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Advent Vega kernel source code now available!

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Guest the_corvus

A really really good work...

When have some time will use it.


Guest PeteBest

Just read through this thread, and I must say that you've done some brilliant work Eduardo! Like most of the others it's way over my head, but just to let you know your hard work is greatly appreciated! Many thanks :)

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ejtagle
Can this help us?

Because it´s based on 2.6.38 and there are drivers for that kernel in the release.

New Linux for Tegra release 12

Excellent!! - I think that this can be a very good reason to port the .36 kernel drivers to .38 ... Finally, accelerated X... I can barely believe it... And that is exactly what i was looking for... :)

Guest rebel1

I´m very excited to see what you can do with it. :)

Guest Lyricalpapa
And the source code :)

A home run!!

Any chance you might start posting your work on GitHub?

This is world class work on your part.


Guest rebel1


-Sound is working!!!

-Including autoswitching between speaker and headphone, when a headphone is plugged or unplugged.


So, all the required Tegra2 configurations to make all the P10AN01 hardware work should be right and working :blink:

Attached, the latest files (copy over craskman git), and my precompiled boot image

Let the fun begin!



i played a little with your kernel and boot.img.

Are you able to mount a mtdblock ?

I´m not, it give me segmention fault when i try it.


Guest ejtagle
Posted (edited)

i played a little with your kernel and boot.img.

Are you able to mount a mtdblock ?

I´m not, it give me segmention fault when i try it.


Well, i had no problem mounting the mtdblock ... no problems at all... did you get the segmentation fault while mounting, or while reading or while writing to the mtd ?

Lately, i ran out of time (being busy with other things), that is why there were no updates ... And, here is where, in fact, what i can do regarding kernel development dimishes a lot... The fact that i am unable to reproduce the bugs makes it very hard to fix eventual problems...

BTW, i will iinsist: The toolchain used to compile the kernel is extremely critical... 4.4.0 as supplied with the android ndk worked for me, but no other did.... Random crashes with all the newer versions...

A little tip: The mtd partition sizes are hardcoded in the kernel... I don't know if using the linux kernel command line it is possible or not to override those partition sizes. But, certainly, some parameters from the previous kernel will cause trouble... I suggert using the same command line as a use ... means, a null command line, or, perhaps, a command line that just sets the console.



Edited by ejtagle
Guest craskman

Hi Guys, has been a while.

Have anyone been successful on running any version of Android with this kernel?

If not, which issues are you facing?


Guest rebel1

Hi Guys, has been a while.

Have anyone been successful on running any version of Android with this kernel?

If not, which issues are you facing?


I play with the Acer Iconia A500 system.img .

But I couldn´t start it because:

I/SurfaceFlinger(  169): SurfaceFlinger is starting

I/SurfaceFlinger(  169): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...

E/SurfaceFlinger(  169): Couldn't open /sys/power/wait_for_fb_sleep or /sys/power/wait_for_fb_wake

E/gralloc (  169): Can't open framebuffer device: No such file or directory

E/FramebufferNativeWindow(  169): couldn't open framebuffer HAL (No such file or directory)

I/DEBUG   (   96): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

I/DEBUG   (   96): Build fingerprint: 'acer/picasso_generic1/ventana:3.0.1/HRI66/eng.hermit.20110512.235000:user/release-keys'

I/DEBUG   (   96): pid: 169, tid: 176  >>> system_server <<<

I/DEBUG   (   96): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0000005c

I/DEBUG   (   96):  r0 00003033  r1 00000004  r2 00003038  r3 00000000

I/DEBUG   (   96):  r4 001411d0  r5 58fb5d90  r6 00000000  r7 00000000

I/DEBUG   (   96):  r8 ac25e050  r9 0013e268  10 00100000  fp 00000001

I/DEBUG   (   96):  ip ac25e0a8  sp 58fb5d70  lr ac25a26c  pc ac24dbe6  cpsr 60000030

I/DEBUG   (   96):  d0  0000000000000000  d1  3ff0000000000000

I/DEBUG   (   96):  d2  4e071d5b42c46439  d3  42c8000000580ff0

I/DEBUG   (   96):  d4  3fbc71c700567930  d5  3fe999999999999a

I/DEBUG   (   96):  d6  3fe99999a0000000  d7  000000003f4ccccd

I/DEBUG   (   96):  d8  0000000000000000  d9  0000000000000000

I/DEBUG   (   96):  d10 0000000000000000  d11 0000000000000000

I/DEBUG   (   96):  d12 0000000000000000  d13 0000000000000000

I/DEBUG   (   96):  d14 0000000000000000  d15 0000000000000000

I/DEBUG   (   96):  scr 20000012

I/DEBUG   (   96): 

