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03/Mar Gr26 - NO SENSE: MoDaCo Custom ROM for HTC Desire with Online Kitchen (2.3.3 / GRI54)

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Thanks for this, updated this morning and all seems to be working ok B)

Is there any chance we can get the patched mail client that ignores permissions when using Exchange sync included with this ROM

Guest Barbs80

does this ROM have FM radio enabled (with a an app)?

been wondering about trying a Senseless ROM for a while.

Or is it better to use the r9 without the sense options? any plans to update the base of the r9 soon?

Does this new base have anything good to play with or is it just tweaks/optimisations?

questions questions questions.....

Which patched mail client?


Is there not a patched version of the standard client, thought it was posted on another thread here, will have a look when I get a second.

Guest Asselberghs
Posted (edited)

I am getting the following Error:

E:unknown command [firmware]

what does this mean? what should I do to fix?

I can see it´s under writing radio so it must have something to do with that. hmm:S

Edit: I presume when I wipe I also delete my old radio image so I can´t use that can i?

Edited by Asselberghs
Guest JustinN

Is it possible to upgrade from R9 to R24, or would it be a case of re-flashing the whole thing, and having to re-install all of my apps again?



I am getting the following Error:

E:unknown command [firmware]

what does this mean? what should I do to fix?

I can see it´s under writing radio so it must have something to do with that. hmm:S

Edit: I presume when I wipe I also delete my old radio image so I can´t use that can i?

That implies a problem flashing the radio, yes, how strange..!

If you boot, it should work...



Are we going to get some download-links to the Pre-baked versions soon?

Guest DragosP

Great rom, but

does this ROM have FM radio enabled (with a an app)?

Im actually missing 720p support for camera. Its just hidden or will it be added in coming releases?

Guest Asselberghs
Im actually missing 720p support for camera. Its just hidden or will it be added in coming releases?

Wasen´t there a hack somewhere enableing 720p recording on the Nexus? I presume the same goes for the rom.


My mobile network isnt working B) .... the APN is there and all is correct, but it doesnt connect... anyone else having problems like that?


and i think i got the wifi sleep bug. If my phone sleeps for some minutes, wifi turns off, need manually reconnect

Posted (edited)
My mobile network isnt working :) .... the APN is there and all is correct, but it doesnt connect... anyone else having problems like that?

Never mind! I did a wipe and flashed the rom again..... now it works!

Edit: well.... now it doesnt work again :) have no clue whats happening.... all i did was installing my apps.

Edit again: Did a new wipe and now it's working! B)

Edited by Madeli
Guest Asselberghs
Posted (edited)

How do I enable and disable Internet/3g easily in this rom? power saving is a bit of an obsession for me. And the option in the menu where you can shut down the phone is not on the Nexus rom as it is on the Desire, I don´t say this is a bad thing, I´d just like to know where then to go to turn it off and on.

Edit: Nvm, I woulden´t call it an easy sollution but found it under settings/wireless and networks/mobile networks/ data enabled checkbox

Edited by Asselberghs
Guest Akarim47

Thanks Paul for the great effort

I'm loving this rom as my phone is faster now (1461 on quadrant benchmark) and it worked perfectly with Arabic libs for the nexus one

I'm missing addfree & reboot menu plus the battery is getting hotter than r9

Guest oleander

I've looked for over an hour for it here and on XDA, so could someone please link to a black status/notification bar zip-file to replace the white one in this rom?

Love the rom btw.. B)


Wow, waited for a long time for this B) Thank you Paul!

now it's time for installing...

Guest Asselberghs
Posted (edited)

In regards to super circle mod it seems it depends on Sense, though I could flash it on the MCR 9 with sense and HTC lockscreen de-selected. I have at least managed to get my phone fully working with all my apps and have a backup of it now on my SD and computer (only reason I say that is I had to jump around in my backups because I forgot to deactivate Blizzard Authenticator) Anyway I baked the rom with Supercircle and it diden´t turn up but otherweise diden´t affect it.

Then I flashed it on top of the rom, like I had with MCR r9 and it went into what looked like infinite/endless boot loop, the boot animation kept running for a ridiculously long time.

I restored my backup and have come to appreciate the 100% Stock Android/Nexus One experience more than I liked the mod.

Edited by Asselberghs
Guest DragosP
Posted (edited)

I'm back.

1*. Dropbear. How do I use it? It seems it isn't operational.

2*. Sound recorder. The apk in /system/app isn't working.

3. FM Radio?

* Both have been selected when I cooked the ROM.

Edited by DragosP
1*. Dropbear. How do I use it? It seems it isn't operational.

You use putty on your computer and connect to the phone.

Guest DragosP

Thanks, but no.

How do I use it IN the phone? It seems to be stopped.

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