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03/Mar Gr26 - NO SENSE: MoDaCo Custom ROM for HTC Desire with Online Kitchen (2.3.3 / GRI54)

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This ROM will support the Hungarian language?



Guest tasty_boy
Love this! but ...

Flashed this over R9, had all sorts of odd stuff (like no phone app), so wiped and seemed fine.

Now apps and games won't download from the Market - it starts but then stops after half a second. Happens to apps I already have/had and new stuff I've never installed before. I downloaded Launcher Pro from the Market, so it *was* working.

I think I'm going to do another wipe, re-flash, wipe...


Wipe and re-flash fixed it

same problem here, wipe and reflash fixes it for a while

but then, problem comes again!!!

so sad, seems to be a wonderfull rom

Posted (edited)
Yeah, i know about that. But how do you make a black statusbar with white text? I can make a black statusbar, but the text is black too then... kinda hard to read :P

Edit: well, i managed to make a blackbar now that works... except that the clock is still black :/ does anyone know which xml file got that color setting?

same here, a real black-theme would be nice

but what i thought;

if you open the applauncher, and go out to desktop and than go back in the launcher you start at the beginning,

other roms remember the line where you went out, its a bit annoying!

thx anyway !



is not working for me (I used extracted framework-res.apk)


+ java -Xmx64m -jar ./tools/apktool.jar d data/working_dir/UOT-ZC-12-01-14-54-1/framework/framework-res.apk data/working_dir/UOT-ZC-12-01-14-54-1/temp/fw_dec
I: Loading resource table...
I: Decoding resources...
I: Copying assets and libs...
+ WORKING_DIR=UOT-ZC-12-01-14-54-1
+ java -Xmx64m -jar ./tools/apktool.jar b data/working_dir/UOT-ZC-12-01-14-54-1/temp/fw_dec/ data/working_dir/UOT-ZC-12-01-14-54-1/framework-unsigned.apk
W: Could not find sources
I: Checking whether resources has changed...
I: Building resources...
/home/circle/ver2b/data/working_dir/UOT-ZC-12-01-14-54-1/temp/fw_dec/res/values/public.xml:3355: error: Public symbol layout/status_bar_expanded declared here is not defined.
/home/circle/ver2b/data/working_dir/UOT-ZC-12-01-14-54-1/temp/fw_dec/res/values/public.xml:3373: error: Public entry identifier 0x1090074 entry index is larger than available symbols (index 116, total symbols 116).
/home/circle/ver2b/data/working_dir/UOT-ZC-12-01-14-54-1/temp/fw_dec/res/values/public.xml:3373: error: Public symbol layout/zoom_magnify declared here is not defined.
Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec command: [aapt, p, -F, /tmp/APKTOOL4896045471810018043.tmp, -x, -0, arsc, -S, /home/circle/ver2b/data/working_dir/UOT-ZC-12-01-14-54-1/temp/fw_dec/res, -M, /home/circle/ver2b/data/working_dir/UOT-ZC-12-01-14-54-1/temp/fw_dec/AndroidManifest.xml]
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.aaptPackage(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildResourcesFull(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildResources(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.build(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.build(Unknown Source)
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdBuild(Unknown Source)
at brut.apktool.Main.main(Unknown Source)
Caused by: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec command: [aapt, p, -F, /tmp/APKTOOL4896045471810018043.tmp, -x, -0, arsc, -S, /home/circle/ver2b/data/working_dir/UOT-ZC-12-01-14-54-1/temp/fw_dec/res, -M, /home/circle/ver2b/data/working_dir/UOT-ZC-12-01-14-54-1/temp/fw_dec/AndroidManifest.xml]
at brut.util.OS.exec(Unknown Source)
... 7 more
+ WORKING_DIR=UOT-ZC-12-01-14-54-1

Edited by Hund
Guest chucky.egg

Hmm, the "can't download from the market" problem has come back - anyone else having this?

Guest pumukele


I can "22/Oct r9 - WITH SENSE: MoDaCo Custom ROM for HTC Desire with Online Kitchen (2.2 / Froyo)" use r24 Rom for this or what I have to use. Unfortunately, I just always get to the R4 Rom install the problem that in Settings> Tone crashed my Desire. Process terminated unexpectedly com.android.settings.

Guest chucky.egg
Dear all: wipe, wipe and wipe again!

I know that I and one other person with the same issue have wiped, before and after flashing. It suggests to me it's a handset issue, rather than a market issue, but it's not a solution

[Edit] I've also tried Clear Data for the Market app, using

Wifi or 2g, trying immediately after a boot,

Any other ideas?

