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Gingerbread (2.3) for Pulse

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Guest BenIsaacs

Hi all,

the answer will probably be no, but will the pulse get a newer kernel like 2.6.35 as it is in gingerbread or are we stuck on 2.6.29.

Also, are we part of the cyanogenmod team, if we are, they could help on the kernel as they got the froyo kernel on the g1 . However though, would we be best to do a community rom- tom g ports, FLM-Mod etc.

Great work everyone, can't wait for it to be final.


Guest Elmo108

hey tom,

how confident are you that the slow speed can be fixed?!

do you think that CM7 will fix the problem?



I have installed it on my 8220. It works as good as i had expectet it.

I've tried to install gapps. but it doesn't work. I've tried several installations. Gapps (all in one) or gmail.apk and maps.apk. But nothing worked. It ever gave me an error msg and the programm left to the home screen.

@ Tom: keep working... its great :) You are very good... I've thought that 2.2 would be the end of android on pulse

Guest Richard_Arkless
Posted (edited)
Hi all,

the answer will probably be no, but will the pulse get a newer kernel like 2.6.35 as it is in gingerbread or are we stuck on 2.6.29.

Also, are we part of the cyanogenmod team, if we are, they could help on the kernel as they got the froyo kernel on the g1 . However though, would we be best to do a community rom- tom g ports, FLM-Mod etc.

Great work everyone, can't wait for it to be final.


no were stuck on .29 and I doubt huawei will release 2.2 or 2.3 for that matter (maybe we should start hassling them again to start making an official 2.2 or 2.3 rom, we gave them a break :)) and a kernel source to go with it, the cm 2.2 pulse port is still not an official cm rom so no were (tom's) not part of the cyanogenmod team, if your looking for a community 2.2 rom then your best bet would be my rom, its based on toms great work with the cyanogenmod port and ive added tweaks, fixes, things people have found would be cool to add, its called cm6 AIO v4 (youve probably seen it)

Edited by Richard_Arkless
Hi all,

the answer will probably be no, but will the pulse get a newer kernel like 2.6.35 as it is in gingerbread or are we stuck on 2.6.29.

Also, are we part of the cyanogenmod team, if we are, they could help on the kernel as they got the froyo kernel on the g1 . However though, would we be best to do a community rom- tom g ports, FLM-Mod etc.

Great work everyone, can't wait for it to be final.


I will eventually get back to my cyanogenmod project and submit my changes back to the main cyanogenmod project, but even then support for things like kernel development from the cyanogenmod team will be minimal. The only support I would expect is for the core android/cyanogen code, anything device specific will still be up to people who physically have the device to dev on. I would like to get a newer kernel working and if I have time I think it will be possible, but I'm sure someone with more experience in C programming could do it much quicker (2.6.32 already boots but nothing works, I haven't tried 2.6.35). At the moment I have too many projects going and am stuggling to find time for anything and over Christmas I will be away for about a week which will slow things even more. For now the Pulse related projects (CM6, Gingerbread, Kernel etc) have all been put on hold and it will probably be a few weeks before I get back to them.

I was actually reading a bit about the linux kernel today and now have a much better idea of what should be required to get some basic functions working. That doesn't mean I'll be able to make it work, I just have better knowledge of how it works.

I will eventually get back to my cyanogenmod project and submit my changes back to the main cyanogenmod project, but even then support for things like kernel development from the cyanogenmod team will be minimal. The only support I would expect is for the core android/cyanogen code, anything device specific will still be up to people who physically have the device to dev on. I would like to get a newer kernel working and if I have time I think it will be possible, but I'm sure someone with more experience in C programming could do it much quicker (2.6.32 already boots but nothing works, I haven't tried 2.6.35). At the moment I have too many projects going and am stuggling to find time for anything and over Christmas I will be away for about a week which will slow things even more. For now the Pulse related projects (CM6, Gingerbread, Kernel etc) have all been put on hold and it will probably be a few weeks before I get back to them.

I was actually reading a bit about the linux kernel today and now have a much better idea of what should be required to get some basic functions working. That doesn't mean I'll be able to make it work, I just have better knowledge of how it works.

knowledge = power.

