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12 Sep Gr5 - MoDaCo Custom ROM for the HTC Desire HD with Online Kitchen

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Guest preacher65
Posted (edited)

Let me start off by saying thanks for this ROM and kitchen. The work that Paul and other devs put into this scene leaves me humbled.

Can anyone shed any light on a problem with HTC Premium Navigation? I cooked MCR with all the defaults apart from Wavesecure, and it causes an FC on the HTC Locations app (com.htc.laputa) when I try to access Premium Navigation to any footprint. Anyone else seeing this please? I tried the Modaco Stock and it's fine, as is LeeDroid.

Edited by preacher65
Guest nickwarn

I made a rom in the kitchen. And it installs fine. But Car panel dont work as it should, when choosing premium navigation it force closes the laputa file.. Also i included my own zip. I did as it said i maid a zip file with 7zip with a data folder containing an folder named app. I put some apps in there and uploaded to kitchen. I didnt get any error from the kitchen it baked fine. When ready i open the rom zip to check its there. In there is folder data, app, my apk`s all looks as it should. but when install is ready no apps installed. Did i do something wrong or is there something wrong with the kitchen?

Guest andready
Posted (edited)

Hey Paul.

I just got the new rom. I got a problem with Spotify on the new rom. Crash all the time.

Anybody else???

Thansk for your work:)

UPDATE: It's because of my large library 7722 numbers on spotify. I hope they will fix it soon:)

Edited by andready

Hi Paul!

thanks for the nice ROM. I got very good battery life with it.


I also have a now lot of force close for "com.htc.bgp".

I think it is the process that connect phone to computer because adb does not find my device ny more.

I try to find why ..

I'm having the same problem. Does anyone has a idea how this happens and how i can monitor it too find out what causes the error?


Thank you, Paul, for this great ROM!

Maybe in the next release you could fix this bug:

The /system-Partition is mounted as read-only, as it should be. But I can't display the mounting-table using the mount-command - trying this is answered with a message telling me /etc/mtab was missing.

Anyway, the command "mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 /system" works and gives me full rw-access to the system-partition.

Guest spoonwzd
O, and Adfree doesn't seem to work..."Error processing command"...

I'm suffering this too - any fix? Adverts suck!

Great ROM BTW - Thanks Paul!

Guest HyperCriSiS
Posted (edited)


I just made a Custom ROM with the kitchen. Everthing went fine the DHD booted and the config wizard started.

At the screen to configure WLAN I could not type anything, the keyboard did not show up.

I skipped the config wizard and tried it manually later. I configured the keyboard but wherever I try to type it does not show up!?

Then I wanted to write the ROM again, but now it is not possible to boot to recovery mode, the DHD just boots normal.

Whats wrong there? Please HELP!!




I restored original ROM now and made a new Custom ROM in the Kitchen. This time I did not select any modifications to the keyboard but still it does not show up!

I even installed another keyboard and activated it, but this one does also not show up. Whats broken there? This drives me crazy... :-(

Edited by HyperCriSiS
Hi Paul,

I just installed your r1 custom ROM, and I absolutely love it! I am not sure if it is just me, but I seems to feel a significant speed-up!

However, the phone seems to be stuck syncing constantly. The sync icon comes on about a minute after the phone starts up, and will be on constantly until the phone is turned off. I rebooted it last night to see if it would go away, and it is still there now, some 12 hours later. I am afraid this will massively steal my battery juice.

Does anyone have any idea what causes this? I had the problem when I first installed MCR on my DHD without wipe, and now - after a full wipe and reinstall - I still have the issue.

Any suggestions are more than welcome.



SOLVED: I fiddled quite a bit with the sync settings, and it seems the problems have gone away. Strange, but good. I am happy. ;)


I have the same problem. I removed peep and I upgraded without wiping. Could it be' the problem?


You probably didn't include any of the Keyboards (IME), did this mistake once as I thought both available IME options are mods, but the first one isn't.

Guest Khrushchev

Thx for another great Rom Paul, I was a huge fan when you started with the HTC Hero, I have since switched phones and can once again enjoy your roms.

I do have a problem tho. I dont really like the HTC Sence lock screen, when i cooked my rom and left it out on purpose.

Now i can't turn off my alarms... The alarms use the sense lock screen... is there a way to fix this?

thx in advace for any help,


Guest bbawden


Everything flashed and running great.

Am I right in thinking that there's no A2SD in this MCR yet?

Less of a problem with the extra internal storage that the HD has over the Desire.

Guest PapaDocta
O, and Adfree doesn't seem to work..."Error processing command"...

same here.. installed it from the market and it won't update.. i get the same error as you!

Guest aussie1234
Posted (edited)

Hi Paul

Any chance of updating the online kitchen to include more options, different of updated bases, kernels, themes and fonts?


Aussie :)

Edited by aussie1234
Guest denisbkk

Is there anyway to remove the HTC dialer? Smoe might say Im crazy but I prefer the default dialer and also the default contacts app but when I install this rom and click tghe phone icon on the home screen it always defaults to the HTC dialer and there is no way to change that manually.


Runs nice. Thanks Paul!

Using Buzz SENSE 1.1.4 OC+ @ 1.51Ghrz running smoothly.

Guest VooDooD


I just installed this and am hitting quite a significant issue. If I set a security passcode on the phone (my companies Activesync policy forced a 5+ number code) I cannot get into the device after a reboot.

If I go into the security page and try resetting the password it accepts the old code so I know it's working, it's just that when the phone/Sense is restarted it either doesn't know about the code or has recorded an incorrect one. Only solution is to soft reset the phone.

Anyone have any ideas?


just wondering if it would be possible to make the HTC launcher support a landscape screen when the phone is on its side - from what I have seen the desire z supports landscape alignment on the launcher



just wondering if it would be possible to make the HTC launcher support a landscape screen when the phone is on its side - from what I have seen the desire z supports landscape alignment on the launcher



Actually I was surprised that it doesn't support this by default, as almost every other sense-ish part finally supports landscape... That's one thing where HTC needs to improve the UI.



30/Dec r2

  • Based on 1.72 release
  • Updated all components (in turn compressed and optimised)


30/Dec r2

  • Based on 1.72 release
  • Updated all components (in turn compressed and optimised)

Cool, will test it right now.

Any chance, to get your modified, extremely energy saving kernel you mentioned some weeks ago? Desperately needing it...


Just a note... i think it is more to do with an update of one of the voice apps ... but i used to be able to say "call Tomato Brothers" ... and it would lookup the nearest tomato brothers to me from the net and call it ... also "Note to self" does not work any longer too...?

Has anyone else found this... I have looked through the help for the voice commands and they still say that they are supported



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