unless I pressed the power button.

@OCMan: did you test this?... because I also tried to get the files from xda, but I don't know what went wrong and after flashing this I ended up with Samsung Omnia logo on my phone's display. So I had to flash again my 28002 rom.

Edited by steff195

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