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Guest hexxen

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Guest hexxen


Hace unos dias estaba actualizando mi Desire version 2.1 a 2.2 (froyo), actualice la radio y luego a froyo y todo fue bien... por dos dias, ya que, usando el telefono para navegar por internet de repente se reiniciĆ³ y ahora no sale de la pantalla de fondo blanco y letras verdes HTC (ya ni siquiera sale el slogan "quitely brilliant")

Veo que puedo acceder al HBOOT y a FASTBOOT pero, cuando selecciono Recovery (para ver si podia instalar otra vez froyo) el mobil vuelve a la pantalla blanca y letras verdes

eso si, cuando apenas entro al modo HBOOT alcanzo a ver un texto verde que explora (creo yo) la SD en busca de algunos archivos, pero duran tan poco tiempo que no alcanzo a leerlos

No se como reparar mi telefono, ya que no tengo manera de averiguar el CID de mi tarjeta SD para ver si haciendo una GoldCard pueda instalar el firmware original o froyo

alguien sabria que hacer en este caso?

Sorry, now in English:


A few days ago I was updating my HTC Desire (version 2.1) to 2.2, I rooted it with Revoked3, upgrade the radio to and use the Froyo Rom from here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=741775

Everything went fine... for two days, while using the browser my phone sudently restarts and now its stuck in the white background with green HTC logo (whithout the Quietly brilliant" animation)

Is there a way to fix my phone? I don't have a way to get the CID from my SD Card to try with a GoldCard and restore the froyo ROM

best regards

Edited by hexxen
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Guest pfsykes


A few days ago my Desire being updated version 2.1 to 2.2 (Froy), update the radio and then Froy and all went well ... for two days, because, using the phone to surf the Internet suddenly restarted and now the screen goes white and green letters HTC (and not even get the slogan "quitely brilliant")

I see that I can access and fastboot HBOOT but when I select Recovery (to see if he could install again Froy) the mobile returns to the white and green letters

So if, when he entered the HBOOT so I can see a green text that explores (I think) the SD in search of some files, but they last such a short time that I can not read

Not how to fix my phone, since I have no way to find out the CID of my SD card to see if making a GoldCard can install the original firmware or Froy

anyone know what to do in this case?

Translated via google translate some some one might be able to help


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Guest hexxen

A little bit of extra information about my problem:

In the HBOOT screen I can see a green text looking for the following files in the SD Card:





Any ideas? I can't live without my gadget! :D

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Guest chris.semple

I have just managed to get back to the OS by flashing an old r5 rom I had.

I am now flashing r8 again hopefully it wont reproduce the error.

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Guest hexxen

Long history short:

I manage to get a GoldCard, put the goldcard on my Desire and plug it to the PC via USB

I ran the RUU_Bravo_Froyo_HTC_WWE_2.09.405.8_Radio_32.43.00. 32U_5.09.00.20_release_140022_signed.exe file from http://shipped-roms.com/shipped/Bravo/ and, after several restarts of my phone (I tought I messed something) I took off the battery, wait 10 seconds and pluig it again

Now I have Froyo, radio 32.43.00. 32U_5.09.00.20 and HBoot 0.92

my Desire is working again, I dont care if I have no root... for the moment :D

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