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Guest Arr Too

Can we use this to decide OLED or TFT (LCD)? If I dial *ZTE*CHIPINFO# (or *983*24474636#) on my OLED SanFran I get this as the first entry:

LCD Information:

IC: TL2796

Glass: Samsung

What do people get on the TFT version?

Guest slartibardfast0
Can we use this to decide OLED or TFT (LCD)? If I dial *ZTE*CHIPINFO# (or *983*24474636#) on my OLED SanFran I get this as the first entry:

LCD Information:

IC: TL2796

Glass: Samsung

What do people get on the TFT version?


I got this on a B08 TFT:

IC: NT35580

Glass: LEAD

Great code, cheers.

Guest Arr Too
I got this on a B08 TFT:

IC: NT35580

Glass: LEAD

Cool! I was going to say that the other possibilities I was expecting are LEAD/NT35580 and TRULY/HX8369. But I think that's got to be a conclusive way of telling OLED or TFT now.

Guest 5c00ter

Here's my CHIPINFO output from my B08:

IC: NT35580

Glass: LEAD


Hi, before 3 days I bought a Zte San Francisco and it was version B08. The chipinfo IC:HX8369


Today I bought another one a Zte San Francisco and It is also version B08. But the it has different chipinfo IC:NT35580


The first one was from Lancaster and the new one is from Liverpool. (Orange stores) It is very confusing, we have to figure out the correct lcd type. Small notice: The first one with glass truly it has inferior quality to glass lead(though not much) . If I was going to choose the screen with the best black then I will choose the new one (Glass lead). From this I can conclude that the oled screen is the glass lead.


No, they are both LCD/TFT.

Neither of the phones you own has a OLED screen.


hmm, this code FC's on mine then re-asks for my SIM pin, modaco r3 eclaire.

Guest Arr Too
hmm, this code FC's on mine then re-asks for my SIM pin, modaco r3 eclaire.

For a long time nobody knew what apps like ChiperTest.apk did so it's sometimes been removed from /system/app in various ROMs (or maybe users have followed advice that they can safely remove it). If you replace this app (with one from the stock version of the ROM your current one is based on) then this dialler code ought to work.

And I think I agree that only Samsung is OLED, so TRULY and LEAD are going to be TFT. Would be nice to have that confirmed, though.

Posted (edited)
For a long time nobody knew what apps like ChiperTest.apk did so it's sometimes been removed from /system/app in various ROMs (or maybe users have followed advice that they can safely remove it). If you replace this app (with one from the stock version of the ROM your current one is based on) then this dialler code ought to work.

And I think I agree that only Samsung is OLED, so TRULY and LEAD are going to be TFT. Would be nice to have that confirmed, though.

That did it thanks, mines the OLED (but I knew that anyway).

Might be worth putting a sticky or something on the wiki showing the different hardware since we know there are different screens and touchscreens, also cameras etc, just to make things easier for kernel devs.

Mine has




Synaptics 2000 TM1541


AR6002 (not sure why the MAC address is a Samsung though)




ID 0x2682



Samsung 4G Nand

and some other stuff from other apps




Qualcomm Adreno 200

Proximity/Ambient Light

Taos TSL2771



FM Receiver



Qualcomm MSM7227 / armeabi / ARM v6 compatible processor rev 5 (v6l)

Edited by rjm2k
Nice, especially the "OLED Test" and the "LCD test" for those you recently got their SF and can't tell which display they have.

I own a SF with an OLED display and the "LCD test" won't run for me (just have a black screen for about a second and then the dialer again, the OLED test gives me some nice colored screens :))

That's the same for me, black on LCD test, then white (thought it had fecked up) then geen, red etc on the OLED.

Guest IronDoc
That's the same for me, black on LCD test, then white (thought it had fecked up) then geen, red etc on the OLED.

And for me.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest zurpher

<tr><td>Dial <td>Mnemonic <td>Operation

<TR><TD>*983*73564# <TD>SDLOG <TD>SD Log


Out of interest: What is SD Log? It has quite far reaching permissions and can't be uninstalled. I guess it has something to do with the Google services.


Howcome the total memory amount is shown 208M? The phone should be 512MB model. Could anyone owning Finnish Blade confirm this?

Guest Arr Too
Out of interest: What is SD Log?

Like the others, it's a ZTE thing. Probably used for some sort of debugging. Press Menu to see some options and 'enable' the log. Then exit and return to this to find the button is a stop (that's what they mean by "reboot", I think). Best I can gather is that it creates a couple of named pipes: /dev/sdlog and /dev/sdlog_notify. These are used to send numeric commands to a server and get a response. Not sure where this server is yet... SDLog.apk appears to be just the control app. And if you don't have an SD card inserted it will (supposedly) write stuff in /data/local/logs/. Maybe this is a standard Android (or other dev env) thing that I'm just not familiar with?

Howcome the total memory amount is shown 208M? The phone should be 512MB model. Could anyone owning Finnish Blade confirm this?