I/DEBUG   (   96):      	#00  pc 00014be6  /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so (_ZN7android15DisplayHardware4initEj)

I/DEBUG   (   96):      	#01  pc 00015106  /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so (_ZN7android15DisplayHardwareC1ERKNS_2spINS_14SurfaceFlingerEEEj)

I/DEBUG   (   96):      	#02  pc 0001e028  /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so (_ZN7android14SurfaceFlinger10readyToRunEv)

I/DEBUG   (   96):      	#03  pc 0001bf68  /system/lib/libutils.so (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv)

I/DEBUG   (   96):      	#04  pc 0001c50e  /system/lib/libutils.so

I/DEBUG   (   96):      	#05  pc 00011ab0  /system/lib/libc.so (__thread_entry)

I/DEBUG   (   96):      	#06  pc 000116b8  /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_create)

I/DEBUG   (   96): 

I/DEBUG   (   96): libc base address: afc39000

I/DEBUG   (   96): 

I/DEBUG   (   96): code around pc:

I/DEBUG   (   96): ac24dbc4 e484f8df 64e52700 0a0bedd5 6eee44fe 

I/DEBUG   (   96): ac24dbd4 0a07edc4 0a0ced95 000fe8be 0a08ed84 

I/DEBUG   (   96): ac24dbe4 edd6ad08 edc47a17 97147a09 f8dec50f 

I/DEBUG   (   96): ac24dbf4 f8df2000 602a0458 4478ad16 463a4629 

I/DEBUG   (   96): ac24dc04 efe0f7fe dd1242b8 f7fe4628 b970efe2 

I/DEBUG   (   96): 

I/DEBUG   (   96): code around lr:

I/DEBUG   (   96): ac25a24c 25202066 2066342e 342e2520 00000066 

I/DEBUG   (   96): ac25a25c 00003033 00000004 00003038 00000000 

I/DEBUG   (   96): ac25a26c 00003038 00000000 00000001 00010001 

I/DEBUG   (   96): ac25a27c 00010000 000030d2 00000001 00003038 

I/DEBUG   (   96): ac25a28c 00003038 8101b107 8400b0b0 00000000 

I/DEBUG   (   96): 

I/DEBUG   (   96): stack:

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d30  590b5f00  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d34  000b7dc8  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d38  afc7f334  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d3c  001411d0  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d40  00000000  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d44  81205248  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d48  000b7b3c  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d4c  001411d0  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d50  000b7e08  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d54  58fb5e84  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d58  000b7b3c  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d5c  ac25e050  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d60  001411d0  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d64  000b7e08  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d68  df002777  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d6c  e3a070ad  

I/DEBUG   (   96): #00 58fb5d70  fffffff8  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d74  0013e268  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d78  00000000  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d7c  000b7d80  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d80  00000000  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d84  0013e268  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d88  00000001  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d8c  a7d5536b  /system/lib/libutils.so

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d90  000b7d68  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d94  ac25b01c  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d98  58fb5e84  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5d9c  a7d4e059  /system/lib/libutils.so

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5da0  000b7d78  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5da4  00000001  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5da8  00000000  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5dac  00100000  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5db0  00001000  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5db4  00000000  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5db8  00000000  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5dbc  000b7dc8  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5dc0  000b7db8  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5dc4  000b7d78  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5dc8  0200003c  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5dcc  00000001  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5dd0  0013e0e0  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5dd4  0000a000  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5dd8  001411d0  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5ddc  0013e268  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5de0  00100000  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5de4  afc4bdc3  /system/lib/libc.so

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5de8  0013e0e0  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5dec  001411d0  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5df0  001411d0  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5df4  000b7b3c  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5df8  001411d0  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5dfc  afc4d709  /system/lib/libc.so

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e00  0013e0e0  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e04  afb399af  /system/lib/libstdc++.so

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e08  0013e0e0  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e0c  a7d4e0ed  /system/lib/libutils.so

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e10  00141260  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e14  0013e0e0  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e18  001411d0  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e1c  a7d4e1f3  /system/lib/libutils.so

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e20  001411d0  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e24  1bf8bd17  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e28  58fb5e84  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e2c  001411d0  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e30  00000000  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e34  58fb5e84  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e38  000b7b3c  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e3c  001411d0  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e40  0013e268  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e44  00100000  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e48  00000001  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e4c  ac24e10b  /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so

I/DEBUG   (   96): #01 58fb5e50  000b7a98  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e54  ac25db58  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e58  58fb5e84  

I/DEBUG   (   96): 	58fb5e5c  ac25702d  /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so

D/Zygote  (  168): Process 169 terminated by signal (11)

I/Zygote  (  168): Exit zygote because system server (169) has terminated

Guest rebel1
Posted (edited)

Ok, this problem is solved. I forget to disable the Framebuffer Console Support. :)

Now it boots the totally unmodified system.img .

