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Are you planning to buy a Nexus S?

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Guest DistortedLoop
If there's no MicroSD slot, what happens when you change the ROM on your device - does everything get wiped a la Windows Mobile?

Not that I'd want to do that on a pure Google Android ROM, but you never know. And it's also a useful "cure all" for strange software issues. And having to remember to have a copy of all music and documents elsewhere would be a right PITA...

But no, I won't buy it. The lack of MicroSD is a reason, but not the only one. The ridiculous price is another. As are the frankly mediocre specs.

The internal sdcard should be just like it's handled on the Galaxy S; it's a separate partition mounted from a different block than the internal rom space. I flash new roms weekly on my Galaxy S and Vibrant and have never lost data on the internal card.

Guest neversommer

Hello Guys..

Well I have to say I kinda like this Phone.

I can now on the 16th of December get a new plan and I have to make a serious choice.

I own currently a Iphone 3G and looking for the next big step.

First I had a look at the Samsung Galaxy S then the Desire HD and now I have the new Nexus One in my mind..

Still I have problems of making a decision.

I personally like the AMOLED over the SLCD from HTC, alltough the Desire HD has some very nice applications...

I dont mind this new curved display..I actually really like it...however it does not mention if it is made out of the same gorilla glas then on the Samsung Galaxy S?

Right now I have 3 Options with 1 to choose..just dont know which one.

1. Samsung Galaxy S

2. Samsung Google Nexus One

3. Waiting for the new Samsung with OS 3.0 coming out next year.

Which one to choose?

I moving against Apple right now..so this will be my first Android Handy..

Posted (edited)
Hello Guys..

Well I have to say I kinda like this Phone.

I can now on the 16th of December get a new plan and I have to make a serious choice.

I own currently a Iphone 3G and looking for the next big step.

First I had a look at the Samsung Galaxy S then the Desire HD and now I have the new Nexus One in my mind..

Still I have problems of making a decision.

I personally like the AMOLED over the SLCD from HTC, alltough the Desire HD has some very nice applications...

I dont mind this new curved display..I actually really like it...however it does not mention if it is made out of the same gorilla glas then on the Samsung Galaxy S?

Right now I have 3 Options with 1 to choose..just dont know which one.

1. Samsung Galaxy S

2. Samsung Google Nexus One

3. Waiting for the new Samsung with OS 3.0 coming out next year.

Which one to choose?

I moving against Apple right now..so this will be my first Android Handy..

Firstly, I think u are talking about Samsung google Nexus S, not Nexus One. Nexus One is made by HTC (and is an awesome awesome awesome phone!).

Between Galaxy S and Nexus S, My understanding is the screen are the same except they curved the one for Nexus S slightly to make it "Contour Screen". In fact, Nexus S is almost identical to Galaxy S in terms of hardware specs, with some minor tweaks. Given that Nexus S software will be maintained by Google, not Samsung, I think Nexus S is the one to go for if you are choosing between Galaxy S and Nexus S. (its a no brainer in my view)

Now, about Desire HD. Its awesome. u can read more details about it from the DesireHD section of modaco or XDA. There are far more hardware capability in Desire HD that's Galaxy S or Nexus S cannot match. and the 4.3 inch screen makes a lot of difference. Plus its an awesome looking phone.

About Android 3.0. Its designed more with tablet in mind, and Samsung will not be launching the flagship device (thank godness..). Google's Honeycomb tablet will be from motorola next year.

In summary, if you HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO get a Samsung, go for Nexus S. Otherwise, get a DesireHD or wait for some thing else more awesome.

Edited by cezent
Guest neversommer
Firstly, I think u are talking about Samsung google Nexus S, not Nexus One. Nexus One is made by HTC (and is an awesome awesome awesome phone!).

