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i900Club @ PDAMobiz - Dheewatara-s Rom

Guest leap_ahead

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Guest pollo17385
If someone has SK Tools (you can find it you know where... PM me if you dont know) he can make a benchmark test which is in the menu of sk tools.

The last khuanchai rom that i used was the 23081.Since then I make my own roms.

I wonder if Dheewatara reaches the score 302 (in SK Tools Benchmark) that Khuanchai achieved.

You know sk tools benchmark finishes with a number that is the score and we can compare things.

Of course the test is better to be done with a bare rom without cab-programs but the score 302 with khuanchai 23081 was achieved with my 20 programs installed.

So do the test and inform people about it.

SK Tools is a good way to grade the roms.

Everyone says this or that rom is fast but we need a number, a benchmark score to compare.Even if it is not very accurate, it is still the only way to measure the rom speed.

I think we cannot score the roms only with our feeling.

Thanks Nikos.

Hi all,

Over 28011 with my set of apps loaded(more than 20), I achieved 302.60 (all tests selected).

Thanks to all of you people !!! ;)

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Guest contable

@Genix9, Nikos: I´m running Dheewatara 28008 semi-lite without any problems. The benchmark test comes in at 309.45 (all tests selected), but I think I have installed only 15 apps. My feeling says that Dheewatara´s roms are the best roms behind KC´s roms (same kitchen but still different results). In my opinion actually no other rom cookers has nearly the same speed. It would be interesting to know what is the speed of other custom roms for i900.

@Genix9: I hope you are well, I´m still full of work. Let us chat one of these days. ;)



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Guest Whunter

I've run a benchmark test on my phone with Dheewatara 23509 semi-lite with all my apps and got 345.51


I'll update it to 23616 and see what happens.


I have Pontui Home Pro, S2U2, Resco Audio Recorder, ProfiMail, Beejive, Panoramic MoTweets, MS Tellme, IM+, etc

Mem. Free Storage: 48.85Mb

Mem. Free Program: 34.63 Mb

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Guest 123toto

hola chicos!

que alguien me diga cuál es la diferencia entre:

************************************************** ********

Rom V33 WM6.5.3 Omnia i900 construir 28011.5.3 Lite Semi-beta1 (7/12/09)

Rom V34 WM6.5.3 Omnia i900 construir 23616.5.5 Lite Semi-beta1 (9/12/09)

Rom V35 WM6.5.3 Omnia i900 construir 23616.5.3 (9/12/09 MD2_Leo beta1)

Rom V36 WM6.5.3 Omnia i900 construir 21884.5.0.85 Semi-Lite beta1 (9/12/09)

************************************************** *********

No lo entiendo, sino que va ROm28011 y luego viene un 23.616 ;)


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i actually have the 23614 and i find this one very fast and very stable, no one bug, appz as follow:msoffice, audionotes from vito, bluehoo, htc calculator, lite calendar, checklists, facebook, finger keyboard, google maps, i-nigma, midomi, mynote, neoreader, opera 10, phonelog, ppc_interface, resco file explorer, showcase, smartlock, smartreader, voice speed dial, wifi monster, igo, mobileshell 3.5.

mem: 115,41 storage, 30,47 programm

5min vid on youtube


Hey does Igo 8 work on this rom? So far on 28005, 23614, and 28011 I can't get it to work. I get an error that say..."Program application cannot be found. Please insert original application SD card." Did you get this problem on this rom? If so is there a way to fix it or did it just not happen? Or finally did does it still not work?


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Oh, I also wanted to ask everyone, who has flashed to either of the 23616 roms, what they think about them? I am currently on 28011 and using SPB MS3.5. I like M2D and am not opposed to going back to it as long as the rom runs as fast as 28011 does without it or switching to the 23616 semi lite if it is an improvement on 28011. Are there any bugs on either version of 23616? is it fast? anything new on them? Any news would be appreciated


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Guest mmaster12

I think 28004 Ultra Lite is most stable ROM now. I used 28011 Ultra Lite, but it have some bugs, and it is not so stable as 28004. Also 28011 is faster than 28004 (subjective). I didn't flash 28008-09. I flashed back to 28004.

