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LG Gt540 rom updates from LG

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Guest hecatae
Posted (edited)
<country>United Kingdom</country>






O2 UK V10C released today,

though read this thread http://android.modaco.com/content/lg-gt540...224/rom-update/ as lg updater seems to be hanging phones in emrgency mode

Edited by hecatae
Guest PhilipBerovo

so anyone now knows how to stop that stupid emergency mode? or how to make factory reset/recovery boot???

Guest hecatae
so anyone now knows how to stop that stupid emergency mode? or how to make factory reset/recovery boot???

emergency mode is going to be renamed download mode, so your phone is stuck in download mode, you should be able to run a service update tool to fix it

Guest Ev1lM0nk3y

Sucessfully updated

Rom: O2-UK V10C

Updater: LG-Utils-0.4.2



Phone updated


Even though it got released today the date is JUL-15-2010


Guest PhilipBerovo
Posted (edited)

ok tried your way to flash my phone and here is the log file


... im really getting pissed off :?

does my phone must to be rooted first? coz mine wasnt and what about sim locks???

Edit: and the biggest problem is that i cant make the connection between PC and phone... everything i tried led me to here.. connection error :?

Edited by PhilipBerovo
Guest Ev1lM0nk3y
Posted (edited)

Have you tried taking the battery off and and back on and see if the phone boots or gets a connection

Edited by Ev1lM0nk3y
Guest TheLostSwede

Ev1lM0nk3y, thanks a million for the updated version of the KP500 utils, I could finally install the UK ROM rather than the damn Balkan one which was the only one (apart from the crappy Orange one) that's worked with my phone. I had to use KDZ updater, but this version of the KP500 utils works with my phone.

Guest Ev1lM0nk3y
Ev1lM0nk3y, thanks a million for the updated version of the KP500 utils, I could finally install the UK ROM rather than the damn Balkan one which was the only one (apart from the crappy Orange one) that's worked with my phone. I had to use KDZ updater, but this version of the KP500 utils works with my phone.

No problem m8

Guest PhilipBerovo

i found the problem :) i need that LG device "pif-100" i think so i can make communication between phone and PC ;? tomorrow my phone goes to LG service :D thx anyways :D

Guest hecatae
Posted (edited)
Hmm ... обнаружил любопытный факт... An interesting fact ... Буква прошивки отличается в зависимости от страны.... Letter firmware differs depending on the country .... При распаковке прошивок я обнаружил, что в каждом файле build.prop прописывается релиз Adnroid, например так: ro.com.google.gmsversion=1.6_r12 When unpacking the firmware, I found that in each file build.prop prescribed release Adnroid, like so: ro.com.google.gmsversion = 1.6_r12

Так вот в прошивке 10D для СНГ это r12 So the firmware for the 10D CIS is r12

В прошивке 10E для Балтики это r13 In the firmware for the Baltic 10E is r13

! ! В прошивке 10F (как многими замечено старой) для Хорватии это все то же r12 In firmware 10F (as noted by many of the old) for Croatia is still the same r12

Сегодня из любопытства скачал Канада 10A для GT540R http://csmg.lgmobile.com:9002/swdata/WEBSW..._00/V10A_00.kdz Today, out of curiosity downloaded Canada 10A for GT540R http://csmg.lgmobile.com:9002/swdata/WEBSW..._00/V10A_00.kdz

Там номер релиза r16 и заметно, что приложения поновее, например QuickOffice версии 2.0.330, а в прошитой у меня балтики 10E версий QuickOffic'а 2.0.304 There, the number of release r16 and notice that the newer applications such as QuickOffice version 2.0.330, but I have stitched the Baltic 10E QuickOffic'a Version 2.0.304

found the above on 4pda.ru,

basically V10a b c d e mean nothing as in firmware as they are related to country revisions

you have to unpack every .kdz and find if it is r11 r12 r13 r14 r15 r16, etc in the build.prop file for an actual software update, included example is Canada V10a is actually r16 and has Quick Office 2.0.330 compared to Baltic V10E which is revision r13 and has Quick Office 2.0.304

Edited by hecatae
Guest hecatae
Sucessfully updated

Rom: O2-UK V10C

Updater: LG-Utils-0.4.2

Even though it got released today the date is JUL-15-2010


updated fine with same tools

Guest dazsh

How come im on v10a uk o2 and lg updater says no updates available?

Guest Ev1lM0nk3y

mine did the same i had to update manually

Guest dazsh
mine did the same i had to update manually

Is it worth the update? whats new?

Guest Ev1lM0nk3y

To be honest I cannot find anything noticable, its seems like just a few bug fixes that we didnt even know about lol

Guest hecatae
To be honest I cannot find anything noticable, its seems like just a few bug fixes that we didnt even know about lol

google voice search is now installed by default, but yeah not a lot missing, just app bug fixes

Guest dazsh
google voice search is now installed by default, but yeah not a lot missing, just app bug fixes

Thanks think il just wait till 2.1 or something intresting why fix something thats not broke.

Guest Tinderbox (UK)
Posted (edited)

Just flash mine to 02 firmware GT540-V10d-MAY-17-2010.

How come version C is JUL-15-2010 has a later build date than D which is MAY-17-2010

So which is newer.


Sucessfully updated

Rom: O2-UK V10C

Updater: LG-Utils-0.4.2



Phone updated


Even though it got released today the date is JUL-15-2010


Edited by Tinderbox (UK)
Guest RottenFoxBreath
Posted (edited)

Your "C" version is newer.

hecatae's post at the top of the page explains it..basically ignore the lettering(it's country specific, with updates), and it's the build date inside the software that matters.

Edited by RottenFoxBreath
Guest Tinderbox (UK)
Posted (edited)

I flashed to C , thanks a lot, I have another problem i tried to root my phone.

I followed the simple instruction i found on the net see below , and i got the OK message after i typed in the password , then i re-booted , but whenever i run a app that needs root, i get a message that i dont have my phone rooted.

I have run the though the rooting guide a few times and i am still having problems.

I download my apps directly to the phone from appbrain , what am i doing wrong.


- Turn on the device and click the icon to open the phone dialler

- Enter the code '3845#*540#'

- Select the option 'Module Test', then 'Stability Test' then 'Enable Root Permission'

- You will now be prompted for a password - enter :SWIFT::GT540:

- A toast message will briefly appear saying 'OK' - your root access is now enabled!

- Reboot your device, and now when you connect via ADB, you'll see you have a root prompt (#).

Your "C" version is newer.

hecatae's post at the top of the page explains it..basically ignore the lettering(it's country specific, with updates), and it's the build date inside the software that matters.

Edited by Tinderbox (UK)
Guest onlinejobwork
updated fine with same tools

Hi I just buy LG Optimus Gt540 unlocked from Carfonewarehouse, Can update with this (o2) ROM without any problem, please mention the complate procedure or link this ROM update please as I am first timer user of Android

Thanks in advance


Guest Ev1lM0nk3y
Posted (edited)
Hi I just buy LG Optimus Gt540 unlocked from Carfonewarehouse, Can update with this (o2) ROM without any problem, please mention the complate procedure or link this ROM update please as I am first timer user of Android

Thanks in advance


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Edited by Ev1lM0nk3y

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