It was explained here many times: the 208 MB is the internal storage size, not to mix with free RAM.

Guest Phoenix Silver
Posted (edited)


LCD information :

nothing :(

LCD test 4 empty screens with a different color

Edited by Phoenix Silver
Guest kidimon
Hi, before 3 days I bought a Zte San Francisco and it was version B08. The chipinfo IC:HX8369


Today I bought another one a Zte San Francisco and It is also version B08. But the it has different chipinfo IC:NT35580


The first one was from Lancaster and the new one is from Liverpool. (Orange stores) It is very confusing, we have to figure out the correct lcd type. Small notice: The first one with glass truly it has inferior quality to glass lead(though not much) . If I was going to choose the screen with the best black then I will choose the new one (Glass lead). From this I can conclude that the oled screen is the glass lead.

Got the same as you mate, Truly, googled it and found out that its TFT, although I was pretty sure its OLED haha

Guest Arr Too

Added a note about getting into Engineering Mode first on the ROMs based on the Japanese 2.2.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest tttonyyy

I'm using Seb's 0.3 Softbank (no ChiperTest.apk) and have replaced ChiperTest.apk from the source ROM to /system/app using ADB shell (perms 644) but still when I do *ZTE*CHIPINFO# I get a blank section under "LCD Information".

Is anything else required for this to work?

Guest Arr Too
Is anything else required for this to work?

You need to have the proper hardware ID values written in /proc somewhere. I don't know what's responsible for setting them, but a few people have reported missing values [one at the top of this page] and one has bad values there. ;) Perhaps one of our kernel/Linux gurus can comment?

Guest oh!dougal
I'm using Seb's 0.3 Softbank (no ChiperTest.apk) and have replaced ChiperTest.apk from the source ROM to /system/app using ADB shell (perms 644) but still when I do *ZTE*CHIPINFO# I get a blank section under "LCD Information".

Is anything else required for this to work?

Engineering Mode?

Guest tttonyyy
Engineering Mode?

Already was, without EM you don't even get to that screen ;)

Guest D4T3N7OD
Posted (edited)

Hello everybody!

My first post ... please be patient with me :lol:

And I hope I am the first to notice this - and that it works for others, too...

FYI: I am using the German E-PLUS version the ZTE Blade, a.k.a. Base Lutea

Rooting (at least my) phone without any app or

Using dialer codes to root ZTE Blade / BASE Lutea / Orange San Francisco

(all but Lutea HAVE TO BE VERIFIED ... who wants to try? :) )

Step for step instructions

1. If you want to watch, got to an adb shell and

$ ls -l /system/bin/s?

-rwxr-xr-x root shell 87324 2010-10-28 10:46 sh

-r-sr-x--- root system 76232 2010-10-28 10:46 su

2. Go to dialer and enter secret dial code *983*LOGSET# (*983*564738#)

3. You see the LOG SET menu

4. Press "sys_rw"

5. Press "enable" (the uppermost button)

6. WAIT a moment (maybe repeatedly doing "ls -l /system/bin/s?" - I had to wait about 3

seconds, that was the reason this was hard to reproduce

7. If you did not do so in step 1: log in with adb shell and see your prompt being # (superuser)

8. Use su to really get super user access

9. Do "ls -l /system/bin/s?" again - permissions of su and sh changed to

-rwsrwxrwx root shell 87324 2010-10-28 10:46 sh

-rwsrwxrwx root system 76232 2010-10-28 10:46 su

10. Press "disable" to disable logging again and also get some errors in dmesg, like

$ dmesg

<3>[01-24 19:29:00.420043] [1: init]init: untracked pid 1733 exited

<3>[01-24 19:29:00.420043] [1: init]init: untracked pid 1695 exited

<3>[01-24 19:29:00.420043] [1: init]init: untracked pid 1694 exited

<3>[01-24 19:29:00.430023] [1: init]init: untracked pid 1693 exited

<3>[01-24 19:29:00.430023] [1: init]init: untracked pid 1692 exited

You could now copy the /system/bin/sh and/or .../su to any place where

suid executables are allowed - probably change the names :) - and use

# chmod 0755 /system/bin/sh

# chmod 4550 /system/bin/su

to unroot the normal sh/su again.

Hope this works for others ;)



** still headaches over the kernels :s **


No one tried? Does it work?

I'd appreciate your input

Edited by D4T3N7OD
Guest D4T3N7OD

Anyone give it a try? :s (this is a bump, hope you don't consider it spamming)

Guest hecatae
Posted (edited)

can a simple guide of how to enter engineering mode be added to wearthefoxhat's warning of tft and oled screens so people can identify which screen their phone has?


Can we use this to decide OLED or TFT (LCD)? If I dial *ZTE*CHIPINFO# (or *983*24474636#) on my OLED SanFran I get this as the first entry:









IC: TL2796

Glass: Samsung

Edited by hecatae

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