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09/Feb r8 - MoDaCo Custom ROM for the Advent Vega with Online Kitchen

Guest PaulOBrien

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Guest musoguy
It might be that your ADB drivers are no longer running correctly. The "beep" means little. With the Vega plugged in, do you see Android Phone->ADB Composite Interface in the device list? Search for YAUDIG for help reinstalling.

Many Thanks for your helpful reply.

It is now fixed!!

I searched for YAUDIG in the forum and using the instructions reloaded the drivers for my Windows Vista PC which has never worked for the custom rom load using ADB but was ok for the other two USB functions. This was due to the Android Composite ADB Interface driver loading but not running due to the Error 10.

This time the driver was just fine. Highly recommended document.

I then successfully connected my original Vega and reloaded the R8 Custom ROM without problems.

Then I swapped to the new Vega and tried that with all the important settings identical to the first Vega and it failed to load the Custom ROM.

Looked in Device Manager and there was no Android Phone entry.

Restarted the Vega several times and turned off and on Debugging without success. Plenty of beeps but no driver running.

Then with the Vega still up and running I disconnected the USB cable and reconnected it and suddenly the Android Phone ADB driver loaded and I was able to complete the upgrade.

Why it failed to connect / load the driver before I do not know and since then I have started up the Vega with the USB cable connected and no problem.

Dodgy USB connector? Never had problems with file transfers and flashing the Base ROM.

Is the level of charge significant? At all times the power supply was connected but the battery was not fully charged.

I'm a happy bunny now.....

Thanks again,


Edited by musoguy
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Guest simonta
Many Thanks for your helpful reply.

It is now fixed!!

I searched for YAUDIG in the forum and using the instructions reloaded the drivers for my Windows Vista PC which has never worked for the custom rom load using ADB but was ok for the other two USB functions. This was due to the Android Composite ADB Interface driver loading but not running due to the Error 10.

This time the driver was just fine. Highly recommended document.

I then successfully connected my original Vega and reloaded the R8 Custom ROM without problems.

Then I swapped to the new Vega and tried that with all the important settings identical to the first Vega and it failed to load the Custom ROM.

Looked in Device Manager and there was no Android Phone entry.

Restarted the Vega several times and turned off and on Debugging without success. Plenty of beeps but no driver running.

Then with the Vega still up and running I disconnected the USB cable and reconnected it and suddenly the Android Phone ADB driver loaded and I was able to complete the upgrade.

Why it failed to connect / load the driver before I do not know and since then I have started up the Vega with the USB cable connected and no problem.

Dodgy USB connector? Never had problems with file transfers and flashing the Base ROM.

Is the level of charge significant? At all times the power supply was connected but the battery was not fully charged.

I'm a happy bunny now.....

Thanks again,


Pleased to hear it's sorted. Regarding "why?", charge level doesn't make any difference for ADB. The only requirement for ADB is that Android runs ergo if Android runs, you've got enough juice. I can imagine a USB port misbehaving with low volts but with the charger in, that's not a problem. The charger powers the Vega when plugged in and also charges the battery. Only a knackered battery or charge circuit fault could drag the USB volts down but both of which would be obvious faults. It can make a difference depending on which port on the PC you plug into but you don't mention that you did this.

Anyway, all pointless meandering. You'll probably never know why it didn't work and "just started". Plug and Play is fantastic when it works, an annoying little tinker when it doesn't :)


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Guest niamara



I'm pleased to present my MoDaCo Custom for the Advent Vega! READ THIS WHOLE POST BEFORE YOU START! No, really, it contains everything you need to know. ;)

About MoDaCo Custom ROMs

MoDaCo Custom ROMs are based on official ROMs - either shipping or leaked. A MCR release is designed to feel as far as possible like a stock ROM, with optimisations, tweaks and complimentary additions that enhance the user experience. The aim of a MCR is to be ultra reliable for use on an everyday device.


In order to use this ROM you must have an Advent Vega. And a computer. :D

Features Included (many optional via the Online Kitchen)

  • Rebuilt, compressed and optimised with the MCR build system
  • Includes 'Performance Pack v2' speed optimisations using Nvidia SDK components and other tweaks and improvements. It's fast!
  • Includes MoDaCo Custom Kernel (MCK)
  • Full Google experience including Car Home, Calendar, Contacts, Genie (News and Weather), Gmail, Maps with Street View, Market, Talk, Voice Search and YouTube
  • All Google components are running the latest release
  • Custom configuration to show ALL apps in the Android Market
  • Distinct multitouch permissions for Google Maps rotation support
  • Spare Parts application from the official Tegra Developer Kit
  • Superuser application and su binary from ChainsDD for SAFE root functionality
  • Recovery reboot utility
  • USB Mode switch utility
  • Screen calibration utility
  • 'Small Notification Bar' (it looks goooood!) with half height notification bar but full width buttons.
  • ADW Launcher
  • 'terminfo' configuration in boot image - apps like 'nano' are now be usable
  • Patched wpa_supplicant for ad-hoc support
  • Touch optimisations
  • Does not include Adobe Flash - install from the Android Market
  • Themers - this ROM is signed with the SDK Platform certs

    Please see 2 posts below this one for the changes in each release.