Between Galaxy S and Nexus S, My understanding is the screen are the same except they curved the one for Nexus S slightly to make it "Contour Screen". In fact, Nexus S is almost identical to Galaxy S in terms of hardware specs, with some minor tweaks. Given that Nexus S software will be maintained by Google, not Samsung, I think Nexus S is the one to go for if you are choosing between Galaxy S and Nexus S. (its a no brainer in my view)

Now, about Desire HD. Its awesome. u can read more details about it from the DesireHD section of modaco or XDA. There are far more hardware capability in Desire HD that's Galaxy S or Nexus S cannot match. and the 4.3 inch screen makes a lot of difference. Plus its an awesome looking phone.

About Android 3.0. Its designed more with tablet in mind, and Samsung will not be launching the flagship device (thank godness..). Google's Honeycomb tablet will be from motorola next year.

In summary, if you HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO get a Samsung, go for Nexus S. Otherwise, get a DesireHD or wait for some thing else more awesome.

Thanks for your Reply...

I just got the news that in Europe the Nexus S wont be having the AMOLED Display and only D1 Video Format..

The Galaxy S seems the only good option or to wait for a new Headset.

If the Desire HD had a AMOLED Display I would buy it in a Heartbeat...

I do really love the Shapped Nexus S but if it comes only with super clear LCD and other Video Formats.

I am very sad and expected a bit more...damn you Samsung!

Guest masterpfa
Posted (edited)

Having waited eagerly for this phone I must say I am very disappointed. ;)

I expect a lot more, 5 MP camera? No SD Card? No HDMI out?

16GB is a lot and even though I am running my Nexus 1 (said with Pride!!!!) with only an 8GB I have made a concious effort to remove music and Films to achieve this. 16gb in built was welcomed, no SD Card was not!

With HTC and other manufacturers producing phones with HDMI out and fast 1ghz processors I would have expected Samsung to have pushed the boat out with a faster processor or even Dual Core as this is obviously the way forward. Admittedly their processor is one of the fastest, but for a flagship device???????

Google IMHO would have been better of revealing 2.3 to the Nexus 1 and allow Samsung to develop the phone they really wanted to. Does anyone believe this really is the phone both companies wanted to release, I think not I think the self imposed deadline meant something had to be released THIS year.

I have been more impressed with the HTC Desire HD, Droid X more than the Galaxy S (oops I mean) Nexus S. With the prospect of the LG Star, Motorola Olympus along with Possibly THIS phone coming soon, hope remains for us all

The rumored specs to the GT-I9200 aka Galaxy S2:


2Ghz processor

4.3in Super AMOLED 720p display

4GB ROM / 32GB microSD

1080p HD Video recording

Running Android 3.0 "Honeycomb"

Or even this..


We can dream can't we :P

Edited by masterpfa
Guest masterpfa

With my upgrade now due I think I'll wait a few months to see what develops, I'm sure the |Nexus 1 should be more than adequate for the meanwhile ;)

Guest neversommer

Making a Decision right now is very tough...

Both my work mates which one sits to my left the other to my right have both the samsung galaxy s and like it.

Now the Nexus S does not even have 720p Recording, D1 Video Format, no gorilla glass and no Super Amoled....

I have to either wait for the next big release from either Samsung or HTC or I will have to take the Galaxy S.

The Desire HD was my Favorite but till I saw the Screen Resolution...the many problems sometimes it is facing....I dont even know if I want to make an upgrade yet.....

The biggest thing is that right now every phone will be an upgrade from my iphone 3g...it does not really matter...but if samsung comes out with a new one in Feb...then I rather wait a bit longer...

Yet the Galaxy S is a very hot competitor...remembering myself that a new phone is not always a better phone.

Guest Cometer

I think this is a great phone for someone getting a first smartphone or upgrading from a really old one and that simply doesn't want to wait for a honeycomb smartphone. If you already have a Nexus One the upgrade isn't worth it. Keep in mind that honeycomb will probably still take about 4 months to be out. No point in waiting forever if you have a 2 years old phone at least. I would recommend the Nexus S to anyone buying a new smartphone this Christmas. After all it is indeed the best smartphone you'll be able to get.

