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22/Jul r3 (JG5) - MoDaCo Custom ROM for Samsung Galaxy S with Online Kitchen

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Guest Born_Immaculate
Is it possible to install Paul's rom into Korean version of Galaxy S, model named SHW-M110S?

any suggestion?

I have the same Korean Galaxy S shw-m110s and was wondering if you have found any way to flash custom roms on this Galaxy S.


Sorry but this does noit work. JG5 and the custom rom show signature validation errors when trying to apply the image.

Even a baked image with signature option gives me errors.

Using odin is not an option as odin does not work on my pc.

Using a european SGS with latest firmware (Android 2.2)

Am i out of options?

Guest ollivier54

Hello Paul,

when can you do a Rom with Sense htc on froyo for the samsung galaxy s. the same of R24 for the Nexus one.

excuse me for my bad english language, i'm french.

thank you

Nothing new here. I'm dissapointed. :-(

I'd love a Froyo MCR too! Surprise us Paul B)

Guest ilbulgaro

i think that the only way to have a real custom ROM for SGS is to belive in cyanogen....

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest inky-adrian
Posted (edited)

I'm running froyo xxjpo on Galaxy.

http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=807886 that link will show you how to get xxjpm installed.

Then find the xxjpo firmware here http://www.addictivetips.com/mobile/how-to...froyo-download/

flash it with odin as pda, nothing else, the pit 803 should already be installed. DO NOT REPARTITION!

It will update baseband version to i9000xxjpp and build to xxjpo, kernel to

run Z4Mod from market to get root. Run Sdx Stock from market to get rid of stock app's.

alkido, buddies now, calendarprovider, clockpackage, days, dlna,dualclock, email, livewallpapers,magicsmokewallpapers,memo, minidiary,,protipssamsungappss, samsungwidgetcaledar,

samsungstockclock, snsaccount , snsprovider,stk, tatlivewallpapers, thinkdroid, touchwizcalculatorand calculator,unifiedinbox,visualisationwallpapers,voicedialer and you tube crap.

Ingugu, I'm running windows 7 and Odin works, perhaps you should use an older odin to flash. I'm using 3.1

Ps How do I change my device from HTC Desire to Samsung in my profile?


Edited by inky-adrian
Guest Jujomallo

Not new at all hereabouts? I believe that we are avandonado.

Better it to close the thread.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest scores87

If I have a mexican Galaxy S i9000 which runs on 850/1900mhz will my 3g still work if I flash this rom?

  • 1 month later...
Guest ilbulgaro
If I have a mexican Galaxy S i9000 which runs on 850/1900mhz will my 3g still work if I flash this rom?

with all the Froyo 2.2.1 ROMs on XDA you are looking for this old old old old Eclair 2.1? O.o

  • 1 month later...
Guest alexdodd

Pretty disappointed as well. Paid for the full forum access to help developers used the ROM made in july and since then realised i can get a lot more and whole lost more support from the usual suspect over at XDA. It's a shame because the ROM supplied in july was superb and i'd probably pay again for a gingerbread update version. Alas it seems too late and Paul has bought another phone and totally forgotten about ow great his galaxy actually was!

Just came back to modaco just in case there had been some progress but i rarely visit here at all now days, first port of call is as it used to be; XDA.

  • 1 month later...
Guest dragonii
Pretty disappointed as well. Paid for the full forum access to help developers used the ROM made in july and since then realised i can get a lot more and whole lost more support from the usual suspect over at XDA. It's a shame because the ROM supplied in july was superb and i'd probably pay again for a gingerbread update version. Alas it seems too late and Paul has bought another phone and totally forgotten about ow great his galaxy actually was!

Just came back to modaco just in case there had been some progress but i rarely visit here at all now days, first port of call is as it used to be; XDA.

My case exactly. Oh well, you can't win them all. Back to XDA then...

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest giffs

when are you guys thinking on starting a new rom with 2.3.4 android version for galaxy S?


  • 1 month later...
Guest chris54621

few question for people who already installed this ROM .. do you see any difference in speed and also are features working fine.

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)



  • Rebuilt with JG5 release. This will be the last 'overwrite release', next version will be a full ROM that does not require an Odin flash first.
    • Updated to JG1
    • Fixed MMS / Swype issue
    • Fixed issue with Samsung Live Wallpapers in R1
    • Added new scripts to ASE (MCR Scripts) for Lag fix and JF5 build.prop
    • Added Titanium Backup to the kitchen
    • Updated Layar
    • Updated Google Maps
    • Entire ROM is now de-odexed in case anyone wants to theme


    [*]Initial Release

    Hi Paul,

    Why were not you use the latest rom for the kitchen?

    The 9000 is one of the most popular phones in the world, right?

    Thanks in advance,


Edited by axt

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