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Guest Omar Qazi

I upgraded my i900 to 28009 last week and it has been a great ROM experience. Is 28011 faster than 28009 as well? Any other changes? I have not been able to find a comparison of features.

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i try 28011 yesterday, and i can not select language for pocket music 5.3, no button to ok. i was benmark it with sktool, 306.82 is my score.

And spb keyboard can not config on all rom 6.5.3.

and now i try to 23616, i hope it not bug when i install pocket music.

And how can i switch window like in wm6.1 ( keep close button long time)? i dont want to use task manager to switch window,

Edited by xhuyvn
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I have a stupid question - are Mr. Dheewatara's roms in english and usable in Europe? I noticed somewhere in his blog that the operator settings are pre-configured for Thai..

Can I load the rom and use it in Germany for example (of course WM should be in English, right) and what shall I consider as re-configuration needed?

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Guest lonely2k5

DLCI the roms are english

only selection for region is THAI so it's no problem to change it your location under settings regional

it's the same as all other roms from this point of view...

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Hey does Igo 8 work on this rom? So far on 28005, 23614, and 28011 I can't get it to work. I get an error that say..."Program application cannot be found. Please insert original application SD card." Did you get this problem on this rom? If so is there a way to fix it or did it just not happen? Or finally did does it still not work?


I can tell you, that iGO ist working on all this roms (28011, 28005, 23614, 23616 I tested myself). Maybe you have to edit your sys.txt in iGO directory:

app="My Sotrage/iGO8"[/codebox]

and I am using the "pda version" of iGO, Aug 13 2009



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Guest kanikamus
hola chicos!

que alguien me diga cuál es la diferencia entre:

************************************************** ********

Rom V33 WM6.5.3 Omnia i900 construir 28011.5.3 Lite Semi-beta1 (7/12/09)

Rom V34 WM6.5.3 Omnia i900 construir 23616.5.5 Lite Semi-beta1 (9/12/09)

Rom V35 WM6.5.3 Omnia i900 construir 23616.5.3 (9/12/09 MD2_Leo beta1)

Rom V36 WM6.5.3 Omnia i900 construir 21884.5.0.85 Semi-Lite beta1 (9/12/09)

************************************************** *********

No lo entiendo, sino que va ROm28011 y luego viene un 23.616 ;)


Buenas tardes

Creo que la numeracion es diferente de acuerdo com la region del pais. Creo ainda que las diferencias son mui pequenas, algunas eliminando bugs, outras velocidade, outras el toque en la tela, etc.

Sin programas para hacer la medicion e tambiem aparatos especiales, para mi, son mui semellantes. Me gusto mucho la edicion 28011 e 23616, los dos lite.



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Guest kanikamus

I think they are all very similar and the same programs, so each must be installed in accordance with their interests and needs. I think the best of all is the 28011.

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Guest slovenec88


I am using 28011 rom and camera button doesn't work in camera (the middle one does - mouse button). Anyone knows a fix? Maybe because of some program that I have installed?

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When I have Ryrzy rom, and in this rom was build EzInput keyboard, the camera button not work in camera mode (mouse button work like camera button).

Maybe You have that same problem - EzInput ;)

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Guest slovenec88

dammit! that's it. thanks!

When I have Ryrzy rom, and in this rom was build EzInput keyboard, the camera button not work in camera mode (mouse button work like camera button).

Maybe You have that same problem - EzInput ;)

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Guest vince1970

I am using 28011 rom and camera button doesn't work in camera (the middle one does - mouse button). Anyone knows a fix? Maybe because of some program that I have installed?

I have the same issue and just need to assign to another app and then re-assign the camera.

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