[Edit 2]

I'm using the "No Modaco additions, With A2SD" version, so I'll try the "With Modaco additions, With A2SD" version, but what is everyone else using?


Goggles don't work,

"Goggles won't work in you non-standard system configuration "kernel is missing IPv6 support""

I think ipv6 is disabled, in the other kitchen t is possible to enable/disable it, but here ... pls gimmi a workaround!

(I kike the ROM very much, fast, clean and small)

Guest aluxzen

Hello All and thanks to Paul for is always nice Job

can someone let me know how to activate the APP2SD support ? is there something to write in a shell ?! I'm lost

If someone could help me



can someone let me know how to activate the APP2SD support ?

Could you explain what you want? Because there are many A2SD, A2SD+, DATA2SD and native Froyo APPS2SD implementations.

Just for the reference:

A2SD = Moves /data to SD leaves /data/data alone. The phone will use less internal storage because you'll install the apps on your SD card. It still consumes some internal memory.

A2SD+ = Same as A2SD but also moves Dalvik cache.

DATA2SD = Makes a second partition (formatted ext2 or ext3) mounted to /system/sd with /system/sd/data then mounted over /data. Basically all the /data is moved and you get more internal storage because the phone uses the new internal storage on SD.

APPS2DS = Native implementation that moves apps to SD but only works on apps that have it implemented.

So what do you want?

Posted (edited)

Anyone else getting Vsync issues? There's noticeable vertical tearing about 1/3 of the screen from the left for me.

Did a full wipe before flashing (w/ additions, no A2SD).

Edited by Guest
Guest aluxzen
Posted (edited)
Could you explain what you want? Because there are many A2SD, A2SD+, DATA2SD and native Froyo APPS2SD implementations.

Just for the reference:

A2SD = Moves /data to SD leaves /data/data alone. The phone will use less internal storage because you'll install the apps on your SD card. It still consumes some internal memory.

A2SD+ = Same as A2SD but also moves Dalvik cache.

DATA2SD = Makes a second partition (formatted ext2 or ext3) mounted to /system/sd with /system/sd/data then mounted over /data. Basically all the /data is moved and you get more internal storage because the phone uses the new internal storage on SD.

APPS2DS = Native implementation that moves apps to SD but only works on apps that have it implemented.

So what do you want?

hello bpivk

I just want to use the A2SD present in the rom I backed. Can you help me ? (I already have a EXT3 partition on my SD)



Edited by aluxzen
Guest ShirazS
Posted (edited)

Is it possible to have the FM Radio option added to the Online Kitchen for this Rom or can I add it manually?

Edited by ShirazS
I just want to use the A2SD present in the rom I backed. Can you help me ? (I already have a EXT3 partition on my SD)

Then it should work. You can check by using quick system info or the latest titanium backup. It should show you the free and used space of a2sd.

Guest aluxzen
Then it should work. You can check by using quick system info or the latest titanium backup. It should show you the free and used space of a2sd.

ohh you are right it works fine ;) thanks for your help!


Guest snowpepsi

I .. err.. can't find the phone application!! how do i make calls..

Guest chucky.egg
I .. err.. can't find the phone application!! how do i make calls..

I had that problem, you have to wipe and re-flash

Guest chucky.egg

Update on the "market won't download" issue...

I've tried ...

with the With and Without MoDaCo Additions ROMs

Re-flashing without a wipe

Running the ASE market speed up script

Clearing market data

Wifi, 3G, 2G

I can download from other sources, including apk files

Guest crowstar

Amazing rom! I have been trying to build android from source, and this is basically the same but more stable etc.

I thought your roms hadn't been updated for ages, I came over here for the lols basically, and I love your rom! Thanks paul

Guest Asselberghs
Posted (edited)

Somebody mentioned Google Goggles not working so I tried and it force closes, bummer, tried to delete via market cannot be done. How do I delete it? can I delete it via root explorer? where does it reside? I´ve never really used it and don´t need it.

Edited by Asselberghs
Can I delete it via root explorer? where does it reside?

You can delete it with root explorer if you have s-off or under recovery using adb if you don't have s-off.

If you can't delete it means that it's probably under /system/app


Not getting any empty battery warning. Only when it's too late to avoid shut-down.


I just switched from r9 with sense to r24 without sense.

wipe was not necessary. my first impression -> seems faster now.

@Paul: please can you add the sub501 modules?

Guest rseahole
Not getting any empty battery warning. Only when it's too late to avoid shut-down.

Mine just died half way through the day with no warning.... very odd

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