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[ROM] Xian (LiquidF) v1.2a [11/1/2010] - CM 6.1.0-RC - MIUI 11.05

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Can someone point me to Xian's twitter? I've tried to find it, to no avail...

Also, is there an ETA on the lauch of 1.2b? I'd gladly join the tester community, if you'd like...

Guest Dinmamma
Can someone point me to Xian's twitter? I've tried to find it, to no avail...

Also, is there an ETA on the lauch of 1.2b? I'd gladly join the tester community, if you'd like...

http://twitter.com/xian1243 B)

Guest vlados412

Xian (LiquidF) v1.2b ROM - MIUI (FULL WIPE)

Dont work link. Can you reloaded file.

Guest Thmz159
Xian (LiquidF) v1.2b ROM - MIUI (FULL WIPE)

Dont work link. Can you reloaded file.

As previous comments say, he's still working on it.

How's battery life on the MIUI rom? I really want to try out MIUI, it looks amazing :P

Guest xian1243

On current build, battery with 3G, full brightness, music, surfing, calls, text, lasts me from 100% at 6:30 AM until 8:00 PM where I have about 20% left...

Guest elgubbo

hey xian :P nice to see youre still with us :D

can you give us any news on progress (especially for MIUI), MAYBE even an ETA? :D


Guest Morris Lee
On current build, battery with 3G, full brightness, music, surfing, calls, text, lasts me from 100% at 6:30 AM until 8:00 PM where I have about 20% left...

Any oc with that setting or just stock speed??

Posted (edited)
On current build, battery with 3G, full brightness, music, surfing, calls, text, lasts me from 100% at 6:30 AM until 8:00 PM where I have about 20% left...




Glad to know that you are still developing this ROM CM6.1

But Can you give us a look at it first released

I am looking forward to spend the ROM

Translation from Google

Edited by yz2365
Guest qidiyuan

Looking forward to your sharing

Concern almost every day



难带你在为我们准备圣诞礼物? :P

I hope I can see almost see the ROM

Hard to take you to prepare for our Christmas presents? :D

Translation from Google

Guest skitbra8934

as my birthday is the 25th of december i would like a rom with working FM-Radio for a present :P

Posted (edited)

which rom i should flash before the miui? at the moment i have the acer liquid 4.504b.00 emea gen1

Edited by xxalex
Guest mik93250
Posted (edited)

there is a MIUI 11.26 but now not for liquid


Edited by mik93250
Guest weber1992

when will the miui rom be finished and downloadable .... (sorry for my english)

Guest endamaco

Xian were are you?

You've promised news for the past wednesday.. Moreover is not possible anymore to follow your updates on github :P why?

Guest elgubbo

yeah :D cant see whats going on on github plus no twitter/forum updates for us :D im so sad :P

please come back xian :D

Guest claus606
On current build, battery with 3G, full brightness, music, surfing, calls, text, lasts me from 100% at 6:30 AM until 8:00 PM where I have about 20% left...

When we can also test your build Xian?!?! :P :D :D

yours and roggin's cm6.1 ROM a r e G r e a t ! :D

Guest devoluti0n
Posted (edited)

I guess his life is making him really busy, or maybe bored enough to make him slow down his work here. Give him time, and his work will worth the try even more. Stick with an another rom awaiting one of theses incoming. Personally, I'm using the roggin one, and will try and probably stick to the ones which will be released soon or later by xian.

Edited by devoluti0n

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