The touchscreen doesn't work.

Edited by rebel1
Guest a_appleby

Ok, this problem is solved. I forget to disable the Framebuffer Console Support. :)

Now it boots the totally unmodified system.img .

The touchscreen doesn't work.

Can you share the ROM? Can you provide more details?

Guest newbe5

Ok, this problem is solved. I forget to disable the Framebuffer Console Support. :)

Now it boots the totally unmodified system.img .

The touchscreen doesn't work.

Erm... Is this with 2.6.36 kernel? You have managed to get an image booting using this kernel? If so, Could you PLEASE post your boot.img for me?

Guest rebel1


It is the 2.6.36 kernel from Eduardo. But you need a partioned sdcard, i boot it from there because the space in nand is so limited and it is very easy to exchange files without flash it every time.

I will clean the ramdisk and post the boot image with instructions later here.

Guest rebel1

Anyone have a tip for me, how i can fix this touchscreen issue ?

V/ViewRoot(  129): Dropping unsupported motion event (unimplemented): MotionEvent{40c9cb90 pointerId=0 action=ACTION_MOVE x=688.0 y=281.0 pressure=0.26666668 size=0.26666668 touchMajor=42.666668 touchMinor=42.666668 toolMajor=160.0 toolMinor=160.0 orientation=0.0 meta=0 pointerCount=1 historySize=1 flags=0x0 edgeFlags=0x0 device=5 source=0x100008}

Guest newbe5
Posted (edited)

Anyone have a tip for me, how i can fix this touchscreen issue ?

V/ViewRoot( 129): Dropping unsupported motion event (unimplemented): MotionEvent{40c9cb90 pointerId=0 action=ACTION_MOVE x=688.0 y=281.0 pressure=0.26666668 size=0.26666668 touchMajor=42.666668 touchMinor=42.666668 toolMajor=160.0 toolMinor=160.0 orientation=0.0 meta=0 pointerCount=1 historySize=1 flags=0x0 edgeFlags=0x0 device=5 source=0x100008}

Yes, possibly. Do you use gtalk? Touchscreen config files are in /system/usr/idc if you copy the IT** config file from VegaComb (I forget the exat name of the file! :P) then you should be able to get the touchscreen working! If you need anything else drop me a message or hit me up on gtalk, I can PM you my google address if you want to talk on there!

Also, I can make it fit in NAND no problem, so we might as well use VC as a base ;)


Edited by newbe5
Guest a_appleby

Anyone have a tip for me, how i can fix this touchscreen issue ?

V/ViewRoot(  129): Dropping unsupported motion event (unimplemented): MotionEvent{40c9cb90 pointerId=0 action=ACTION_MOVE x=688.0 y=281.0 pressure=0.26666668 size=0.26666668 touchMajor=42.666668 touchMinor=42.666668 toolMajor=160.0 toolMinor=160.0 orientation=0.0 meta=0 pointerCount=1 historySize=1 flags=0x0 edgeFlags=0x0 device=5 source=0x100008}

Please share that boot.img...

Guest rebel1

Yes, possibly. Do you use gtalk? Touchscreen config files are in /system/usr/idc if you copy the IT** config file from VegaComb (I forget the exat name of the file! :P) then you should be able to get the touchscreen working! If you need anything else drop me a message or hit me up on gtalk, I can PM you my google address if you want to talk on there!

Also, I can make it fit in NAND no problem, so we might as well use VC as a base ;)



thank´s for the tip with the touchscreen file.

It works now. I can say, it run very very smooth.

When I have network working, i will post more.

cu. rebel1 / Rene

P.S.: @newbe5 , you are connected with me over google+

Guest rebel1

Please share that boot.img...

Here it´s the boot.img

Don´t forget that yo need to edit the ramdisk, because i'm booting from sdcard,

cu. rebel1


Guest BillyBobJoe

thanks rebel, you have beaten me to geting this running. i've battled hard drive problems and some faulty memory and when i'm up and running again you have posted a new boot.I mg.

great job, i'll look at it tonight and see where can get to.


Guest rebel1

thanks rebel, you have beaten me to geting this running. i've battled hard drive problems and some faulty memory and when i'm up and running again you have posted a new boot.I mg.

great job, i'll look at it tonight and see where can get to.



this is the system.img, that i boot from my sdcard.

Iconia system.img

Guest BillyBobJoe


Unpacked your boot.img and replaced the ramdisk with the 'stock' vegacomb one. Added to 1.7 vegacomb and flash the tablet.

Got corrupt screen green and red lines then grey screen. Now I need to get the windows pc running again so I can nvflash it again.

Unless you have any great tips on how to do this via Linux.

I will have a look at the ROM you have uploaded and I'll try to strip in down ("a lot") for you.


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