You'll figure it out. ;-)

Guest BenIsaacs
no were stuck on .29 and I doubt huawei will release 2.2 or 2.3 for that matter (maybe we should start hassling them again to start making an official 2.2 or 2.3 rom, we gave them a break :)) and a kernel source to go with it, the cm 2.2 pulse port is still not an official cm rom so no were (tom's) not part of the cyanogenmod team, if your looking for a community 2.2 rom then your best bet would be my rom, its based on toms great work with the cyanogenmod port and ive added tweaks, fixes, things people have found would be cool to add, its called cm6 AIO v4 (youve probably seen it)

Many thanks, I'm installing as I'm typing A great idea. does this drain the battery life like cyanogen mod did? Can't wait to use it.

I will eventually get back to my cyanogenmod project and submit my changes back to the main cyanogenmod project, but even then support for things like kernel development from the cyanogenmod team will be minimal. The only support I would expect is for the core android/cyanogen code, anything device specific will still be up to people who physically have the device to dev on. I would like to get a newer kernel working and if I have time I think it will be possible, but I'm sure someone with more experience in C programming could do it much quicker (2.6.32 already boots but nothing works, I haven't tried 2.6.35). At the moment I have too many projects going and am stuggling to find time for anything and over Christmas I will be away for about a week which will slow things even more. For now the Pulse related projects (CM6, Gingerbread, Kernel etc) have all been put on hold and it will probably be a few weeks before I get back to them.

I was actually reading a bit about the linux kernel today and now have a much better idea of what should be required to get some basic functions working. That doesn't mean I'll be able to make it work, I just have better knowledge of how it works.

Thanks tom g, well done for all the work you have done so far. will the kernel add wifi tethering and other such features? maybe you could release the code so people who can help can help. one head is better than one. ;)


Guest DanWilson
I will eventually get back to my cyanogenmod project and submit my changes back to the main cyanogenmod project, but even then support for things like kernel development from the cyanogenmod team will be minimal. The only support I would expect is for the core android/cyanogen code, anything device specific will still be up to people who physically have the device to dev on. I would like to get a newer kernel working and if I have time I think it will be possible, but I'm sure someone with more experience in C programming could do it much quicker (2.6.32 already boots but nothing works, I haven't tried 2.6.35). At the moment I have too many projects going and am stuggling to find time for anything and over Christmas I will be away for about a week which will slow things even more. For now the Pulse related projects (CM6, Gingerbread, Kernel etc) have all been put on hold and it will probably be a few weeks before I get back to them.

I was actually reading a bit about the linux kernel today and now have a much better idea of what should be required to get some basic functions working. That doesn't mean I'll be able to make it work, I just have better knowledge of how it works.

When you do go back to development, try to start with the kernels.

Surely having the right kernel means building the ROM will be easier?

If not, disregard that, and have a merry Christmas.

(What is it like having Christmas in the summer?)

Guest Philippe Demartin
You can imagine how adecuate Santa's clothes look with 35°C...

Also, there isn't a lot of snow, you know.

In fact... it aint nothing like the movies, just the presents, the tree, lights and the turkey remains the same.

PD. Chile here, southamerica.

He Chilean friend, I've got a question for you from Maitencillo....

Was you able to get the 3g working on the cyanogenMOD 6 2.2

If it is the case how did you did it ??

For my self After flashing the Venezuelan official rom, amonRa, FLB 2.1, clockWork rom manager...

I've tried 2 way

1 wipe system and factory reset===> wifi but no data connection 3g or other edge :)

2 Don't wipe system ===> 3g Ok but no wifi ;)


Guest deadphill

Just a note guys, can we remain on topic. I have deleted the posts that have nothing to do with this.



Guest DanWilson
Just a note guys, can we remain on topic. I have deleted the posts that have nothing to do with this.



But its difficult!

He Chilean friend, I've got a question for you from Maitencillo....

Was you able to get the 3g working on the cyanogenMOD 6 2.2

If it is the case how did you did it ??

For my self After flashing the Venezuelan official rom, amonRa, FLB 2.1, clockWork rom manager...

I've tried 2 way

1 wipe system and factory reset===> wifi but no data connection 3g or other edge ;)

2 Don't wipe system ===> 3g Ok but no wifi :D


The problem with 3G is probably APN settings in the CM6 rom (it screws up on the network I am on as well).