    To install this ROM (without using ClockworkMod recovery):
    • Ensure you have USB debugging enabled on your device (enabled in Settings->Applications->Development)
    • If you are using Windows, your USB 'Android Developer Bridge' driver MUST be the one included in this download (use 'Have Disk' functionality in device manager to change if required)
    • Download the zip file of your choice from the links below (or the online kitchen) and extract on your Windows PC, Linux PC or Mac
    • Connect your device to your PC
    • At a command prompt / terminal, ensure you are in the directory you extracted the files, and run 'install-windows.bat', './install-linux.sh' or './install-mac.sh' as appropriate
    • Wait for your device to reboot! :)
      • Download the zip file of your choice from the links below (or the online kitchen) and copy to your SD card
      • Restart your device in recovery mode
      • Select the option to apply an update zip, and select the zip file you copied to your memory card


      No wipe is explicitly required in order to use this ROM, however if you do encounter issues of any kind, it is recommended that you wipe your device and reproduce the issue before raising it here.


      Prebake download

      [*]r8 (default kitchen options below) - DOWNLOAD (Mediafire Pro) - MD5: c7c86fb9d5929c012d7d3ba87da0a872

      Kitchen download

      [*]A online kitchen is also available below for you to bake a Custom Custom ROM. :rolleyes:


      It's impossible to mention everyone who contributes to the Android community by name, but to everyone out there who does great work and shares it with us all - you have my gratitude and respect.

      Future Updates - READ THIS!

      By providing this ROM I am not implying in any way that future updates will follow. Due to limits on my time and the fact that I have a large number of devices for short periods of time, it isn't possible for me to continue providing ROM updates indefinitely. Please do not donate / sign up on the assumption that future releases will be available (I don't want you to be disappointed!).

      And finally...

      If you would like to show your appreciation for the ROM, please consider supporting MoDaCo by signing up for a MoDaCo Ad Free or MoDaCo Plus account, both of which also give you early access to Beta releases and access to the the online kitchens.

      Enjoy! :rolleyes:



      I'm mew to this and think I need to download so I can use android market/// struggling and not sure where I'm going wrong. I have downloaded it on my laptop abd that is a far a I can go...

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Guest Andy From Ireland

Hello I am using this r8 and I want to stick with this ROM (tried vegacomb and normal Advent Vega stock ROM and cyanogen 7) what I am missing on this r8 is the Accessibility setting in the settings menu and would love if someone could find a way to tell me how to get it on there cause there is a onscreen notification app for devices without LED lamp, and it says my version doesnt have Accessibility settings and there are another app called soundback which requires Accessibility setting

- but r8 is 2.2 Froyo and I think Froyo had Accessibility settings in the menu did it not? - does anyone know how i could merge Accessibility settings into the installed r8 ROM through zip through ROM Manger please? Thanks.

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Guest Andy From Ireland

I'm mew to this and think I need to download so I can use android market/// struggling and not sure where I'm going wrong. I have downloaded it on my laptop abd that is a far a I can go...

Hello if you just want android market but want to stick with the factory installed Advent VEGA Rom copy over the file onto the sd card named "market_update0.zip" then put the SD card back into VEGA and go into "settings" menu and select "software tool", then "Software update" find "market_update0.zip" from the SD Card root and VEGA should reboot and then upn restarting go into menu and like magic the Market icon will be there! hope this helps.

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Guest Dave Marchant
Hi every one how do I revert my Vega back to the original software set up?

Just follow the instructions on www.myadventvega.co.uk . All the downloads are there too.

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Guest niamara
Hello if you just want android market but want to stick with the factory installed Advent VEGA Rom copy over the file onto the sd card named "market_update0.zip" then put the SD card back into VEGA and go into "settings" menu and select "software tool", then "Software update" find "market_update0.zip" from the SD Card root and VEGA should reboot and then upn restarting go into menu and like magic the Market icon will be there! hope this helps.

Ok that seems simple enough, thank you. Where will i find this file 'market_update0.zip'? SORRY!!

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Guest Andy From Ireland
Ok that seems simple enough, thank you. Where will i find this file 'market_update0.zip'? SORRY!!

hello here is the file for you - hope its OK Mod's to post it up on here?.....


