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Press Dell to release kernel source - call for action

Guest smokku

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Guest smokku

"GPL requires no timetable for releasing source code"? WTF?

The timetable is not needed because all three options of distributing the source code are effecitive immediately at the point of releasing binaries. There is no option of delayed release, so there is no reason to define timetable.

3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:

a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,

b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,

c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the program in object code or executable form with such an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)

Dell didn't cover any of a) b) c) options.

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Guest Spike8585
...the company or person publishes the object code, either as part of a shipping device, on a physical medium, or publicly available via a server.

So does that mean that Dell could release it on a "physical medium", such as handwritten on a stack of loose leaf, just to screw with y'all? :huh:

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Guest Acky1337
So does that mean that Dell could release it on a "physical medium", such as handwritten on a stack loose leaf, just to screw with y'all? :huh:

kinda yes ;)

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looseleaf doesn't make it very "machine-readable"

it should also be easy for end users to compile, , which doesn't make it easy if its written either.

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Guest smokku

Very good point: http://forums.theregister.co.uk/post/851890

If Dell distributes stuff that is licensed to them under GPL and does not fulfill the terms of the licence then that's a breach of copyright. Pure and simple. They're in breach now so they've already lost their GPL rights. Restoration of rights under GPLv3 is a LOT simpler than under GPLv2. Since we're talking Linux kernel here, it's GPLv2 so Dell's lawyers have some fancy footwork ahead of them.

If they don't move quick smartly then all Dell's Linux things could go poof. For their sake, I *do* hope that they have rights to the missing code.

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Guest smokku
So does that mean that Dell could release it on a "physical medium", such as handwritten on a stack of loose leaf, just to screw with y'all? :huh:

It's a pity that most of the people explaining how GPL works, never actually read it.

I.e. the part of "medium customarily used for software interchange". Handwriting and loose leaf is not customary for Linux kernel distribution.

Both are not machine readable either.

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Guest Spike8585
It's a pity that most of the people explaining how GPL works, never actually read it.

I.e. the part of "medium customarily used for software interchange". Handwriting and loose leaf is not customary for Linux kernel distribution.

Both are not machine readable either.

I know. Just having a little fun, is all.

Wasn't meant to be a serious comment, hence the " :huh: "

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Guest ClippinWings


who's ready fro the irony of the Petition?

When I made it, I hadn't even purchased my Streak yet (It's on the way now :huh: )

I was holding off buying until I could get a decent 2.1 or 2.2 build on it... LOL

Decided to pull the trigger yesterday when I saw this movement start to take off... It should be here monday.

So, I have to say thank you to the Streak community and GPL lovers everywhere for pushing me to buy the Streak because of a petition I started...

yeah, weird isn't it.

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Guest smokku
who's ready fro the irony of the Petition?

When I made it, I hadn't even purchased my Streak yet (It's on the way now :huh: )

LOL. ;)

I hope you won't regret the decision.

Streak is a great piece of hardware, but I bought it expecting I will be able to hack it easily. And I hit a wall... :/

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Guest ClippinWings
LOL. ;)

I hope you won't regret the decision.

Streak is a great piece of hardware, but I bought it expecting I will be able to hack it easily. And I hit a wall... :/

How funny... i bought it for the same reason...

Hoping YOU can hack it :huh:

No seriously, i had a co-worker buy one on launch day and after playing with it, decided since I'm an android newb anyway, 1.6 is tolerable to me until either Dell or someone using Dell's (hopefully) soon to be released source, can get 2.2 up and running.

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Guest smokku
How funny... i bought it for the same reason...

I see a lot more potential in this device than just following the crowd and running Android.

I think we are on the verge of mobile computing revolution similar to the PC revolution IBM had started with IBM PC.

Unfortunately narrow-minded corporate guys at Dell do not see it this way.

Who needs a revolution when we can just follow the rest of the lemming herd, picking up scraps?

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Guest ClippinWings
I see a lot more potential in this device than just following the crowd and running Android.

I think we are on the verge of mobile computing revolution similar to the PC revolution IBM had started with IBM PC.

Unfortunately narrow-minded corporate guys at Dell do not see it this way.

Who needs a revolution when we can just follow the rest of the lemming herd, picking up scraps?

You and me both... give me Ubuntu with a dialer... and I'll be happy. :huh:

I'll settle for 2.2 though.

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Guest smokku

I'm slowly getting to the conclusion, that getting Streak was a very bad decision.

HTC HD2 has the same Qualcom hardware, is cheaper and 4,3" screen is almost as big as Streak's.

And HD2 has a fully working Linux port already irregardless to being Windows based. So much for non-open HTC image media are painting.

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you could have bought my hd2 if you wanted,, i sold it last week as I havent touched it since I got the streak..

Hardware wise there's no comparison.. the cpu is the same but there's plenty of differences internally..

we will make the streak *the* device, with or without dells help :huh:

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Guest Shauneh

At the end of the day, to dell the UK was a 'test' to bring a new phone to the android market.

They probably didn't even take into account the GPL in their roll-out plan, a bad mistake to us, but to them it maybe a marketing strategy to release it with 2.2?

At the end of the day, you have the device, they have sold another one, so it doesn't make a difference even if u sold it, there's still another one out of manufacture and in the hands of the public.

GPL has been enforced successfully in different countries before (none in UK so far, maybe this will be the first one if things keep going this way) they have to release it some day?



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Guest Shauneh

Awwwwww, all this web 2.0 mush....

I like the goodold days of IRC downloads and usenet ;)




O and putting your name at the end of forum posts even thou it has my name directly left XD

Old habits die hard :huh:

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