The wpa_supplicant setup is different between the two roms and not compatible, so it is recommended to wipe /data when switching. Wiping /data also clears your current APN config, so if it is correct in the FLB rom you will lose it when you wipe.

A few solutions.

a) Wipe then manually enter correct APN settings (you may also need to remove the APNs it displays by default).

:) Wipe then copy /system/etc/apns-conf.xml from the FLB rom into the CM6 rom then in APNs setting Menu -> reset to default.

c) Don't wipe and delete wpa_supplicant bits from /data. I think 'rm -r /data/system/wpa_supplicant' would do it.

Guest totiadrenalin
Posted (edited)

We'll have to wait until Tom get back home.

And until then I'm pretty sure that the xda-devs will impoove the cm7 mod.

So we'll get nice working gingerbread on our pulses with one BIG THANKS to TOM G.

I really hope so.

And I have to commit that until this moment I haven't test the pulse-gingerbread-aosp-0.2 rom yet.

But I will.


Edited by totiadrenalin
Guest 董思旺



Guest Richard_Arkless
Posted (edited)



Edited by Richard_Arkless
Guest fiskmasen


This is what he tries to say:

Dear Tom, you have no new progress to 2.3?

The main problem is to enhance the speed, error problems

Guest fiskmasen


This is what he tries to say:

Dear Tom, you have no new progress to 2.3?

The main problem is to enhance the speed, error problems

Guest ahat :D!

Possible to flash or port to U8100 (almost the same as pulse mini)?

Guest al-xcartier

Didn't help what I wrote you on page 7?


Besoin d'aide j'aurrais Vraiment, mon «U8230» Étais en "CM6, béta 0.4" probleme il Arriver m'ai des Nations Unies et J'Ai formater mon PC lun. téléphone depui.

DEPUIS Tout avais disparu et JE me Retrouvé en 2.1 et impossible de changeur, JE Vais sur 3ROM MANAGER "et CELA me dit

«Doit etre Votre téléphone Roote verser Manager ROM utiliser». Impossible de TROUVER DANS super utilisateur "system / bin / su" ou "" / system / xbin / su ""


J'ai vraiment besoin d'aide, mon «U8230" accessoires "CM6, beta 0.4" est un problème moi-même atteint et je format mon téléphone depui mon PC.

Depuis tout avait disparu et je me suis retrouvé en 2.1 et ne peut pas changer, je vais sur le gestionnaire de 3ROM "et il me dit

"Votre téléphone doit être root pour utiliser le Gestionnaire de ROM. Impossible de trouver une grande utilité dans" système / bin / su "ou" "/ system / xbin / su" "

aider moi s'il vous plaît

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Mod Note: S'il vous plaît utiliser l'anglais dans ces forums. Il existe des forums spécifiques à votre langue sur le site.



Guest Maksim K


Sorry, may be that was already outlined in previous posts.. Does this port uses the same "old" kernel from 2.1, I guess 2.6.29? The reason I'm asking is that I remember Tom said it's extremely complex to port a newer kernel, so just want to confirm.

Guest Sh4d0w940
Posted (edited)

Sorry, may be that was already outlined in previous posts.. Does this port uses the same "old" kernel from 2.1, I guess 2.6.29? The reason I'm asking is that I remember Tom said it's extremely complex to port a newer kernel, so just want to confirm.

Yes, it's 2.6.29.


Edited by Sh4d0w940
Guest al-xcartier

It still keeps getting me dis- and reconnecting from the (French) network, same as it was in Alpha 0.20.


The problem with 3G is probably APN settings in the CM6 rom (it screws up on the network I am on as well).

The wpa_supplicant setup is different between the two roms and not compatible, so it is recommended to wipe /data when switching. Wiping /data also clears your current APN config, so if it is correct in the FLB rom you will lose it when you wipe.

A few solutions.

a) Wipe then manually enter correct APN settings (you may also need to remove the APNs it displays by default).

:( Wipe then copy /system/etc/apns-conf.xml from the FLB rom into the CM6 rom then in APNs setting Menu -> reset to default.

c) Don't wipe and delete wpa_supplicant bits from /data. I think 'rm -r /data/system/wpa_supplicant' would do it.

Guest iKrautDroid

Please help me! How do you flash a .img?

Please help!

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