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Windows Phone 7 Series is official!

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Guest CroatianOmnia

Yea,but will custom WP7S ROMS be possible for Omnia II?

Guest deadphill

Looking at all the posts so far most of them correspond with what I was thinking. Yes, its nice but there isnt anything else there that is new or exciting.

Having an xbox area I can only assume is going to confuse people. From what I can tell it will be the area which you can interact with some of the xbox features ie chat etc, but also download games. This will then get confused with the marketplace area which will include downloads, but possibly only games from other developers not subscribed to the xbox platform. So it could be that there are going to be 2 places to download games from, or one place on either side of marketplace or xbox area!! So much for less confusion!

On the other hand, it certainly is a much better interface from that of the current offering, so you have to look at that in a positive light. Im just wondering how updates will be pushed out, if its going to be like apple does (in my opinion, a much better way of doing this) or if its going to be ota, or indeed if we have to rely on the carriers/manafacturers. I certainly hope its not the latter, given the current experience!




Uploading our special edition podcast (complete with deadphill's call) now... :D


Guest deadphill
Uploading our special edition podcast (complete with deadphill's call) now... :D


Ha ha! Well as no one else ever phones in I thought it would be good to get the ball rolling!

Maybe Ill phone in everyweek for you!!




Now if it had Media Centre Extender built in they would have killed it accross all platforms. I will keep dreaming though. :D


Without having seen this in great detail, I worry that it looks like losing the things i like about my 6.5.3 TP2. (Which by the way, if it had a bit more oomph to deal with Sense 2.5 a little more easily, would just be fantastic as far as I am concerned)

Guest deadphill
Now if it had Media Centre Extender built in they would have killed it accross all platforms. I will keep dreaming though. :D





How many people REALLY use Media Center!


I do (says the lone voice in the wilderness.....)


Obviously me too. (standing tall and proud)

Old desktop under the big screen lcd and 2 x-box 360s in other rooms.

Is there a better way to do this? :D


I do too in fact, an eeebox mounted on the back of my TV and a 360 upstairs. But I KNOW i'm in the minority, particularly since they have no internal sky card support. Bah!

But that's another rant... :D


I do too in fact, an eeebox mounted on the back of my TV and a 360 upstairs. But I KNOW i'm in the minority, particularly since they have no internal sky card support. Bah!

But that's another rant... :D


I think we are a minority mostly because Microsoft does not promote this feature.

To settle your rant this may be a very interesting read. Aus site but i did see posts from spain and uk.




Guest deadphill

I use media centre!

I think the caveat here is something Windows Phone offers that other phones do not.

However, one day maybe there will be cross MS platform support for each and every device they put out there. Ie make a zune player/windows phone 7 series handset work properly with the xbox.



Guest krjcook

I'm gonna post some official pics soon. That's showcase the OS.


Definitely looks interesting. MS could do some really good things with the xbox live integration. I use media centre i think it's great however sky integration would make it even better. the sky player add in is pretty good too.



Guest Rafael Lopez
Posted (edited)

After reading a lot from different sites and watching two or three videos I instantly found this news very exciting and I'm anticipating the new interface.

As it is, I agree that WinMo is ugly and not too friendly, but stuff like TouchFlo, Samsung Keyboard, Opera and the suites created by SPB, Kinoma, Resco fixed it to the point that iPhone looks more like a toy to me and I'm still waiting to see the best from Android (nice interface out of the box and... oh yeah, nothing else the WinMo doesn't do). So that's what was lacking on the WinMo, great thing they're fixing.

I'm used to hearing gratuitous ranting towards anything Microsoft does, but this one's ironic: while for the first time all the press all over the world is raving about the Windows Mobile 7 promise, it's the faithful users of Windows Mobile from a Windows Mobile forum that rant! I don't get it. If Windows Mobile's so stupid and useless, why keep saying you're switching to other platform here? Just go and switch already.

No problem in switching. It's the gratuitous ranting that's stupid. Even more so coming from advanced users who most times run modified versions of WinMo that run much better than the average smartphone and certainly much better than Androids and iPhones everywhere. Give me a break...

Edit: when I say the press is all raving about the Windows Phone, don't take my word for it:







Edited by Rafael Lopez
Guest rav1patel

I think it looks good but doubt still can't see myself switching back from Android.

I don't understand all the comments about iPhone and Android being 6 months ahead by the time this comes out. I can't really see either platform making an unforeseen quantum leap by Xmas. Apple may possibly add multi tasking and better hardware. Hardly earth shattering.

Guest agent.m
Posted (edited)

Microsoft did what I asked and raised the bar instead of a "me too" approach. Win Phone 7 looks good. Now for us peeps who are on 6.5 for a while the old Idea for 7 all those "leaked" screen shots etc should have been used in 6.5. Its never too late. They could at least pimp the home screen a bit for those poor souls without HTC Sense :D

if you dont know what I mean check this out


Edited by agent.m
Guest Emexrulsier

I hope the XBL tile is a decent application and not just a link to view gamertags and achievements. It would be good if you could direcly communicate (text and voice) with players on XBL and easily manage you points, purchases, subscriptions etc.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest carl0s
Posted (edited)
...The text rendering uses a technique called 'sub pixel rendering' for excellent readability even when zoomed far out.

You mentioned smoke and mirrors. Why didn't they just use the term ClearType? - that's what they've been calling subpixel rendering/smoothing for the last decade..

Thanks for the Desire ROM btw <_<

Edited by carl0s
Guest Patrick1963


I saw a lot of vid's for win mo 7. None of them impressed me. In fact, i find win mo 7 a bit UGLY. I am disappointed. A while back i discovered custom rom's for my Omnia i900 (Ock's ROMs are the best!!) and now i am spoiled like hell... :-) Maybe someday i will buy me a new Android-phone. That's where the WoW factor is these day's.

Guest Sonicr360


Google or Apple simply have proven to most customers that you do not have to have crappy Windows Mobile devices. In 3 years, Apple and Google have turned things around.

Microsoft are now trying to catch up! And look ..... they use Pinch and Zoom features! And to unlock the phone you slide your finger!

WOW!!!!! I mean..... WOW! They must be amazing people to come up with that idea !! But hang on ... someone already did .... years back <_<

Integration with XBOX is fine - IF YOU have one!! And want one!!

Nah! Will stick with the iPhone - Does exactly what I want (including making calls!!!) and alot more!

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Alana Johnson

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