Edited by Andy From Ireland
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Manbag

Tried searching for this but no joy.

I want to enable USB host mode using r8 but have read some horror stories about BSOD.

Does the USB Mode app work? If not, how can I enable USB host mode?

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Guest simonta

Tried searching for this but no joy.

I want to enable USB host mode using r8 but have read some horror stories about BSOD.

Does the USB Mode app work? If not, how can I enable USB host mode?

You might consider Corvus5 ROM. All of the current ROMS, except MCR, have a new kernel which amongst other advantages, enable you to select the USB mode during boot. This method also eliminates the risk of BSOD. And before you ask, there is currently no way to do it on the fly ;)

If you want to stick with mcr, most people do not get BSODs and they are easy enough to recover from. In most cases, simply powering off and back on will sort it.

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Guest simonta

has anyone managed to get openvpn workingon this rom? ie is there a compiled tun.ko for this rom

Do a search for openvpn and/or tun. I think Corvus5 adds support.

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Guest Peter Gill

Hi, Just registered and paid for the ad free option with access to online kitchen, but when I go on the kitchen in the first post post it says for premium members only!? Please advise.

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Guest Peter Gill

Hi, Just registered and paid for the ad free option with access to online kitchen, but when I go on the kitchen in the first post post it says for premium members only!? Please advise.

Sorted thanks Paul

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Guest aventura viper


I am new to custom ROMS etc. but have been messing about with linux for a while.

I just have a few questions:

In windows my vega doesn't show to have adb in the device manager (yes it is set to on) so I can't install the windows adb drivers provided in r8 but will this affect the install if I use ubuntu?

Secondly, and I know someone probably already asked this but: if something goes wrong will it be possible to follow the instructions on myadventvega.co.uk and get it all back to stock 1.10 ROM (I presume the NvFlash utility won't be destroyed by installing this ROM even if it does go wrong!)?

Thanks in advance and sorry if at least one of those questions is repeated, I did read the entire thread the other day.


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Guest simonta


I am new to custom ROMS etc. but have been messing about with linux for a while.

I just have a few questions:

In windows my vega doesn't show to have adb in the device manager (yes it is set to on) so I can't install the windows adb drivers provided in r8 but will this affect the install if I use ubuntu?

Secondly, and I know someone probably already asked this but: if something goes wrong will it be possible to follow the instructions on myadventvega.co.uk and get it all back to stock 1.10 ROM (I presume the NvFlash utility won't be destroyed by installing this ROM even if it does go wrong!)?

Thanks in advance and sorry if at least one of those questions is repeated, I did read the entire thread the other day.


Your Vega is showing up, your just looking in the wrong place ;)

To see, open device manager when your Vega is not plugged in then, with USB Debugging turned on, plug the Vega in. You'll see the device tree refresh as Windows loads the drivers. Use YAUDIG or AUDI to install the correct drivers.

To answer your question, Ubuntu does not need drivers and yes, it is always possible to flash back to the stock ROM.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest colinf

Hi im trying to install the rom using the feb9 pinned advice but im getting stuck on the following advice as i dont know where to access the info - any help would be grateful

If you are using Windows, your USB 'Android Developer Bridge' driver MUST be the one included in this download (use 'Have Disk' functionality in device manager to change if required)

At a command prompt / terminal, ensure you are in the directory you extracted the files, and run 'install-windows.bat', './install-linux.sh' or './install-mac.sh' as appropriate


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Guest glw215

Help, Trying to add Market place etc. Get as far as command prompt in instructions but cant understand what to do next. I really dont have much of an idea, can anyone help with simple instructions please.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest macvegan

The expression I am looking for is WOOHOO ! £200 Tablet now behaving like a £400 tablet in virtually every way (except it doesn't crash , is discontinued or is tied to a closed system !) Thanks so much for your work . Those who havent upgraded to pay membership yet just think how much a tablet like this would cost 'out of the box' rolleyes.gif

Thanks again

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Guest Chriso234


Im currently having an issue with finding my advent vega on the device manager. I have extracted the USBdriver folder yet when I have a look on the device manager(despite my vega being plugged in and in debugging mode) it is not visible to update.

Any help would be appreciated


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Guest simonta


Im currently having an issue with finding my advent vega on the device manager. I have extracted the USBdriver folder yet when I have a look on the device manager(despite my vega being plugged in and in debugging mode) it is not visible to update.

Any help would be appreciated


It is visible to update, you're just looking in the wrong place! ;) Search for YAUDIG and/or AUDI.

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  • 2 weeks later...


There're two simple ways to do it

First If you've clockworkmod flashed and made nandroid backup your own stock rom you can backup it thru clockworkmod.

Second. If you haven't backup then you must flash stock rom from beginning thru your PC

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