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22/Oct Fr24 - MoDaCo Custom ROM Desire Port for Nexus One with Online Kitchen (2.2 / Froyo)

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Guest Jlopez1286

I've tried an app from the market called "Barnacle" it works really good... No need to flash, just download from market..

This is my first desire rom... Very nice work Paul.

Anyone found a solution to the tethering issue?

This is the only issue preventing me from making this my everyday rom.

Guest micromod777
Would it be possible to repost/host the fix file? The media fire link is not working.


Here's the USB and Wifi-Hotbox fixed uploaded here to Modaco's servers.

Nandroid first and flash to install.


Posted (edited)

just downloaded a new build from the kitchen, am experiencing some serious lag through out the interface, its just there no matter how much ram i have free,

I did a custom build without rosie/sense and without the widgets, other things that i removed were htc apps like peep, tetter, their facebook app etc... i did add the nexus one launcher and the stock email app, as i needed to add multiple exchange accounts. Also i did add a2sd+, which might be causing the lag. I will try a version without the a2sd+ and see how that responds.

A question though, is there any possibility to have the htc widgets without the sense launcher ??

Thanks for all the awesome ROMs and the hardwork you put into these paul.

Edited by ozzi
Guest rodriguezstyle
Posted (edited)

A2SD+ still not working right 120MB free on Phone Disk.. but low space message if i want install an app :lol: and i canĀ“t fix that..

Edited by rodriguezstyle
Guest negreenfield

For the folks with lag, did you reboot after initial setup before installing apps? I had a lot of lag with market, etc during initial setup but after the reboot everything was great. Also, are you using Widgetlocker? I am trying to narrow down my lag issue I had a while my back and my current thought is it's a widgetlocker issue. I have not installed it and since wiping yesterday afternoon and installing the latest build with 2.10.X-based, it's been running great. I'll see how it runs the rest of the day.

What I did notice though is if I have a lot of windows open in the Browser there is a lot of lag. My thought is Rosie is already a RAM hog so with that many windows open the phone just starts to lag so I try not to have more than 2 or 3 browswer windows open.

Lastly, I did have to do a full wipe to solve my FC problems yesterday after the build switched from 2.09-based to 2.10-based.

Guest Scott Ricketts

Still having the issue where Facebook doesn't sync all my contacts. Very bizarre.

Guest ssmithri2
Here's the USB and Wifi-Hotbox fixed uploaded here to Modaco's servers.

Nandroid first and flash to install.

Thanks... tried this fix... nandroid, then flashed. Did not work for me. It looked like it really wanted to work, but alas... no tether togetherness :lol:

Guest Scott Ricketts

I flashed the DesireHDClock from over on xda and works like a champ. It will flip the numbers rather than just jumping to the next one.

signed and flashable zip attached. Nandroid before, blah blah, install at your own risk.


Guest negreenfield
Posted (edited)
I flashed the DesireHDClock from over on xda and works like a champ. It will flip the numbers rather than just jumping to the next one.

signed and flashable zip attached. Nandroid before, blah blah, install at your own risk.

Thanks for posting. The only thing that's a bit weird is the hour flips every time when you unlock the phone after a few minutes, it's a bit jarring to me.

Edited by negreenfield
Posted (edited)
Thanks for posting. The only thing that's a bit weird is the hour flips every time when you unlock the phone after a few minutes, it's a bit jarring to me.

Not only when unlocking, even when you switch screens and even if only a minute changed the hours flips too...

Although the same happens with the standard clock but without the flip movement.

That's why I prefer fancy widget, have not tried it yet with this ROM, but is way smoother

EDIT: Actually I wonder if this is a porting issue or a standard behavior on the HTC Desire.

Edited by KaCeX
Guest negreenfield
Not only when unlocking, even when you switch screens and even if only a minute changed the hours flips too...

Although the same happens with the standard clock but without the flip movement.

That's why I prefer fancy widget, have not tried it yet with this ROM, but is way smoother

I hadn't thought about Fancy Widget, but wouldn't you lose the weather animations? I guess the only positive is you can link Fancy Widget's weather with the stock Android Weather, which I find way more informative than the HTC Sense weather info. HTC just looks prettier.


Ok I'm baking new ROM again, thnx paul.

Can you get flash, spare parts and rom manager updated on the kitchen? appbrain keeps alerting me with updates about these apps.

Guest Co.Ag.05
I've tried an app from the market called "Barnacle" it works really good... No need to flash, just download from market..

barnacle worked well for me after I changed a setting per the developers website:

Developed and tested on Motorola Droid, and Nexus One. With Froyo (2.2), the wireless driver no longer properly supports ad-hoc mode -- enable Skip wpa_supplicant to fix it (but no WEP).


Guest Scott Ricketts
I hadn't thought about Fancy Widget, but wouldn't you lose the weather animations? I guess the only positive is you can link Fancy Widget's weather with the stock Android Weather, which I find way more informative than the HTC Sense weather info. HTC just looks prettier.

I noticed the hour flipping as well, my assumption was that's standard but until someone can play with a DesireHD I guess we'll never know.

BTW, I didn't point out here is where I got the zip from, all I did was a quick sign job on it.


Something changed after you added the reboot option in the R24 rom where the phone cannot mount the sdcard. I keep seeing this error on ddms "/dev/block/vold/16777215:255 failed to mount via VFAT (No such file or directory)". Any way I can fix this as I have used chkdsk and reformatted it several times trying to get it to load. I only loads when I go into RA-recovery and use the mount usbdrive function.

Guest joshlusignan
Excuse my ignorance, but exactly how do I "push" that app into /system/app?

You can use a file manager like Astro from the Market to install...it worked fine for me.

Guest dmaverick50

"Based on the Desire 2.10.x.x ROM series (FRF91), with FRG33 and later merges happening gradually"

Im just a bit confused, I have frg33 with the newer hboot, does this rom support my software or will that happen in the future ("gradually")?

Also, I read through all of the op's, i realize it isnt 2.2 but it looks like a ton of features have been added, I didnt see tether/hotspot or flash, Im wondering if I missed it or if its simply not available yet....Thanks


The short version of the 'browser cache' problem... it needs a patch to libwebcore.so, which is a version customised for HTC and we don't have the source, so I don't think I can fix this atm. :lol:


Guest pedroj111

[*]Download the zip file of your choice from the links below (or the online kitchen) and copy to your SD card

Sorry no links for download, :lol:

WIP ROMs are updated very frequently and as such are only available in the online kitchen until such time as they are considered 'complete' and prebakes are prepared.

I also fixed the instructions text.


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