Guest Cole Cash

Does this thing do 3G on the 1900 band? I picked up a Desire a little while back and found out that it does GSM on 1900 but not 3G. I'd probably be keen to pick up a Galaxy S as long as it does 3G on 1900.

Having waited eagerly for this phone I must say I am very disappointed. :)

I expect a lot more, 5 MP camera? No SD Card? No HDMI out?

16GB is a lot and even though I am running my Nexus 1 (said with Pride!!!!) with only an 8GB I have made a concious effort to remove music and Films to achieve this. 16gb in built was welcomed, no SD Card was not!

With HTC and other manufacturers producing phones with HDMI out and fast 1ghz processors I would have expected Samsung to have pushed the boat out with a faster processor or even Dual Core as this is obviously the way forward. Admittedly their processor is one of the fastest, but for a flagship device???????

Google IMHO would have been better of revealing 2.3 to the Nexus 1 and allow Samsung to develop the phone they really wanted to. Does anyone believe this really is the phone both companies wanted to release, I think not I think the self imposed deadline meant something had to be released THIS year.

I have been more impressed with the HTC Desire HD, Droid X more than the Galaxy S (oops I mean) Nexus S. With the prospect of the LG Star, Motorola Olympus along with Possibly THIS phone coming soon, hope remains for us all

The rumored specs to the GT-I9200 aka Galaxy S2:


2Ghz processor

4.3in Super AMOLED 720p display

4GB ROM / 32GB microSD

1080p HD Video recording

Running Android 3.0 "Honeycomb"

Or even this..


We can dream can't we :)

still think that image look incredibly fake :(

Posted (edited)
Thanks for your Reply...

I just got the news that in Europe the Nexus S wont be having the AMOLED Display and only D1 Video Format..

The Galaxy S seems the only good option or to wait for a new Headset.

If the Desire HD had a AMOLED Display I would buy it in a Heartbeat...

I do really love the Shapped Nexus S but if it comes only with super clear LCD and other Video Formats.

I am very sad and expected a bit more...damn you Samsung!

Not the whole of Europe. The UK version will have super AMOLED just hell lot more expensive.

I wont go for Galaxy S simply because i think that phone has MANY design and build flaws.

AMOLED screen is good but I personally dont see the advantage being that obvious over SLCD. unless u like looking at ur phone form really weird angle (15degree from side?!), you probably wont notice that much difference. the screen on DesireHD is good even compare to Retina Display on iPhone4 (and super AMOLED is still a long way from Retina technologically, unfortunately).

The only reason Nexus S stands out without doubt would be Gingerbread, but then again, the latest HTC sense has got many feature included already (and upcoming gingerbread upgrade according to HTC, so they claimed at least) and I dont actually know if Gingerbread is that big a leap in terms of development.

forgot to mention battery life. If that's a determined factor, DesireHD is not up there. U can get around it with VISONary temproot + setCPU to underclock the CPU which improve battery life drastically. However, i would say for something out of the box, Galaxy S, Nexus S would both edge here.

overall, agree with your last sentence.

Edited by cezent
Guest neversommer

Thanks for all the replys folks!

I went on Saturday into a Massive Electronic Shop and had a look at both the Samsung Galaxy S, Desire, Desire HD.

The desire and Desire HD were both next to each other and the samsung a bit on the other side.. The Iphone 4 next to the Desire HD.

I made a comparison for a good 30 minutes and played around with the phones..

Thinking off that the Nexus S will have an outdated D1 Video Format...non HD Recording but flash and for us only a super lcd display and no gorilla glass is something to worry about. Sure it has Gingerbread 2.3 but I am sure the Desire HD will get it as well.

Now I was actually very impressed with the Desire HD!

Not only that I love the Size and the build quality...I also love the extra weight which sits nice in my hands..I rather prefer a heavier mobile phone so I wont drop it accidentally...my Iphone 3G is in the end not lighter then the Galaxy S.

Also what Surprised me is that despite the slcd display from the Desire HD, it has a much better sharpness and contrast to my iphone 3g, besides it does look not as good as the retina or the super amoled but also more natural colors...

The Display is very sharp and not washed out colors like everyone said...My eyes got a bit overwhelmed looking to long at the Galaxy S display.

The Performance is also top notch I must say!

I want a phone that is bigger and better then the Iphone 3G, and surely the Desire HD is a big winner here.

Starting from the big size and nice alu case over to a very fast Performance and good Electronic equipment and a possible 2.3 Gingerbread Update, this Phone is a nice upgrade to my current phone.

I like the Nexus S however with it's special shape...but sorry for a android flagship, it needed a bit more features.

The Camera on the Desire HD is not bad...it suffers from out of focus issues when moving the camera around, but once it focuses it is actually pretty sharp, maybe HTC will bring out a firmware update to probably improve the camera issues?

On the 16th the time for an upgrade is ready....

I am still thinking which one to get..but the nexus s really messed things up.

All in all the Desire HD remains a good or actually very good mobile phone, also in comparison to the galaxy s, it will probably get a 2.3 upgrade.

What do you guys think?

Thanks for all the replys folks!

I went on Saturday into a Massive Electronic Shop and had a look at both the Samsung Galaxy S, Desire, Desire HD.

The desire and Desire HD were both next to each other and the samsung a bit on the other side.. The Iphone 4 next to the Desire HD.

I made a comparison for a good 30 minutes and played around with the phones..

Thinking off that the Nexus S will have an outdated D1 Video Format...non HD Recording but flash and for us only a super lcd display and no gorilla glass is something to worry about. Sure it has Gingerbread 2.3 but I am sure the Desire HD will get it as well.

Now I was actually very impressed with the Desire HD!

Not only that I love the Size and the build quality...I also love the extra weight which sits nice in my hands..I rather prefer a heavier mobile phone so I wont drop it accidentally...my Iphone 3G is in the end not lighter then the Galaxy S.

Also what Surprised me is that despite the slcd display from the Desire HD, it has a much better sharpness and contrast to my iphone 3g, besides it does look not as good as the retina or the super amoled but also more natural colors...

The Display is very sharp and not washed out colors like everyone said...My eyes got a bit overwhelmed looking to long at the Galaxy S display.

The Performance is also top notch I must say!

I want a phone that is bigger and better then the Iphone 3G, and surely the Desire HD is a big winner here.

Starting from the big size and nice alu case over to a very fast Performance and good Electronic equipment and a possible 2.3 Gingerbread Update, this Phone is a nice upgrade to my current phone.

I like the Nexus S however with it's special shape...but sorry for a android flagship, it needed a bit more features.

The Camera on the Desire HD is not bad...it suffers from out of focus issues when moving the camera around, but once it focuses it is actually pretty sharp, maybe HTC will bring out a firmware update to probably improve the camera issues?

On the 16th the time for an upgrade is ready....

I am still thinking which one to get..but the nexus s really messed things up.

All in all the Desire HD remains a good or actually very good mobile phone, also in comparison to the galaxy s, it will probably get a 2.3 upgrade.

What do you guys think?

There u go, Desire HD is a great phone and bear in mind it's only a few weeks older than Nexus S and is the flagship HTC Android. So it should be the first to get gingerbread.

However, I d give it 2 month at least for the update from HTC s track record.

About the camera, DesireHD also has dual flash which makes a lot of difference when it comes to night photos compare the Nexus S.

And the memory is a lot bigger.

The one thing to bear in mind about DesireHD is it's battery life, it can be a pain given the massive screen fast CPU and large memory that requires relative higher input. As I mentioned earlier it can be improved very easily with VISIONary temp root + setCPU to under clock. ( thanks to Paul who pointed that out ) the improvement is massive using this approach.

All in al, Nexus S is just over priced for what it's worth. It u can get it from US it might be a worthy option but at £549 I think it's a no brained to avoid.

The whole advantage of owning a google branded phone is the software update. The nexus major update will be Honeycomb and it's fairly clear that Motorola will launch a new flagship tablet with google by then, hence its not even clear if Nexus S will benefit much from honeycomb.

I guess it all got down to how important a immediate gingerbread and pure google experience is to u, compare to alternatives with better specs.

Guest neversommer
There u go, Desire HD is a great phone and bear in mind it's only a few weeks older than Nexus S and is the flagship HTC Android. So it should be the first to get gingerbread.

However, I d give it 2 month at least for the update from HTC s track record.

About the camera, DesireHD also has dual flash which makes a lot of difference when it comes to night photos compare the Nexus S.

And the memory is a lot bigger.

The one thing to bear in mind about DesireHD is it's battery life, it can be a pain given the massive screen fast CPU and large memory that requires relative higher input. As I mentioned earlier it can be improved very easily with VISIONary temp root + setCPU to under clock. ( thanks to Paul who pointed that out ) the improvement is massive using this approach.

All in al, Nexus S is just over priced for what it's worth. It u can get it from US it might be a worthy option but at £549 I think it's a no brained to avoid.

The whole advantage of owning a google branded phone is the software update. The nexus major update will be Honeycomb and it's fairly clear that Motorola will launch a new flagship tablet with google by then, hence its not even clear if Nexus S will benefit much from honeycomb.

I guess it all got down to how important a immediate gingerbread and pure google experience is to u, compare to alternatives with better specs.

Yeah I know...

I am planning to buy also a Class10 MicroSd Card with 16GB Memory from Kingston as the Class2 microsd card that comes with the DesireHD is resulting in stuttering videos, maybe the class10 will just give it what it needs to make it smooth I hope.

My Iphone 3G lasts me around 1 Day...it never lasted more then a day even with the Memory cleaning tool. If I play anything or watch movies the battery last me a good half day till I have to charge it again...so I dont really care much about the battery life to be honest.

What I want is a feature rich mobile device with brand new electronic components such as a good processor and good gpu.

Also I want many cool Applications and features on the phone itself to make it a joy to use.

I compared for now a good 2 months or so the galaxy s with the desire hd and I even had the desire hd on preorder but had to cancel it due for shipping issues since I was on Holidays.

But since I saw the Desire HD life in Person with the galaxy background I was very amazed to how good this phone actually looks.

I like watching movies and I will get a in car charger as well as a 2nd charger for my work place.

It is this with the batteries, that over time you get a much better battery life when you charged it a few times.

If the Nexus S had 720p video recording, Super Amoled for our Country and another video format, the choice was clear...but right now..I can say no to SAmoled and yes to slcd or lcd.

Like I said the sharpness on the Desire HD is better then on my Iphone 3g and that says everything to me. Surely I wont be able to keep up with my friends galaxy s in case of display comparison..but surely I will top that off with a feature rich mobile phone, that counts for me more... the I have to play with, the satisfied I am.

3 more days to make my choice...and since the Galaxy S probably wont get the 2.3 gingerbread update..the case is clear..

I do however somehow hope that 3.0 will be released on the Desire HD, but I think I can dream on.



  • 1 month later...

Can I change my vote to NO? The Nexus S is a cripple. Thank you Samsung for ruining Android... sigh...

Guest ozone89
Posted (edited)

not concerned at all and, guess what? I've just bought one! :D

16Gb (or 16Go as our french-speaking-firends would say :) ) it's far enough for me.

I still haven't filled my A1's SD card, wich is 16Gb, and i use App2SD too :)

cheers from sardinia :D

Edited by ozone89

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